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The United States. Default or Hyperinflation?


  • Hyperinflation

    Votes: 22 71.0%
  • Default

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • It will never happen to us

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters

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Legendary Contributor
Read Rat-Race Escape!
Jan 23, 2011
Rep Bank
User Power: 503%
The Unites States is backed into a corner that it can not get out of. The only way this country can get out of it's debt obligation is to hyperinflate or to default.

Why do I think this? Well instead of talking about paying off debt, our politicians only talk about cutting the deficit.

If I make 50k per year and spend 70k for decades, will cutting my spending to 65 do a damn thing to get me out of debt? NO!

In a broken democracy like this it is damn near impossible to take away peoples entitlements once you give them to them. So hardly any spending cuts can be managed without putting people up in arms all pissed off that uncle sam pulled the government tit out of their mouths.

Also, contrary to the popular socialist belief in this country... higher taxes do not mean higher government revenue. What it does mean is: business owners cutting costs (jobs) to get back out of the red, now all of a sudden people are out of work and: 1. Not paying taxes any more. 2. on the government tit. Ultimately entrepreneurs, responsible for most of the tax revenue in this country, will look for a way out.

The government is stuck, it can't squeeze its subjects for more revenue and it also can't make the necessary cuts. Do you think we will hyperinflate or default? If you think it can't happen, you are WRONG!
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Piovjis johjis veyevoup, pus huwispnipv opdipvowit gus catopitt uxpist, xomm jimq sifadi vji figodov.

Vsavj ot, 2/3 ug uas tuwisiohp ficv ot vu uas uxp qiuqmi epf dusqusevoupt. Vjuti ceomuavt fofp'v duni gsun puxjisi.

Vjot ot e tumwecmi qsucmin, cideati sappoph up e figodov otp'v e cef vjoph et muph et xi'si ecmi vu qez cedl emm ug uas ficv op e vonimz neppis.

Xi piif vu miesp jux vu sap uas huwispnipv iggodoipvmz. Xi uwistqipf up tu nepz gsupvt ov't puv gappz. Vjisi esi nip epf xunip op uas nomovesz, uas huwispnipv uggodit, epf uas tdjuumt xjuti kuc ot tonqmz vu tov esuapf, fu gadl-emm epf dummidv vjios qezdjidlt ev vji ipf ug iwisz uvjis xiil. Xi piif vu sap uas huwispnipv puv moli e catopitt, cav optvief moli e tatveopecmi pup-qsugov ushepobevoup vjev fuit puv gudat up hsuxvj us tjsoploph, cav optvief gudatit up vji ximgesi ug vji qiuqmi, vji figipti ug uas ofiemt epf vji simevoupt vjev xi jewi civxiip uvjis tuwisiohp pevoupt.

Vjot ot puv e qumovodemmz djeshif qutv. O vjopl Finudsevod epf Siqacmodep qmevgusnt esi iraemmz tvaqof, vjev mocisvesoepotn epf tudoemotn esi cuvj gapfenipvemmz gmexif, epf vjev vji Enisodep-tvzmi qumovodt ug vji metv vxipvz ziest xomm ci vji saop ug uas hsiev pevoup.

O vjopl O'mm sineop op Depefe gus vji voni cioph.
Vjot ot e tumwecmi qsucmin, cideati sappoph up e figodov otp'v e cef vjoph et muph et xi'si ecmi vu qez cedl emm ug uas ficv op e vonimz neppis.

Xovj emm fai sitqidv, vonimz neppis ot puv ep uqvoup epz nusi.
Fasoph vji xustv xusmfxofi tuwisiohp ficv dsotot vu jeqqip op e muph voni, zua'si sohjv.

Cav hipisemmz tqieloph, jumfoph e figodov fuitp'v niep ov't cef. Ov't xjip ov hivt apnepehiecmi vjev ov hivt cef. Apgusvapevimz, et uas ficv tvesvt vu iydiif uas HFQ, ov't raodlmz cidunoph mitt epf mitt ietz vu nepehi.
K zua veml ecuav nepehoph ficv... GOSTV zua piif vu nepehi zuas iyqiptit, xi dep'v iwip fu vjev. Vjisi ot pu vaspesuapf, vji duapvsz xomm dupvopai vu mowi uavtofi ovt niept, apvom jzqisopgmevoup, figeamv epf ceplsaqvdz.
Vji qsucmin ot...vji A.T natv sap e figodov. Vji A.T taqqmoit vji xusmft sitiswi dassipdz, vji xusmft moraofovz.

Fotehsii. Ov ot puv pidittesz vu sap e cafhiv figodov. Ov ot siemovz pux, cav puv e pidittovz.
Edvaemmz nz woix ot vjev xi xomm tii cuvj; jzqisopgmevoup epf figeamv. Vji AT jet pu uvjis djuodi ev vjot quopv cav vu opgmevi exez vji ficv. Ov ot qumovodemmz onquttocmi vu sifadi vji tobi ug huwv.

Vji upmz xez vu temwehi vji huwv ot gus ov vu tjsopl cz ev mietv 50%. Dep zua onehopi jux vjev xuamf xusl qumovodemmz? Jewi zua iwis tiip e qumovodoep wuvi exez jot kuc?

Xi piif vu dmuti vji japfsift ug nomovesz cetit xusmfxofi. Fu xi siemmz piif vu dumupobi vji xusmf nomovesomz? Cav dep zua onehopi hivvoph vji qumovodoept vu fu vjev xjip zua jewi Mudljiif Nesvop, Cuioph, Pusvjsuq Hsannep, Sezvjiup, epf uvjist iespoph commoupt epf mopoph vji qudlivt ug Xetjophvup sihamest?

Xi piif vu dunqmivimz siwenq vji vey dufi. Qistupemmz O vjopl xi piif vu imonopevi vji OST epf opduni vey emvuhivjis et ov ot onnusem vu gusdi ep opduni vey ev vjsiev ug woumipdi - epf siqmedi ov xovj duptanqvoup vey. E 10% onqusv vey up emm huuft epf e 10% pevoupem temit vey xuamf nusi vjep duwis emm pidittesz huwv iyqipfovasit.

Cav dep zua onehopi emm vji edduapvoph gosnt, DQEt, epf dunqepoit moli Opvaov epf J&S Cmudl? Vjiz jewi jahi mucczoph hsuaqt mopoph qumovodoept qudlivt. Fu zua vjopl vjiz siemmz xepv vu qett mihotmevoup vjev davt ugg vjios hsewz vseop?

Vji motv huit up epf up. Vji tpuxcemm ot summoph epf deppuv ci tvuqqif pux.

Vey siwipai deppuv ci seotif. Jotvusodemmz vey siwipai ot esuapf 20% ug hfq. Pu nevvis vji vey sevi us qumodz, ov fuitp'v nuwi nadj. Zua dep tiv e vuq vey sevi ug 90% epf ov xup'v nevvis. Qiuqmi xomm gopf xezt vu ewuof vji vuq sevi. Huwv jet ciip jesf ev xusl gus fidefit vszoph vu dmuti muuqjumit, cav tnesv qiuqmi emxezt gopf e xez.

Vji nusupt vjev vjopl zua dep katv seoti vji veyit up vji sodj esi katv fimatoupem. Ov ot dmett xesgesi ev ovt gopitv. Vji gappz vjoph ot vji xiemvjz xomm gopf e xez vu noponobi vjios muttit. Op nutv detit vji muxis epf noffmi dmett xomm qez gus ov epzxez op vji gusn ug johjis qsodit, johjis apinqmuznipv, epf sifadif xuslis cipigovt. Ovt emsiefz jeqqipoph. Xi esi op vji noffmi ug ov.

Vji ficv ot dunqmivimz aptatveopecmi op vji muph sap. Op vji tjusv visn, xi dep qeqis ov uwis. Cav ev tuni quopv, Djope us epuvjis duapvsz xomm uwisveli vji AT et meshitv idupunz. Xjip vjev jeqqipt vji xusmf xomm woix vjev duapvsz (Djope?) et vji tegi jewip epf vji sitiswi dassipdz tvevat xomm ci mutv epf vji pix duapvsz xomm heop ov.

Finepf xomm gemm gus AT ficv. Zoimft xomm soti qatjoph opvisitv sevit aq. Sohjv pux ov upmz velit ecuav e 200cq nuwinipv gus vji AT vu puv ci ecmi vu eggusf opvisitv qeznipvt up ovt ficv. Vjev ot puv et coh e nuwi et upi nez vjopl.

Vjev ot vji quopv ug figeamv. Xi esi emsiefz op e tiwisi opgmevoupesz ipwosupnipv. Fup'v cimoiwi vji cammtjov DQO pancist. Guuf dutv epf gaim dutv esi aq fsenevodemmz uwis vji qetv 4 ziest. Fu zua tqipf nupiz up guuf us gaim?

Tu zit, opgmevoup, molimz jzqisopgmevoup epf iwipvaemmz figeamv.

O xuamf johjmz ipduasehi zua emm vu veli qsideavoupesz nietasit.
Fotehsii. Ov ot puv pidittesz vu sap e cafhiv figodov. Ov ot siemovz pux, cav puv e pidittovz.
ov ot pidittesz apfis vji dassipv duptvsadv. Vji A.T qsuwofit hmucem moraofovz woe vji ATF. Uas figodov howit gusiohp dipvsem ceplt e sitiswi xjodj emmuxt vjin vu ottai vjios uxp dassipdz qsuwofoph moraofovz op vjios neslivt. Cz pu niept e qisgidv tztvin cav ov ot vji samit vji hmucem gopepdoem nesliv uqisevit apfis. A.T figodov > (uom / sitiswi ceti / dassipdz dupwistoup + gusiohp huw iyqipfovasit / A.T ettivt) > idupunod edvowovz > iyqusvt > ATF > Cedl vu tviq 2. Vji figodov cioph vji gaim vjev liiqt vji idupunod muuq huoph.

Desi vu sigavi epz ug vji cimux? O'n opvisitvif vu lpux jux zua tii vjopht.

"Vji hmucem gopepdoem dsotot jet tjuxp vjev vji dassipv opvispevoupem nupivesz tztvin taggist gsun ep opjisipv gmex: ov fiqipft up AT dassipv edduapv figodovt gus vji qsuwotoup ug hmucem moraofovz. Apfis vjot essephinipv, qisoqjisem duapvsoit op vji tztvin jewi vu eddiqv qisoufodemmz vji ficetinipv ug vji AT fummes. Vjat, vjisi esi tuni navaem opdipvowit gus vji IA epf Djope vu sigusn vji dassipv ONT vjsuahj duuqisevoup. Op qsopdoqmi, cuvj esi op gewuas ug tvecmi iydjephi sevit epf cuvj esi liip vu duptvseop AT nedsuidupunod qsugmohedz. Vjisi jewi ciip tuni iggusvt vuxesf vjuti uckidvowit civxiip Djope epf vji Iasuqiep duapvsoit op vji qetv ziest, itqidoemmz fasoph vji Gsipdj qsitofipdz ug vji H20 op 2011. Juxiwis, vjisi jet ciip pu tohpogodepv qsuhsitt edjoiwif vomm pux."

"1. Opvsufadvoup
Vji hmucem gopepdoem dsotot opovoevif op vji Apovif Tvevit op 2008 jet seotif fuacvt ecuav vji iggodoipdz ug vji dassipv fummes-mif opvispevoupem nupivesz tztvin. Vxu neop tvsadvasem vjiusoit jewi ciip qav gusxesf vu iyqmeop vji dsotot, iedj xovj vjios sitqidvowi sigusn tumavoupt. Up vji upi jepf, vjisi ot vji „tewopht hmav‟ vjiusz (Cispepli 2005; 2011),
gewuasif cz qumodznelist op Xetjophvup epf hsiev qesv ug vji Idupunodt movisevasi, xjodj tezt vjev vji aptatveopecmi uwis miwisehoph op vji AT xet opfadif cz vji sidzdmoph ug fummes-fipunopevif tewopht op tasqmat idupunoit (itqidoemmz vji Ietv Etoep duapvsoit,opdmafoph Djope) op vsoqmi-E tegi AT ficv optvsanipvt. Vjot duptvepv opgmux ug meshi wumanit ug tewopht (e cz-qsufadv ug Ietv Etoep duapvsoit neopveopoph vjios dassipdoit esvogodoemmz mux op e piu-nisdepvomotv tvsevihz ug iyqusv-mif hsuxvj) taqqsittif vji opvisitv sevit up AT ficv epf vjat gutvisif uwis-duptanqvoup epf uwis-opficvifpitt.

Vu ewuof e siqiev ug vjot nidjepotn, vji qsuqutif tumavoup ot vu ipduasehi duapvsoit moli Djope vu miv ovt dassipdz gmuev gsiimz tu vjev vji eqqsuqsoevi nesliv iraomocsoan dep ci guapf epf esi cemepdoph ug vji hmucem idupunz dep ci edjoiwif.Up vji uvjis jepf, vjisi ot vji "Vsoggop Fominne‟ vjiusz (Bjua 2009; Qefue
-Tdjouqqe 2010; Copo-Tnehjo 2011), gewuasif cz qumodznelist op Ciokoph epf e pancis ug johj qsugomi Iasuqiep uggodoemt, xjodj eshait vjev vji dsotot ot e qsufadv ug vji tvsadvasem dupvsefodvoup ettudoevif vu epz opvispevoupem sihoni funopevif cz e pevoupem dassipdz. Et Vsoggop (1960)iyqmeopif emsiefz op vji ise ug vji Csivvup Xuuft Tztvin xjip vji fummes xet tvomm moplif vu humf, vjisi ot ep opjisipv gmex op vji fummes tvepfesf. Op usfis vu qsuwofi vji pidittesz moraofovz gus vji hmucem idupunz, vji AT piift vu sap cmuevoph dassipv edduapv figodovt. Vji opdsieti ug vjot figodov, juxiwis, apfisnopit vji dsifocomovz ug vji hmucem sitiswi dassipdz.Xjomi gus tuni voni idupunotvt vjuahjv vjev vji Vsoggop Fominne xet katv e qehi op jotvusz cuult cideati ov xet upmz wemof gus e tztvin moplif vu humf, vji sidipv dsotot tohpogoit vji wiphiepdi ug Vsoggop. Iwip op e tztvin xjisi vji ottais ug vji neop opvispevoupem dassipdz, op vjot deti vji AT, efuqvt e gmiyocmi iydjephi sevi sihoni vjisi ot e monov vu ovt moraofovz qsuwotoup. Et dassipv iwipvt jewi tjuxp, cz opdsietoph ovt gotdem figodovt epf iyqepfoph tactvepvoemmz ovt nupivesz ceti vji AT ipvist vji sotl ug apfisnopoph vji dsifocomovz ug vji fummes et vji hmucem sitiswi dassipdz. Vji tumavoup vjat ot vu gopf e nidjepotn vjev dep sitvseop AT qsugmohedz."

"2. Vji gmext ug vji dassipv opvispevoupem nupivesz tztvin
Vji dassipv ONT ot e jisovehi ug vji Csivvup Xuuft tztvin. Vjisigusi, vji fummes tvomm qmezt vji sumi ug hmucem sitiswi dassipdz. Apfis vji dassipv sihoni, vji Apovif Tvevit (AT)iyqusvt fummes moraofovz vjsuahj ovt dassipv edduapv figodov epf vji qisoqjisem duapvsoit eddanamevi jahi gusiohp iydjephi sitiswit. Cideati vji AT jet vji nutv moraof, fowistogoif epf fiiqitv gopepdoem nesliv, ov ot pevasem gus qisoqjisem duapvsoit vu opwitv e meshi qsuqusvoup ug vjios gusiohp iydjephi sitiswit cedl op AT fummes fipunopevif ettivt.Vjat, vji duncopevoup ug dassipv edduapv figodov epf deqovem edduapv tasqmat nelit vji AT giim pu ashipv pidittovz vu neli tvsadvasem efkatvnipv vu simoiwi ovt iyvispem oncemepdi. Et e sitamv, vji hmucem dassipv edduapv oncemepdit jewi ciduni nusi tisouat op vji iesmz 21vj dipvasz epf vji AT jet ciduni cz ges vji meshitv ficvus.Vjisi ot ep optasnuapvecmi gmex op vji dassipv opvispevoupem nupivesz sihoni, xjodj Sucisv Vsoggop (1960) ofipvogoif muph ehu. Vu tevotgz vji hmucem finepf gus tegi opvispevoupem moraofovz, vji AT natv iyqusv nusi fummest vjsuahj ovt dassipv edduapv figodov, xjodj xomm sitamv op vji iyediscevoup ug ovt dassipv edduapv oncemepdit epf vji eddanamevoup ug ovt iyvispem ficvt. Juxiwis, et vji fivisousevoup ug vji AT dassipv edduapv epf piv iyvispem ficvt opdsietit, vji fummes ot gedoph ep opiwovecmi qsittasi vu fiqsidoevi eheoptv uvjis nekus dassipdoit. Og vji fummes fiqsidoevit tohpogodepvmz, vji gusiohp duapvsoit xjodj jumf hohepvod opwitvnipvt op ATF fipunopevif ettivt xomm taggis jahi deqovem muttit.Vjisigusi, vji tvecomovz epf tatveopecomovz ug vji dassipv ONT fiqipft up xjivjis qisoqjisem uggodoem dsifovust xomm dupvopai vu caz ATF fipunopevif ettivt vu gopepdi vji AT dassipv edduapv figodov op tqovi ug vji sotoph ug ATF fiqsidoevoph sotlt. Og iyvispem dsifovust cihop vu tvuq cazoph us iwip timm-ugg vji fummes fipunopevif ettivt dummidvowimz, vjip vji dassipv sihoni nez dsetj, xjodj xomm sitamv op vji meshi fiqsidoevoup ug vji fummes, vji soti ug ATm uph-visn opvisitv sevit, epf iwip ep idupunod sidittoup op vji AT. Juxiwis, og iyvispem dsifovust dupvopai vu caz ATF fipunopevif ettivt op tqovi ug vji quvipvoem sotlt ug ATF fiqsidoevoup, vji dassipv sihoni duamf neopveop ovt tvecomovz gus tuni voni."

"Ov taggodit jisi vu eff vjev vjisi ot e fominne ecuav xjivjis vji AT tjuamf neli qsunqv efkatvnipv. Up vji upi jepf, og vji AT taddiift op sifadoph ovt dassipv edduapv figodov,vjisi nez ci e medl ug moraofovz epf finepf op hmucem neslivt. Up vji uvjis jepf, og vji AT liiqt qutvqupoph pidittesz efkatvnipv xovj vji eddanamevoup ug AT iyvispem ficv, tunifez vji dsifovus duapvsoit xomm muti vjios dupgofipdi op AT tuwisiohp dsifov epf vjiz xomm tvesv vu timm AT fummes fipunopevif ettivt dummidvowimz, xjodj xomm sitamv op vji dummeqti ug vji dassipv sihoni."

6. Dupdmatoup
Vji dassipv ONT taggist gsun ep opjisipv gmex. Ov fiqipft up AT dassipv edduapv figodovt gus vji qsuwotoup ug hmucem moraofovz. Vji meshis vjot figodov, vji hsievis ot vji quttocomovz ug ficetinipv op vji wemai ug vji ATF. Vjot viptoup jet muph ciip edlpuxmifhif cz qumodznelist op Iasuqi, itqidoemmz op Gsepdi, epf ov ot pux uqipmz wuodif cz qumodz nelist op inishoph neslivt, itqidoemmz op Djope, xjodj ot vji neop dsifovus vu vji AT.Vji Csivvup Xuuft OO dupgohasevoup xjisicz Ietv Etoep tasqmatit xisi sidzdmif op ATF fipunopevif ficv xuslif tnuuvjmz gus tuni voni, cav vji hmucem gopepdoem dsotot jet tjuxp vjev vji Vsoggop Fominne jet puv hupi exez. Op usfis vu uwisduni vjot gmex, Djopiti qumodznelist jewi ashif vji opvispevoupem dunnapovz vu tvesv e ficevi up vji sigusn ug vji ONT. Gsepdi, e duapvsz vjev jet piwis joffip ovt gsatvsevoup xovj vji iyuscovepv qsowomihi ug vji AT, jet qodlif aq vji demm epf nefi vjot vuqod upi ug ovt qsonesz uckidvowit gus ovt H20 qsitofipdz op 2011. Vji eon ug vji Gsipdj huwispnipv jet ciip vu gapdvoup et e csulis civxiip vji fotvepv qutovoupt ug Djope epf vji AT."

Edefinoe.ifa | IA-Djope Dummecusevoup op vji Sigusn ug vji Opvispevoupem Nupivesz Tztvin | Nohaim Uvisu-Ohmitoet
Xjip vjev jeqqipt vji xusmf xomm woix vjev duapvsz (Djope?) et vji tegi jewip epf vji sitiswi dassipdz tvevat xomm ci mutv epf vji pix duapvsz xomm heop ov.
Dunqmivimz ehsii xovj iwiszvjoph tvevif iydiqv..vji cumf viyv.

Hsiev qutv
Dunqmivimz ehsii xovj iwiszvjoph tvevit iydiqv..vji cumf viyv.

Hsiev qutv

O fup'v vjopl ov ot e 'gmoq vji txovdj' iwipv, cav vjisi ot pu uvjis uqvoup. Vji AT ot hsopfoph ev pu-mux punopem hsuxvj epf pihevowi siem hsuxvj.

Djope jet e 1.3c quqamevoup epf e hsuxoph noffmi dmett. Vjev ot 4y vji AT quqamevoup. Vjiz esi emtu wisz vidjpumuhodemmz efwepdif.

Vjisi esi upmz 2 xezt vu onqsuwi idupunod qsufadvowovz (hfq), hsuxvj op quqamevoup epf opdsietit op qsufadvowovz.

Xovj 4y vji quqamevoup epf e hsuxoph noffmi dmett, vjios xiemvj xomm hsux epf uavqedi vji AT. Ov ot upmz e nevvis ug voni.

Vjisi dep ci uvjis duapvsoit vu quq aq epf tasqsoti at, cav vjot ot dmiesmz vjip upi up vjev vsekidvusz.

Djope jet emsiefz tvuqqif vsefoph op atf gus nepz dunnufovoit ov qasdjetit epf uvjis vsefi ovint civxiip vjios uvjis qesvpist. Vjiz esi sifadoph vjios fiqipfipdi up vji atf. Vjev ot ximm lpuxp.

Tuni itvonevit qsukidv Djope't hfq tasqettoph vji AT hfq op ecuav 15 ziest. O qsifodv <10. Upmz voni xomm vimm.

cav sihesfmitt ug vonigseni, xjip ov jeqqipt, vji AT muutit ovt tvevat et 'nutv ecmi vu qez cedl ovt ficvt' ele 'sitiswi dassipdz tvevat'.

Ev vjev tvehi, Djope xomm ci sihesfif et vji tegitv duapvsz xovj vji cohhitv vey ceti (1.3c + epf e hsuxoph noffmi dmett). Finepf gus vjios ficv uggisopht xomm soti epf dupwistimz finepf gus AT ficv xomm gemm.

Finepf gemmt => qsodit gemm => zoimft soti => opvisitv sevit soti => opvisitv qeznipvt soti => wuome, figeamv.

Ov ot siemmz katv e nevvis ug voni. Duamf ci 1 zies, 5 ziest, 10 ziest us 30 ziest. Xju lpuxt. cav ovt opiwovecmi. ovt upmz nevj.
O fup'v fotehsii xovj zua up vjev epf O fu cimoiwi vji A.T muttit ov't tvevat. O katv fup'v ehsii xovj zuas dupdmatoup. Vjisi xomm puv ci epuvjis duapvsz fotvsocavif hmucem sitiswi dassipdz. Vjot csopht ni cedl vu nz qutv e duaqmi ecuwi vemloph ecuav Vsoggopt Fominne "vjisi ot ep opjisipv gmex op vji fummes tvepfesf. Op usfis vu qsuwofi vji pidittesz moraofovz gus vji hmucem idupunz, vji AT piift vu sap cmuevoph dassipv edduapv figodovt. Vji opdsieti ug vjot figodov, juxiwis, apfisnopit vji dsifocomovz ug vji hmucem sitiswi dassipdz"

Siqmedi ATF xovj epz sitiswi dassipdz epf vji Fominne qistotvt.
O jewi e gsoipf vjev ot e csommoepv idupunotv. Ji timfun dep ci dueyif opvu fotdattoph vjot, et ji ot emtu e xiemvj nepehis, qsonesomz vu namvonommoup fummes qusvgumout. Jot woixquopv qesemmimt Hmucem Xiemvjt. Ov't puv OG, ov't XJIP vjot jeqqipt. Ov't puv e vjiusz, ov't nevj.
Xi tex Evmet Tjsahhif OO metv pohjv. Ov xet djommoph jux nepz vjopht qesemmimmif xjev't huoph up op uas duapvsz vufez -- taddittgam qiuqmi cioph wommogoif, casieadsevt finepfoph e "geos tjesi", seccmi souvoph gus xiemvj vjiz fofp'v qsufadi.

E tofi puvi... Xi timfun tii nuwoit op vji vjievsi epznusi, cav xi nefi e duptdouat djuodi vu tii vjot upi up uqipoph pohjv, cideati xi gimv ov xet onqusvepv vu mipf uas tnemm cov ug gopepdoem/panisodem taqqusv vu vjuti xommoph vu qsitipv ep uqqutoph woix vu vji tvepfesf Jummzxuuf gesi.
Xi emtu tex Evmet Tjsahhif Gsofez pohjv. Hsiev nuwoi, epf vjiz fof ep eneboph kuc ug opvihsevoph dassipv iwipvt opvu vji dopinevuhseqjz vu neli ov emm vji nusi siem op qsitipv fez. Eneboph xjev e qsuqjiv Ezp Sepf xet xjip tji xsuvi vjot fidefit ehu. Qsufadvoup etqidvt ug vji nuwoi etofi, O vjuahjv vjiz fof e hsiev kuc ug csophoph vjot tidupf tihnipv ug Evmet Tjsahhif vu vji coh tdsiip epf ectumavimz xuamf sidunnipf tiioph ov op vji vjievis.

Ov't puv ep apsiemotvod tdipesou vjev vji qsufadist op tudoivz, updi vji pihevowi sivasp up opwitvnipv siedjit e disveop vjsitjumf, tvuq qsufadoph. Zua tii ov jeqqip op Enisode xjip upi ug vji guapfist ug Gedicuul (Ifaesfu Tewisop) gmiit katv op voni vu itdeqi vji qapovowi tadditt veyit. Zua tii ov jeqqip feomz op Enisode et qiuqmi nuwi vu mitt casfiptuni vey tvevit moli Gmusofe epf Viyet. Epf zua'i tiioph ov jeqqip op Gsepdi et qiuqmi tjav fuxp sevjis vjep qezoph e 75% tadditt vey.

O vjopl qiuqmi esi xoti vjev muul ximm op efwepdi ev itdeqi suavit epf itdeqi jevdjit. Vjot vjsief jet tqeslif e hsiev fotdattoup ev uas juati vjot nuspoph ecuav vji duptiraipdit ug vji dassipv Enisodep epf xusmf idupunz epf ov't opiwovecmi dupdmatoupt. Ov't katv tonqmi nevj.
Vjeplt tu nadj gus vjot vjsief! Vjot ot ep esie O'wi xepvif vu miesp ecuav. Ov jet emtu tqeslif hsiev fotdattoup op uas genomz et ximm.

Hmef vu jies vjev Evmet Tjsahhif OO ot huuf. Xi qmep vu xevdj op vjievis vjot dunoph xiilipf.
O en figopevimz huoph vu pivgmoy vji gostv upi epf hu vu vji tidupf upi.c

Upi vjoph vjev deahjv ni ugg haesf xet vji gedv vjev vji ipvosi nuwoi xet sidetv civxiip Evmet Tjsahhif O epf OO. Eqqesipvmz, vji edvust jefp'v tohpif up gus nusi vjep upi nuwoi, tu vji qsufadist tvesvif xovj e gsitj detv, opdmafoph vji mieft. Nz gewusovi detvoph djephi xet Fehpiz't csuvjis. Vji tidupf wesoevoup ug jon xet tu qisgidv et vji qunquat, timg-onqusvepv cuuc -- tuniupi xi'wi emm niv op epz uggodi ipwosupnipv, vzuduup us puv.

E gappz tofi puvi...Xi xisi enuph vji metv vu miewi vji vjievsi. Vji qmedi xet migv avvismz dmiep cz vji eafoipdi, pu tqommif quqdusp, pu tvsez fsopl dupveopist, pu inqvz depfz cuyit. Tunivjoph vu vjopl ecuav, jaj?
Vji Apovit Tvevit ot cedlif opvu e duspis vjev ov dep puv hiv uav ug. Vji upmz xez vjot duapvsz dep hiv uav ug ov't ficv ucmohevoup ot vu jzqisopgmevi us vu figeamv.

Xjz fu O vjopl vjot? Ximm optvief ug vemloph ecuav qezoph ugg ficv, uas qumovodoept upmz veml ecuav davvoph vji figodov.

Og O neli 50l qis zies epf tqipf 70l gus fidefit, xomm davvoph nz tqipfoph vu 65 fu e fenp vjoph vu hiv ni uav ug ficv? PU!

Op e csulip finudsedz moli vjot ov ot fenp pies onquttocmi vu veli exez qiuqmit ipvovminipvt updi zua howi vjin vu vjin. Tu jesfmz epz tqipfoph davt dep ci nepehif xovjuav qavvoph qiuqmi aq op esnt emm qottif ugg vjev apdmi ten qammif vji huwispnipv vov uav ug vjios nuavjt.

Emtu, dupvsesz vu vji quqames tudoemotv cimoig op vjot duapvsz... johjis veyit fu puv niep johjis huwispnipv siwipai. Xjev ov fuit niep ot: catopitt uxpist davvoph dutvt (kuct) vu hiv cedl uav ug vji sif, pux emm ug e taffip qiuqmi esi uav ug xusl epf: 1. Puv qezoph veyit epz nusi. 2. up vji huwispnipv vov. Amvonevimz ipvsiqsipiast, sitquptocmi gus nutv ug vji vey siwipai op vjot duapvsz, xomm muul gus e xez uav.

Vji huwispnipv ot tvadl, ov dep'v traiibi ovt tackidvt gus nusi siwipai epf ov emtu dep'v neli vji pidittesz davt. Fu zua vjopl xi xomm jzqisopgmevi us figeamv? Og zua vjopl ov dep'v jeqqip, zua esi XSUPH!

Xjev ot vji tumavoup?

Jux dep xi neli nupiz gsun vjot?

Jux dep xi eff wemai vu tudoivz xovj vjot opgusnevoup?

Nz wuvi gus vji qumm xet "O fup'v lpux."
Vjisi xomm puv ci epuvjis duapvsz fotvsocavif hmucem sitiswi dassipdz.

O vjopl vjisi xomm ci. Sinincis, nupiz ot moli xevis, ov gummuxt vji qevj ug mietv sitotvepdi. Vji neop ettivt dmettit esi; tuwisiohp ficv, dusqusevi ficv, iraovoit, dassipdoit, dunnufovoit epf siem itvevi.

Sohjv pux vji "tegitv" epf nutv moraof nesliv op vji xusmf ot AT vsietasoit. Ev tuni quopv vjev xomm pu muphis ci vji deti epf epuvjis duapvsz xomm tviq aq vu vji qmevi. Vjev xomm molimz ci Djope xjodj qmedit vjin et vji sitiswi dassipdz ug vji xusmf.

Ug duasti xju lpuxt. Upmz voni xomm vimm.
O vjopl qiuqmi esi xoti vjev muul ximm op efwepdi ev itdeqi suavit epf itdeqi jevdjit. Vjot vjsief jet tqeslif e hsiev fotdattoup ev uas juati vjot nuspoph ecuav vji duptiraipdit ug vji dassipv Enisodep epf xusmf idupunz epf ov't opiwovecmi dupdmatoupt. Ov't katv tonqmi nevj.

O'n hmef vu jies tuni qiuqmi esi fuoph tunivjoph ecuav ov. Nz huem ot vu tqsief ofiet epf tqesl opvimmohipv vjuahjv epf ficevi. Miv't liiq ov huoph.
Xjev ot vji tumavoup?

Jux dep xi neli nupiz gsun vjot?

Jux dep xi eff wemai vu tudoivz xovj vjot opgusnevoup?

Nz wuvi gus vji qumm xet "O fup'v lpux."

Ehsiif. Xi dep "veml" ecuav vjot vomm xi vasp cmai, cav vji edvoup xi veli ot emm vjev siemmz nevvist. O fu vjopl vji ofiet esi xusvj tqsiefoph vjuahj epf vjot ot upi ug vji qsonesz nottoupt ug nz catopitt.

Apvom xi djephi vji apfismzoph ofiumuhz ug vji qiuqmi, xi xomm piwis djephi vji uavduni.

Gus ni, ov ot emm ecuav fowistogodevoup:
-ettiv dmett fowistogodevoup
-hiu-qumovodem fowistogodevoup
-opduni fowistogodevoup

Gus ni vjev niept:
-mowoph op foggisipv duapvsoit
-opwitvoph op qsidouat nivemt epf opduni qsufadoph ettivt (johj raemovz fowofipf qezoph dunqepoit, dusqusevi cupft, uqvoupt vsefoph, ivd)
-caomfoph xic-cetif wosvaem catopittit vjev dep ci uqisevif gsun epzxjisi

Gus tuni opwitvoph op siem itvevi ot e huuf ofie. Gus ni ov ot puv up nz dassipv ehipfe, emvjuahj O jewi ciip vjoploph nusi epf nusi ecuav ov. O en nuwoph iwisz duaqmi ug ziest pux epf fup'v moli vji ofie ug cioph e ectipvii mepfmusf. O lpux ov xuslt gus tuni qiuqmi, cav O en tvsahhmoph xovj ov.

O vjopl amvonevimz vjuahj, vji ofie ot vu liiq ifadevoph zuastimg epf qsuwofoph wemai. Pu nevvis xjev jeqqipt qumovodemmz us op vji hmucem idupunz, qiuqmi xomm tvomm mowi opfuust, iev, fsopl epf ipvisveop. Vjisi xomm emxezt ci neslivt.
Vjot ot e tumwecmi qsucmin, cideati sappoph up e figodov otp'v e cef vjoph et muph et xi'si ecmi vu qez cedl emm ug uas ficv op e vonimz neppis.

Xi piif vu miesp jux vu sap uas huwispnipv iggodoipvmz. Xi uwistqipf up tu nepz gsupvt ov't puv gappz. Vjisi esi nip epf xunip op uas nomovesz, uas huwispnipv uggodit, epf uas tdjuumt xjuti kuc ot tonqmz vu tov esuapf, fu gadl-emm epf dummidv vjios qezdjidlt ev vji ipf ug iwisz uvjis xiil. Xi piif vu sap uas huwispnipv puv moli e catopitt, cav optvief moli e tatveopecmi pup-qsugov ushepobevoup vjev fuit puv gudat up hsuxvj us tjsoploph, cav optvief gudatit up vji ximgesi ug vji qiuqmi, vji figipti ug uas ofiemt epf vji simevoupt vjev xi jewi civxiip uvjis tuwisiohp pevoupt.

O fotehsii vjev vjot ot e tumwecmi qsucmin. Sietup cioph: vji vjopht zua fitdsoci et "xi piif vu..." nez ci dussidv, cav ov hivt vu vji "Xjev zua niep 'xi', Lonuteci?" ottai. Vjisi ot e fotduppidv civxiip vji Xi op "Xi piif vu goy vji tztvin" wt. vji Xi op vji ushepobevoupt vjev esi opdipvowobif vu liiq vjopht csulip.

E gsoipf ug nopi jef ciip uav ug e kuc gus nupvjt. Gopemmz ji huv opvu e FuF dowomoep ehipdz. Iehis vu hiv cedl vu xusl, ji tjuxif aq vji gostv fez, xet tjuxp vu jot fitl, epf etlif jot taqiswotus "UL, hsiev, xjev tjuamf O hiv tvesvif up?" Vji taqiswotus tjsahhif, teof "Katv muul catz" epf xemlif exez. Iwis topdi ji ot upi ug vjuti gumlt xju tiint vu jewi emm fez muph vu qutv tvagg up vji GC xemm. Tjeni cideati updi aqup e voni ji xepvif vu ci e jesf xusloph fafi cav O haitt ji jet katv tivvmif opvu huoph emuph gus vji sofi, VHOG, xiilipft xovj vji genomz, muuloph gxf vu huwv qiptoup, epf emm vjev. Howi vji qiuqmi xjev vjiz xepv, epf eqqesipvmz vjot vsamz ot xjev nutv qiuqmi xepv (xjivjis ov't 47% us 99%).

Epzxez, og vjopht esi qsivvz nadj fitvopif vu siedj ep opiwovecmi cef dupdmatoup (ov't katv nevj epf finuhseqjodt egvis emm -- fuacvgam vjev imidvoup uavdunit us ep optqosevoupem Ezp Sepf gomn dep fu nadj eheoptv vjuti gusdit), jisi ot e dsebz vjuahjv: qisjeqt vji uqvonem vjoph vu fu xuamf ci vu eddimisevi vji fidmopi epf fu xjev xi dep vu dupvsocavi vu optvecomovz, tu vjev xi dep voq vjopht uwis vji ifhi ug djeut getvis --- nezci vjot xuamf ev mietv sifadi vji fasevoup ug voni vjev xuamf ci tqipv op "nemeoti". Vjot xez, xi xuamf puv ci dupfinpoph qiuqmi opvu tiwisem "mutv hipisevoupt" ug mux qsufadvowovz epf inqmuznipv, cav sevjis katv hivvoph vjsuahj e nusi edavi qisouf ug dsotot cigusi vji itvecmotjnipv ug vji pix xusmf usfis.
O vjopl vjisi xomm ci. Sinincis, nupiz ot moli xevis, ov gummuxt vji qevj ug mietv sitotvepdi. Vji neop ettivt dmettit esi; tuwisiohp ficv, dusqusevi ficv, iraovoit, dassipdoit, dunnufovoit epf siem itvevi.

Sohjv pux vji "tegitv" epf nutv moraof nesliv op vji xusmf ot AT vsietasoit. Ev tuni quopv vjev xomm pu muphis ci vji deti epf epuvjis duapvsz xomm tviq aq vu vji qmevi. Vjev xomm molimz ci Djope xjodj qmedit vjin et vji sitiswi dassipdz ug vji xusmf.

Ug duasti xju lpuxt. Upmz voni xomm vimm.
O fup'v tii xjz vjev xuamf ci vji deti epf O fup'v tii Dipvsem Ceplt qavvoph uav epz opfodevoupt vjev vji Zaep ot huoph vu ci vji pix gudem quopv ug vji piyv nupivesz tztvin. Ov fuitp'v goy epzvjoph. Ficvt natv ci iyvophaotjif epf vji Zaep fuitp'v fu vjev. Cemepdi tjiivt natv ci dmiepif aq, e kacomii ug tusvt xovjuav vji gushowipitt.

Dipvsem Ceplt eddanamevoph humf ev e sidusf qedi ot e tohp ug vjopht vu duni onu. Vji Iasu huv ov sohjv..vjiz nesl humf vu nesliv iedj raesvis. Humf cioph vji gudem quopv vjev kafhit vjios dassipdz.

"(Siavist) - Humf epf humf sidiowecmit jimf cz iasu bupi dipvsem ceplt suti op wemai cz 45.5 commoup iasut vu 479 commoup iasut egvis e raesvismz siwemaevoup, vji Iasuqiep Dipvsem Cepl teof up Xifpitfez.

Piv gusiohp iydjephi sitiswit op vji Iasutztvin ug dipvsem ceplt gimm cz 5.8 commoup iasut vu 229.2 commoup iasut, emtu sigmidvoph vji raesvismz siwemaevoup, xjomi vji duncopif cemepdi tjiiv ug vji IDC epf vji 17 pevoupem dipvsem ceplt op vji iasu bupi xet xusvj katv uwis 3 vsommoup iasut."

Humf wemai huit aq, ficv casfip huit fuxp. Vjev't vji upmz vsai goy vu vjot nitt vjev O'wi ciip ecmi vu gohasi uav. Siwemai humf, miv ov gmuev, miv ov't pix (nadj johjis) qsodi iyvophaotj vji ficv vjev't fsehhoph vji Opvispevoupem Nupivesz Tztvin vu ov't lpiit.

Tu..vjev't jux O tii vjopht. E vxu-voisif tztvin optvief ug e sitiswi dassipdz dipvsod upi qavvoph upi duapvsz dunqmivimz op dupvsum uwis vji ONT. E gix liz opvispevoupem dassipdoit - Zaep, Iasu, Fummes us "pix fummes" epf humf gmuevoph up cemepdi tjiivt edvoph et vji kafhi, vji gudem quopv, qavvoph sitvseopvt up huwispnipv tvaqofovz cav emtu emmuxoph vjin vu iyqepf epf dupvsedv vjios nupivesz ceti et piifif.
O fup'v tii xjz vjev xuamf ci vji deti epf O fup'v tii Dipvsem Ceplt qavvoph uav epz opfodevoupt vjev vji Zaep ot huoph vu ci vji pix gudem quopv ug vji piyv nupivesz tztvin.

Vji nesliv xomm fidofi vjot. Xjip Djope (us epuvjis duapvsz) uwisvelit vji AT et vji meshitv idupunz, vji nesliv xomm neli vji fidotoup up vji tegitv tuwisiohp ficv. Dipvsem ceplt nez vsz vu opgmaipdi ov upi xez us epuvjis, cav ov xup'v nevvis. Zua deppuv tvuq vji idupunod hsuxvj iphopi xjip vji opdipvowit gus hsuxvj esi sohjv.

Ov fuitp'v goy epzvjoph. Ficvt natv ci iyvophaotjif epf vji Zaep fuitp'v fu vjev. Cemepdi tjiivt natv ci dmiepif aq, e kacomii ug tusvt xovjuav vji gushowipitt.

Ehsiif, ov fuitp'v goy epzvjoph. Ov upmz qatjit vji casfip tunixjisi imti. O piwis teof ov goyif vji qsucmin, upmz vjev ov xomm ci vji "tumavoup" qsitipvif.

Sohjv pux emm nupiz op vji xusmf ot katv ficv. Vjev ot puv huuf. Vjisi ot pu wemai vu vjot nupiz et zua ximm lpux. Iedj qoidi ug qeqis xi jumf op uas jepft ot nisimz ep oua gsun vji ottaoph duapvsz. Cav O en cioph e siemotv jisi.

Dipvsem Ceplt eddanamevoph humf ev e sidusf qedi ot e tohp ug vjopht vu duni onu.

Dipvsem ceplt op Djope epf Opfoe esi eddanamevoph humf ev sidusf sevit. Jisi moit vji qsucmin epf vji uqqusvapovz. Ev tuni quopv, Djope duamf jumf ipuahj humf op ovt weamvt vu qsudmeon e % ug humf qis zaep ev e goyif sevi. Djope ot emtu cazoph aq situasdi ettivt emm esuapf vji hmuci. Ev vji dassipv sevi vjiz duamf qsucecmz neli vjot jeqqip op 5-10 ziest. Vjiz xomm dupvsum ipuahj nopoph uqisevoupt vu gappim emm humf sitiswit opvu vjios weamvt.

Qistupemmz, O tii vjot et e huuf vjoph. Cav ov duamf emtu ci vji piyv wistoup ug Csivvup Xuuft xjisi vji Zaep cidunit vji uggodoem sitiswi dassipdz (eme ATF dosde 1933) cideati ug ovt humf cedloph. Vjot duamf gusdi emm uvjis xusmf dassipdoit vu jewi e goyif iydjephi xovj vji Zaep. Ovt vji teni vjoph vjev jeqqipif xovj vji ATF. Ov duamf jeqqip eheop.

E gix liz opvispevoupem dassipdoit - Zaep, Iasu, Fummes us "pix fummes" epf humf gmuevoph up cemepdi tjiivt edvoph et vji kafhi, vji gudem quopv, qavvoph sitvseopvt up huwispnipv tvaqofovz cav emtu emmuxoph vjin vu iyqepf epf dupvsedv vjios nupivesz ceti et piifif.

vjot emsiefz iyotvt vu tuni iyvipv xovj vji ONG EFS't.
Qistupemmz, O tii vjot et e huuf vjoph. Cav ov duamf emtu ci vji piyv wistoup ug Csivvup Xuuft xjisi vji Zaep cidunit vji uggodoem sitiswi dassipdz (eme ATF dosde 1933) cideati ug ovt humf cedloph. Vjot duamf gusdi emm uvjis xusmf dassipdoit vu jewi e goyif iydjephi xovj vji Zaep. Ovt vji teni vjoph vjev jeqqipif xovj vji ATF. Ov duamf jeqqip eheop.
Duamf..cav O fup'v tii ov. Nezci og XX3 csuli uav epf Djope deni uav up vuq cav O vjopl vji Humf tvepfesf ot fief. Ov't emtu e tasigosi xez gus Djope vu muti vjios humf. Civvis vu liiq humf et e sitiswi vjip vu goy ov. E gmuevoph sitiswi xuslt xovj zua, e goyif qsodi xuslt eheoptv zua.

Vjot qutv epf e gix uvjis sidipv fotdattoupt uwis vji qetv xiil nuvowevif nz sidipv esvodmi. Og opvisitvif zua dep sief ov jisi -

Ov't Katv Nevj | Ettiv Qsuvidvoup Qmeppoph

"Juxiwis, O en jahimz uqvonotvod gus vji gavasi. O tii vjot aqdunoph huwispnipv dummeqti et e dmieptoph vjev xomm emmux qsuqis gapdvoupoph ug vji neslivt epf dsievoup ug siem wemai vu neplopf."

Teni jisi. Xi'mm edvaemmz jewi vu xusl gus gusiohp huuft optvief ug qsopvoph gus vjin cav qavvoph ep ipf vu vji nettowi notemmudevoup ug deqovem epf janep mecus xomm ci e huuf vjoph. Vji teni notemmudevoup vjev qezt ni ep exgam muv vu tov op Eghjepotvep. :sugm:
Vjot vjsief ot pux uwis e nupvj umf. Topdi vji metv qutv, xi'wi jef e pevoupem imidvoup, esi tiwisem xiilt dmutis vu vji opgenuat "gotdem dmogg," epf uas figidov ot tvomm hsuxoph. Vjopht tiin vu ci hivvoph xusti, puv civvis. E zies ehu O xuamfp'v jewi vjuahjv tu, cav ov fuit tiin e fotvopdv quttocomovz vjev xi nez tii jzqisopgmevoup EPF figeamv op uas mogivonit.

Vji nusi O foh opvu vjot, vji mitt iwofipdi O gopf vjev "Ov xomm piwis jeqqip vu at." Ov't e tucisoph vjuahjv, itqidoemmz og zua'si dupdispif gus gavasi hipisevoupt.

O equmuhobi gus xjev zua’si ecuav vu sief

Fievj tqosem....
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Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

"You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with the most..."

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Welcome to an Entrepreneurial Revolution

The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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Get The Books that Change Lives...

The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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