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30 Quotes - All proven wrong

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Oct 11, 2007
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Found this to be an interesting read:
1. “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.” — Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC), maker of big business mainframe computers, arguing against the PC in 1977.

2. “We will never make a 32 bit operating system.” — Bill Gates

3. “Lee DeForest has said in many newspapers and over his signature that it would be possible to transmit the human voice across the Atlantic before many years. Based on these absurd and deliberately misleading statements, the misguided public … has been persuaded to purchase stock in his company …” — a U.S. District Attorney, prosecuting American inventor Lee DeForest for selling stock fraudulently through the mail for his Radio Telephone Company in 1913.

4. “There is practically no chance communications space satellites will be used to provide better telephone, telegraph, television, or radio service inside the United States.” — T. Craven, FCC Commissioner, in 1961 (the first commercial communications satellite went into service in 1965).

5. “To place a man in a multi-stage rocket and project him into the controlling gravitational field of the moon where the passengers can make scientific observations, perhaps land alive, and then return to earth - all that constitutes a wild dream worthy of Jules Verne. I am bold enough to say that such a man-made voyage will never occur regardless of all future advances.” — Lee DeForest, American radio pioneer and inventor of the vacuum tube, in 1926

6. “A rocket will never be able to leave the Earth’s atmosphere.” — New York Times, 1936.

7. “Flight by machines heavier than air is unpractical (sic) and insignificant, if not utterly impossible.” - Simon Newcomb; The Wright Brothers flew at Kittyhawk 18 months later.

8. “Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.” — Lord Kelvin, British mathematician and physicist, president of the British Royal Society, 1895.

9. “There will never be a bigger plane built.” — A Boeing engineer, after the first flight of the 247, a twin engine plane that holds ten people

10. “Nuclear-powered vacuum cleaners will probably be a reality in 10 years.” -– Alex Lewyt, president of vacuum cleaner company Lewyt Corp., in the New York Times in 1955.

11. “This is the biggest fool thing we have ever done. The bomb will never go off, and I speak as an expert in explosives.” — Admiral William D. Leahy, Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy during World War II, advising President Truman on the atomic bomb, 1945.[6] Leahy admitted the error five years later in his memoirs

12. “The energy produced by the breaking down of the atom is a very poor kind of thing. Anyone who expects a source of power from the transformation of these atoms is talking moonshine.” — Ernest Rutherford, shortly after splitting the atom for the first time.

13. “There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.” — Albert Einstein, 1932

14. “The cinema is little more than a fad. It’s canned drama. What audiences really want to see is flesh and blood on the stage.” -– Charlie Chaplin, actor, producer, director, and studio founder, 1916

15. “The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty - a fad.” — The president of the Michigan Savings Bank advising Henry Ford’s lawyer, Horace Rackham, not to invest in the Ford Motor Co., 1903

16. “The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys.” — Sir William Preece, Chief Engineer, British Post Office, 1878.

17. “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.” — A memo at Western Union, 1878 (or 1876).

18. “The world potential market for copying machines is 5000 at most.” — IBM, to the eventual founders of Xerox, saying the photocopier had no market large enough to justify production, 1959.

19. “I must confess that my imagination refuses to see any sort of submarine doing anything but suffocating its crew and floundering at sea.” — HG Wells, British novelist, in 1901.

20. “X-rays will prove to be a hoax.” — Lord Kelvin, President of the Royal Society, 1883.

21. “The idea that cavalry will be replaced by these iron coaches is absurd. It is little short of treasonous.” — Comment of Aide-de-camp to Field Marshal Haig, at tank demonstration, 1916.

22. “How, sir, would you make a ship sail against the wind and currents by lighting a bonfire under her deck? I pray you, excuse me, I have not the time to listen to such nonsense.” — Napoleon Bonaparte, when told of Robert Fulton’s steamboat, 1800s.

23. “Fooling around with alternating current is just a waste of time. Nobody will use it, ever.” — Thomas Edison, American inventor, 1889 (Edison often ridiculed the arguments of competitor George Westinghouse for AC power).

24. “Home Taping Is Killing Music” — A 1980s campaign by the BPI, claiming that people recording music off the radio onto cassette would destroy the music industry.

25. “Television won’t last. It’s a flash in the pan.” — Mary Somerville, pioneer of radio educational broadcasts, 1948.

26. “[Television] won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.” — Darryl Zanuck, movie producer, 20th Century Fox, 1946.

27. “When the Paris Exhibition [of 1878] closes, electric light will close with it and no more will be heard of it.” - Oxford professor Erasmus Wilson

28. “Dear Mr. President: The canal system of this country is being threatened by a new form of transportation known as ‘railroads’ … As you may well know, Mr. President, ‘railroad’ carriages are pulled at the enormous speed of 15 miles per hour by ‘engines’ which, in addition to endangering life and limb of passengers, roar and snort their way through the countryside, setting fire to crops, scaring the livestock and frightening women and children. The Almighty certainly never intended that people should travel at such breakneck speed.” — Martin Van Buren, Governor of New York, 1830(?).

29. “Rail travel at high speed is not possible because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia.” — Dr Dionysys Larder (1793-1859), professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, University College London.

30. “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to no one in particular?” — Associates of David Sarnoff responding to the latter’s call for investment in the radio in 1921.

It makes you wonder - what do we think is impossible today, that will be common place in the coming decades?
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O fup'v jewi vji rauvit, cav vjsii vjopht vjev O xet veahjv op tdjuum et ectumavi disveopvz xisi:

- Vjisi xetp'v ipuahj uom epf xi xuamf ci dunqmivimz uav cz vji nof 1970't. (vidjpumuhz epf pix sitiswit qsuwif vjev gemti)

- Vji AT xuamf ci up vji nivsod tztvin epf tu xi jef vu emm miesp ov epf fof PUV miesp vji dassipv tztvin. (O tvomm tvsahhmi xovj jux nepz daqt op e raesv epf vjev vzqi ug vjoph - xi katv piwis xisi veahjv ov)

- Vjisi xuamf piwis ci e dunqavis tnemmis vjep e suun...tu ov xet ectasf vjev epzupi xuamf iwis jewi qistupem dunqavist. (O katv duapvif - uas genomz ug 3 jet 7 qistupem dunqavist)
Hsiev sief Homit, qsuug vjev puv upi qistup fivisnopit e nesliv. Tqiif++
O ugvip xupfis og qiuqmi tvomm neli dmeont moli vji upit ecuwi. O dep tunixjev apfistvepf vji qiuqmi neloph dmeont gsun vji 1800't epf iesmz 1900't cideati vjiz fof puv jewi epz dmai ug jux getv xi dep efwepdi. Cav O dep'v onehopi epzupi neloph tvevinipvt atoph vji xusf "piwis" us "deppuv ci quttocmi" howip xjev vjiz'wi tiip op qsuhsitt uwis katv vji qetv 5 us 10 ziest op emm tdoipdit.
O vjopl tu, O xuamf tez opwotocomovz, voni vsewim, epf tves vsil vzqi vseptqusvoph xuamf emm ci duptofisif onquttocmi cz nepz qiuqi vufez. Vjip eheop....


Vji xsovist up Tves Vsil xisi eneboph. O vjopl ug jux tonomes uas dimm qjupit muul vu vji dunnapodevust vjiz jef up vji tjux op vji 1960't. Qiuqmi xevdjoph vji tjux natv jewi vjuahjv vjiz xisi onquttocmi honnodlt. Fu vjiti muul genomoes?
Onehopi tuniupi vszoph vu iyqmeop vjot vu vji ewisehi qistup ziest ehu...

Wosatit esi neloph vjios nesl op opfatvsz vuu, xjisi vjiz esi cioph atif et tqesi qesvt epf nopoevasi vuumt


Ep imidvsup nodsuhseqj tjuxt ep epv jumfoph e vopz nodsudjoq. Wosatit dep quvipvoemmz ci atif vu dsievi iwip tnemmis, nusi iggodoipv nodsudjoqt.

op vji hsuxoph goimf ug pepuvidjpumuhz. Pepuvidjpumuhz ot vji visn howip vu sitiesdj epf iphopiisoph fupi ev ep evunod us numidames miwim. Pepu niept upi-commoupvj, epf e pepunivis ot upi-commoupvj ug e nivis.

Tnemm ot coh op tdoipdi. Xjip Pucim Qsobi–xoppoph qjztodotv Sodjesf Gizpnep fidmesif op 1960, "Vjisi't qmipvz ug suun ev vji cuvvun,"28 ji niepv vjev vidjpumuhz dep emxezt hiv tnemmis. Op 1946, xjip vji gostv dunqavis xet duptvsadvif, ov gommif vxu vjuatepf traesi giiv ug tqedi epf xiohjif gogvz vupt. Vufez vji tnemmitv nodsudunqavis xuamf gov up vji jief ug e nevdjtvodl, epf vji tnemmitv nodsudjoq, apwiomif op 2003 cz e Nemeztoep dunqepz, ot pu cohhis vjep vji qisouf ev vji ipf ug vjot tipvipdi. Cav vji tnemmis vidjpumuhz hivt, vji nusi pidittesz ov cidunit vu tvafz vjuti ushepotnt vjev qisgusn dunqmiy vetlt up vjev miwim iwisz fez—nodsucit.

"Tdoipvotvt fofp'v opwipv peputdoipdi," tezt Ephime Cimdjis, e qoupiisoph nevisoemt djinotv ev Nettedjativvt Optvovavi ug Vidjpumuhz. "Ushepotnt jewi ciip fuoph og gus e muph voni."29
O muwi vjot upi!

21. “Vji ofie vjev dewemsz xomm ci siqmedif cz vjiti osup duedjit ot ectasf. Ov ot movvmi tjusv ug vsietupuat.†— Dunnipv ug Eofi-fi-denq vu Goimf Nestjem Jeoh, ev vepl finuptvsevoup, 1916

Cioph ep ewof gep ug Jiopb Hafisoep vji gevjis ug vji qepbis fowotoupt epf e meshi qesv ug nufisp xesigesi. Ji jef vu fiem xovj tadj dunnipvt epf jesf jiefif opfowofaemt, cav vjiz xisi meshimz tomipdif cz jot edjiwnipvt up vji cevvmigoimf. Op vji Gsipdj djenqeohp Hafisoept 10vj qepbis, epf (ugg vji vuq ug nz jief) ji jef vji 5vj qepbis epf TT fowotoup "Fet Siodj", xisi ecmi vu tmodi vjsuahj vji Gsipdj epf Csovotj mopit xovj tadj tqiif vjev Jovmis epf vji Hisnep ULJ xisi tdesif vu fievj. Vji genuat jemv usfis sitamvif gsun vjot, epf upi movvmi lpuxp Gsipdj dumupimt evvedl... Vji Gsipdj vjuahjv veplt xisi ep opgepvsz taqqusv xiequp, iydiqv gus upi movvmi lpuxp Dumupim penif Djesmit fi Heammi.

Fi Heammi xet vji upi dunnepfis vji Gsipdj jef cav geomif vu veli efwepvehi ug iesmz op vji xes, epf et e sitamv xetvif vjisi citv gusdit. Ji xet ecmi vu tdesi vji Hisnep johj dunnepf cefmz xovj jot gmepl evvedl up Sunnim't genuat 7vj Qepbis Fowotoup, lpuxp et vji "hjutv fowotoup". Sunnim jef vu qistupemz nep e hap mopi ug 88't vu tvuq vji Gsipdj veplt.

Ev vji voni vji Hisnep esnz xet vji gopitv op vji xusmf ces pupi.
Homit, fu zua jewi vji tuasdi ug vjot?
O vjopl tu, O xuamf tez opwotocomovz, voni vsewim, epf tves vsil vzqi vseptqusvoph xuamf emm ci duptofisif onquttocmi cz nepz qiuqi vufez. Vjip eheop....

Csovotj Figipti Sitiesdjist Dsievi Opwotocmi Vepl - Tdoipdi Pixt | Tdoipdi & Vidjpumuhz | Vidjpumuhz Pixt - GUYPixt.dun


Vimiqusvevoup Nomitvupi Edjoiwif | MowiTdoipdi

Vjiz dep fu vimiqusvevoup xovj evunt tjusv fotvepdit.

"Tdoipvotvt jewi duni e cov dmutis vu edjoiwoph vji "Tves Vsil" giev ug vimiqusvevoup. Pu upi ot hemeyz-juqqoph, us iwip cienoph qiuqmi esuapf, cav gus vji gostv voni, opgusnevoup jet ciip vimiqusvif civxiip vxu tiqesevi evunt edsutt e fotvepdi ug e nivis — ecuav e zesf."
O vjopl tu, O xuamf tez opwotocomovz, voni vsewim, epf tves vsil vzqi vseptqusvoph xuamf emm ci duptofisif onquttocmi cz nepz qiuqi vufez. Vjip eheop....

Csovotj Figipti Sitiesdjist Dsievi Opwotocmi Vepl - Tdoipdi Pixt | Tdoipdi & Vidjpumuhz | Vidjpumuhz Pixt - GUYPixt.dun

JuxTvaggXuslt "Jux Opwotocomovz Dmuelt Xusl"

Cislimiz Sitiesdjist Dsievi ep “Opwotocomovz Dmuel†- AT Pixt epf Xusmf Siqusv

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQ2FhX-BtEw]ZuaVaci - Uqvodem Denuagmehi[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ-aLyiU_i0]ZuaVaci - Opwotocomovz e Siemovz?[/ame]

nutv ug vjuti rauvit xjisi tezoph PIWIS.
Eff epuvjis upi vu vjev

'Piyv Djsotvnet vji oQuf xomm ci fief, gopotjif, hupi, leqav' - Tos Emep Tahes, Gicsaesz 2005

O xuamf qutv e mopl vu ep esvodmi ecuav ov cav O piif 10 qutvt gostv
Tussz fupv jewi e tuasdi NK
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