Biz averages 170K/month, started in late '07 with 10K+ in CC Debt. AMAA
Hey all, I was re-reading MJ's book this morning because I'm trying to write one of my own (pro tip: don't re-read MJ's book if you want to write one of your own… it'll be tough to match it…) so in a fit of procrastination I came over the the forum and decided I'd see if I can help anyone here.
So, you might be wondering what my business does. We do a lot of stuff. Here's some examples:

So a few things about my story:
Ok, I'll stop ranting. If you think I can help you ask a question and I'll give you my answers! Best of luck in your entrepreneurial journey.
Final message: 5 years ago I was broke, desperate for more freedom, and felt bad when I had to ask my boss to let me leave the office to get a dentist appointment. I said F*ck that, dedicated every moment in my life since then to fixing the situation and now I can be anywhere, make way more money than a freakin' dentist, and get to do what I want. Like hanging out in this forum trying to light a fire under your a$$. My life isn't perfect, but it sure is fun.
Ask me almost anything!
Hey all, I was re-reading MJ's book this morning because I'm trying to write one of my own (pro tip: don't re-read MJ's book if you want to write one of your own… it'll be tough to match it…) so in a fit of procrastination I came over the the forum and decided I'd see if I can help anyone here.
So, you might be wondering what my business does. We do a lot of stuff. Here's some examples:
- We make portable bars. (Check out one we made for Adam Carolla).
- We make cat furniture.
- We podcast about it / We blog about it.
- Handful of other niche sites that sell various products / services / and some custom manufacturing.

So a few things about my story:
- I didn't go to a fancy school. (Almost failed out of high school, went to Clemson in South Carolina because it was warm and they let me in).
- I didn't have any money. My dad works in a furniture shop and my mom is a secretary. We got student loans so I could go to college.
- Nobody in my family has any money.
- (this was an accident) Get a job working for a small business entrepreneur. Most people who hate their jobs work them and then come home and try to side hustle. This is a sub par strategy because most of your best energy is being spent in the slow lane trajectory. Better to find a job that teaches you fast lane skills and builds fast lane relationships. Many of the relationships I built in that small biz job I still have today, and my old boss became my first investor. Ever hear the adage your employer is your first client? It's true. Live it. Another thing to consider: if you can't evolve and build your job to give you more freedom, money, control etc, GET OUT and use it as a litmus test for your ability to change organizations. If you can't do it in the framework of somebody else's company, it could be even more difficult to do it on your own. Rambling now…
- Get good at building relationships with people who are powerful. The art of seduction and the art of power are good books here. YOU CAN NEVER BE NEEDY. That's tough when you've got needs
You must build a compelling expertise that inspires curiosity in powerful people. Have your own personal black box. Something that when rich powerful people meet you, they are like "that person is on to something." You must also believe that you are on to something, because when you meet those powerful people you'll be giving them stuff and not asking for anything.
- Learn to lead. Leading means deciding what to do and asking others to join you. Do often. Rinse. Repeat.
- Get ready for a total life transformation. I've never met a hyper successful entrepreneur who didn't spent the majority of their best energy thinking about biz-related projects and information. This isn't a side gig, this is the main event. If you aren't prepared for that, probably best to try to maximize your savings, get a fun hobby, and hang with your bros. Speaking of which…
- Ditch your bros. Or whoever in your life is holding you back. MINDSET and RELATIONSHIPS are everything. They will evolve fast if you do, so be prepared to have a whole new set of friends when this transition is over. I'm sure you've heard-- you are the average of your 5 closest friends? If you find yourself in a situation where you are lecturing everyone in your life about the benefits of entrepreneurship, you are in the wrong room.
- Work with what you have--expertise is everything. I own a manufacturing company because I spent my teenage years working in factories, then college years working in warehouses, which got me a job working with a small manufacturing company. I didn't decide to start some "web app" on the side, I went with what I knew because I couldn't afford (at the beginning) to do anything else.
- Read more books than anyone you know. Simple strategies like this work well for me. I didn't have money. I didn't have a powerful family or any successful friends, so I READ THE SHIT out of some books. BOOKS are FASTLANE. Also podcasts helped me a lot too, that's why I started one.
Ok, I'll stop ranting. If you think I can help you ask a question and I'll give you my answers! Best of luck in your entrepreneurial journey.
Final message: 5 years ago I was broke, desperate for more freedom, and felt bad when I had to ask my boss to let me leave the office to get a dentist appointment. I said F*ck that, dedicated every moment in my life since then to fixing the situation and now I can be anywhere, make way more money than a freakin' dentist, and get to do what I want. Like hanging out in this forum trying to light a fire under your a$$. My life isn't perfect, but it sure is fun.
Ask me almost anything!
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