• Forum Upgrades Ongoing: Please pardon the dust. Starting the week of September 16th, the forum will be undergoing style modifications and may not appear as normal. Please be patient as modifications are performed. Updates on the progress can be found here. Thanks for your patience! ~ MJ DeMarco

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Normal, But Perfect: The Decision-Framework for Winning Life
This post (and newsletter article) was inspired by another thread (and many others) when I repeatedly ask people, "What's your normal, but perfect" day look like? "Normal, but Perfect," A Decision-Framework for Living Your Best Life The most common question asked at the forum is always about decisions. Do I start this business? Learn this skill? Skip college? What do I do? I almost always retort, "Where do you want to be in 5 years?" 
Picture this: You wake up five years from now. 
Basic Financial Intelligence Worth Millions...
Due to popular request via this thread and also here... I thought I'd create a core thread that highlights some basic financial skills that can help you transition from Slowlane to Fastlane. These strategies have helped me preserve capital and made me debt free most of my life. The following strategies can be used immediately by anyone. However, it also can be applied in an advanced fashion, which I demonstrate in below in my own stories. Ultimately, they can save you MILLIONS and...
AMA: I Built a Mid-8-Figure Business...
I've been wanting to do an AMA (Ask me anything) for a while. I've built a desktop software company worth 8 figures, but I'm aiming for $1 billion, not to be a unicorn, but just because I think its the natural progression of where I'm headed. I started the company in 2016 and I have 15 employees and I've never taken on investor money despite rejecting quite a few offers. In MJ's own words he thinks that my company will be the first 9 figure (hopefully 10 though) exit on the forum. I built...
Fundamental Question: What Do You Want from Your Business?
I’ve got a friend that I call a few times a month to see if he’s taken action on his ideas and help him break down any barriers he may have. We’ll talk about what he’s doing and he’ll throw up a bunch of excuses about why he can’t launch yet, albeit it’s been 4 years since he started his entrepreneurial journey. His excuses may be something like this; “I have to have videos first, I have to have a website first, I have to have this and that before I can make my first calls”. Mind you, this...