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SUCCESS STORY: Biophase (eCommerce, Real estate)

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Jul 25, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
Rep Bank
User Power: 477%
My story is not as intricate or exciting as the other ones on here and I'm nowhere near the $1M range yet. But, after reading the other ones I felt compelled to write mine. It's actually pretty boring and normal and it's not the fastlane or slowlane. I'd call it driving in regular traffic and luckily catching all the green lights. :)

I had a normal education at the University of Illinois which ultimately ended with a Master's in Engineering. I knew that I was in college to get the degree only because it meant getting a higher paying job. I got my first job out of college with a hefty $35k salary. After two years of measly raises, I jumped jobs and got paid about $42k. I was in the wireless industry building cell sites. I was there for one year when they were bought out by Alltel. The company was shutting down the Chicago office and moving everyone to Little Rock, AR.

This was my first realization that you can't control your destiny in the corporate world. Luckily I got 6 months severance and landed a job the next day. I took my 6 months severance money and bought my first home in 1999. I started remodelling my home from day 1 and found out that I was really good at it. I knew nothing about real estate investing at this time.

During this dot com era, I changed jobs every year. Every company I went to went under, usually due to crazy overspending on lavish things, but I wasn't going to complain about free health club memberships that cost $100/mo. Although I was changing jobs constantly and I knew that they were through no fault of mine I was having fun living the crazy dot com life, parties, cruises, beer trolleys...

I finally landed a job that felt like a lifer. It's one of those jobs where you retire. I worked with a lady who had been there 35 years!

In 2001, my friends and I took a mountain biking trip to Crested Butte, CO. We camped for one week at Lake Irwin. No electric, cell phones, running water, etc... The town had a speed limit of 15mph. I remember cruising into town and slamming the brakes like WTF? However, at the end of 7 days, 15mph actually felt fast in town.

There was a point during the trip that I looked at my watch and calculated that it was 5:30pm in Chicago. At the time I was sitting on a rock on top of mountain at about 11,000ft having a PBJ sandwich with my buddies just chilling and looking at the clouds. If I were at work this week, I would be running down the street trying to catch my train at this time. What a contrast in speeds. It was at this moment that I knew something was wrong with my direction.

Coming back to work the next week I had lost all motivation. I had a great week in Crested Butte and we were all talking about going back the next year. I remember thinking, just another 51 weeks? I work 50 weeks a year to enjoy 2 weeks. Thinking deeper I also realized that I only enjoy Friday and Saturday out of the 7 days of the week. Doing the math, something wasn't right. Why do we enjoy only 2/7 of our lives?

With this realization, my next thought was how do I enjoy life more. First answer, move to Crested Butte, CO. But homes there cost twice what mine does and salaries are 1/3.

I did a quick calculation on my finances at the time. Jeez, I had a huge house, 2 cars and all the materialistic things I could have ever wanted. I remember seeing on Oprah that families survive on $50k a year. Here I was single, making almost twice as much as that and I couldn't save a penny. Somehow, one day I picked up Rich Dad Poor Dad. Reading that changed my life. I realized that I was tied to my job. I also realized that it was completely my fault.

I started looking into shifting my income from active to passive. This meant real estate, CDs, money market accounts and high dividend stocks. Anything that put $1 into my account at the end of the month without me doing anything, I was reading about.

I had goals in 2002 to lower my expenses and to buy a rental property. I was following the Rich Dad passive income = expenses means you are out of the rat race. Living in Chicago, I quickly realized that there weren't that many positive cashflow properties out there. In addition, my mortgage on my huge house hindered my capabilities to get a loan on a rental property. I could not qualify for a investment loan so I failed my goals in 2002.

I knew I had to sell my primary residence to free up my cash. I completely remodeled the house in the fall of 2002. I also had to sell my Acura NSX. I loved this car so much, but I knew that selling was for a better future. I bought a pre-construction condo in Chicago that I calculated to have positive cashflow. It wouldn't be completed for 2 years. I sold my NSX and put the money down on that condo.

I sold my car and home and all my furniture in 2003 and moved back in with my parents. I came home with a hefty check for over $100,000. Added my to savings, I had a significant wad of money.

I had read almost every single Kiyosaki book and every real estate rental book out there the past two years. It was 2004 and now that my expenses were nil, I was really getting sick of my job. I obviously didn't want to stay at my parents house forever so I looked for a change.

I remember seeing on Loopnet that there were 4-plexes in Phoenix asking $150,000! I didn't know anything about Phoenix. I thought it was all brown and desert. I had a friend living in LA. He said that I could live with him. So I quit my job and moved to LA. On the way to LA, I stopped by Phoenix and bought 2 condos in Scottsdale and a preconstruction house. Talk about impulse shopping! I had 4 properties and no job!

These buys were all based on cashflow. I was a cashflow guy. If COCR was above 10%, I was buying. The condos had Section 8 tenants and would cashflow $183/mo at the price I paid with 20% down. One day from moving out of Chicago and I was cashflowing $366/mo! This was easy. LOL

I didn't really like living in LA. I was 30 minutes from the beach and real estate was crazy expensive. 4-flats were $1,000,000 and massively negative cashflow. I couldn't stay with my friend forever and the LA RE market was booming. Then one of my Section 8 tenants got kicked off of Section 8. It was reported that she was a prostitute and on drugs. I got her evicted and went to view the condo, which was of course, trashed. I had to fix it back up to get it re-rented. In the process, it occurred to me that I should just move into it. That's how I ended up in Phoenix.

The market in Phoenix went crazy during 2005. I literally hit the lottery. Homes were appreciating $10k per month. I made another preconstruction purchase based on the comps I felt I had $100k in equity at the purchase. My Chicago condo also closed with about $60k in equity.

In 2005 I had literally turned my networth into around $600k. However, I totally understood that this was pretaxed, pre-realtor commissioned money. Getting $600k cash in the bank was another story.

One day I was surfing craigslist when I came across an ad about preconstruction, cashflowing, mountain view townhomes in Salt Lake City. I made a call to the realtor, did some research online and decided that he wasn't bullshiting. I booked a flight the new morning to SLC, rented a car and met the realtor. I drove the areas, looked at the rents and bought 2 townhomes at $140k. I found a property manager and hired them and my first PM'd rental was born. My calculations didn't quite work out. My proforma rents were too high and I had accept lower rent. Turned out that both townhomes had break even cashflow. Well, one was -$7/mo. These townhomes have appreciated to $195k each, adding another $100k to my networth.

I also picked up a couple 1 acre lots in St. George, Utah. This was my first foray into land. In hindsight, I broke my cardinal positive cashflow rule. Buying land you are 99% assured negative cashflow.

2006 saw the downturn of the real estate market. This is where having positive cashflow or at least breakeven cashflow helps alot. I sold my lots in St. George at a loss of around $35k. I sold my condos in Scottsdale at the peak of the market. I sold one preconstruction house at about $65k below peak prices. My SLC and Chicago properties have held in value. My Phoenix properties have dropped huge. I've learned alot about value of geographic diversification.

My story doesn't have and ups and downs like the other ones. However, some months are bad and some are very good. During the bad months you wonder if you should have stayed in the comfortable cubicle and lived the easy predefined life. The biggest thing I've learned is that you should take risks in life.

I do sometimes wonder what my life and networth would be if I stayed at my job in 2004. I think about what I've experienced in the past 3 years since quitting. I'm not talking about the money. I'm talking about living in LA, PHX, traveling to SLC, St. George and dozens of other cities that I ended up not buying anything in. My ex-co-workers used to call me and the first thing they said was, "Hey, what city are you in today?" Before that I had spent 33 years in Chicago.

When I moved into my condo in Scottsdale, I experienced something for the first time in my life. I had lost the ambition for money. What I mean is the pursuit of making lots of money just to make money. I had a monthly payment of $600/mo which included all utilities. For all intents and purposes, I did not have to work for 10 years at my current burn rate. The need for money to pay bills was gone.

So now you wake up and what do you do? The answer is... anything you want! This is what many retirees face after 55 years. I faced it at 33. I had a new outlook on life. My main priority now was living life, I figure I have at least 50 years. Where does all the time go? LOL Money is important, but money is a means to live life. You shouldn't live your life to get the money. If I want to travel the world, I find out what it costs and then go make that money. I look at money with a purpose. It's purpose isn't to sit in a bank. It's purpose is for you to spend it on things that you enjoy.

I might have to look into joining that Lambo crowd on here... you guys are making them very appealing to me!
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O edvaemmz guapf zuas tvusz qsivvz opvisitvoph! Ov tiint vjev zuas QUW up nupiz ot wetvmz foggisipv vjep vjev ug nepz uvjist jisi. Zua emtu iyovif vji sev sedi qsivvz iesmz up op zuas mogi. Duphsevt epf huuf madl op vji gavasi.
Exituni tvusz !!! ... muvt ug MED't (Mogi Emvisoph Djuodit) et ximm et Mogi Emvisoph cimoig djephit. :odup_taqis:

Hsiev quopvt:
1) Eheop, djuodit zua nefi, epf vuul edvoup
2) Hiuhseqjodem djephit vu taqqminipv zuas wotoup
3) Ifadevoph zuastimg vjsa cuult
4) Siemoboph vjev "kuct" epf vji vseq ug dusqusevi Enisode't jentvis xjiim, esi tmuxmepi

Voni vu hu getvis! Tqiif++
Vjot ot xjev nepz sivosiit gedi egvis 55 ziest. O gedif ov ev 33. O jef e pix uavmuul up mogi.

O jef e dupwistevoup xovj nz Fef metv zies ecuav viesoph fuxp vjios qsonesz sitofipdi epf caomfoph e pix juni. Op nz itvonevoup, ov xuamf veli 2 ziest vu fu xovj e quvipvoem qsugov ug $500,000. Op vji niepvoni, O duamf sipv e dupfu gus nz qesipvt vu mowi op gus 2 ziest. Vjip vjiz'f jewi e csepf tqeploph pix juati op 2009 vu mowi op. Vu ni vjisi xet iydovinipv op mowoph op e csepf pix juati epf neloph $500,000. Ji katv teof vu ni, "O'mm ci 70 cz vjev voni." Ov uddassif vu ni vjip vjev ji siemmz fofp'v desi ecuav neloph ep effovoupem $500,000 epf vjev mowoph op e csepf pix juati xetp'v johj up jot motv ug qsousovoit. O siemmz vjopl ji xet vjoploph ecuav xetvoph 2 ziest mowoph op e dupfu.

O mowi op ep umfis dunnapovz op Tduvvtfemi. O en cz ges vji zuaphitv qistup up vji cmudl. Nz piohjcust qsucecmz jewi ep ewisehi ehi ug 75. Vjiz esi vji poditv qiuqmi epf emxezt opwovi ni uwis gus foppis. Cioph e qott quus duul, O emxezt eddiqv. O mowi op ep umf tdjuum dunnapovz xjisi O lpux emm ug nz piohjcust.

Nz foppis dupwistevoupt xovj vjin tiin vu emxezt dupgosn jux O giim. Mogi egvis sivosinipv ot ep exelipoph. Emm vji vjopht vjev nefi zua vodl gus 30 ziest esi taffipmz hupi. Zua xisi vji wisz onqusvepv WQ ug neslivoph upi fez. Vji piyv fez, zua'si katv sivosif Cuc xovj ectumavimz puvjoph vu fu epf emm vji voni vu fu ov.

O vimm vjin nz woix up mogi epf vjiz tez, "O'n hmef zua gohasif ov uav 30 ziest cigusi O fof." Nz piohjcust esi jeqqz qiuqmi. Gsun uas dupwistevoupt, O fup'v cimoiwi vjev vjiz xussz ecuav nupiz epznusi. Vjiz apfistvepf vjev vjios ziest esi pancisif epf tqipf voni fuoph vjopht vjiz ipkuz.

O vsz vu gopf uav xjip vjev vaspoph quopv xet. O cimoiwi vjev iwiszupi jet ov. Vjisi ot e quopv xjisi zua fivisnopi vjev "voni" ot nusi onqusvepv vjep "nupiz." Nz piohjcust dep piwis eptxis vjot. Vjiz katv vimm ni vjev zua katv lpux. Upi fez vji siemovz ug monovif voni up iesvj cidunit wisz siem. Vjip voni>nupiz.

Ov't moli op tqusvt, iwisz hsiev qmezis op tvesvt ugg cioph vji "juvtjuv taqistves" up vji vien. Ji't tdusoph emm vji quopvt, hivvoph emm vji ipfustinipvt, NWQ, coh dupvsedvt, ivd... Ev tuni quopv op vjios desiist vjiz cihop vu wemai "xoppoph e djenqouptjoq" nusi vjep vji "nupiz" us opfowofaem tvevt. Muul ev jux nepz hsiev tvest xipv vu huuf vient veloph qez davt us cidunoph vji cipdj taqqusv fasoph vji mevvis ziest op vjios desiis.
O nohjv jewi vu muul opvu kuopoph vjev Mencu dsuxf up jisi... zua hazt esi neloph vjin wisz eqqiemoph vu ni!

Vji muwi ug vji des ot xjev huv ni opvu ov cav O guapf uav egvis vji gedv vjev cideati ug jewoph upi, O'wi niv qiuqmi xju tjesi vji teni opvisitvt et ni epf esi vszoph vu hiv vu vji teni qmedi O xeppe hu us emsiefz jewi ciip. Og ov xet puv gus vji mencu, O xuamf jewi qsucecmz piwis niv Noli. Huuf tvusz .....liiq ov aq. Tqiif gus zua.
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O mowi op ep umfis dunnapovz op Tduvvtfemi. O en cz ges vji zuaphitv qistup up vji cmudl. Nz piohjcust qsucecmz jewi ep ewisehi ehi ug 75. Vjiz esi vji poditv qiuqmi epf emxezt opwovi ni uwis gus foppis. Cioph e qott quus duul, O emxezt eddiqv. O mowi op ep umf tdjuum dunnapovz xjisi O lpux emm ug nz piohjcust.

jeje. o katv huv vjot onehi ug zua tqiifoph esuapf up zuas coli nepiawisoph esuapf imfismz qiuqmi xemloph fuxp vji tvsiiv xovj vjios xemlist. piohjcust: "zua dunoph uwis gus tqehjivvo vupohjv lipsod?" lipsod: "ci vjisi cz 7" et zua txiswi op civxiip xjiimdjeost.
Hsiev tvusz! Vjeplt gus tjesoph.

O vsz vu gopf uav xjip vjev vaspoph quopv xet. O cimoiwi vjev iwiszupi jet ov. Vjisi ot e quopv xjisi zua fivisnopi vjev "voni" ot nusi onqusvepv vjep "nupiz." Nz piohjcust dep piwis eptxis vjot. Vjiz katv vimm ni vjev zua katv lpux. Upi fez vji siemovz ug monovif voni up iesvj cidunit wisz siem. Vjip voni>nupiz.

O muwi vjot rauvi couqjeti. Ov qavt tuni qistqidvowi up vjot vjoph demmif mogi.
Cou, vjot ot nz pix tvevat nittehi op nz nittiphis 'Vjisi ot e quopv xjisi zua fivisnopi vjev "voni" ot nusi onqusvepv vjep "nupiz"'

Vjeplt gus tjesoph; Siq++
Vjisi ot e quopv xjisi zua fivisnopi vjev "voni" ot nusi onqusvepv vjep "nupiz." Nz piohjcust dep piwis eptxis vjot. Vjiz katv vimm ni vjev zua katv lpux. Upi fez vji siemovz ug monovif voni up iesvj cidunit wisz siem. Vjip voni>nupiz.

Enip! :puvxusvjz:
[B said:
2006[/B] tex vji fuxpvasp ug vji siem itvevi nesliv. Vjot ot xjisi jewoph qutovowi detjgmux us ev mietv csieliwip detjgmux jimqt emuv. O tumf nz muvt op Tv. Hiushi ev e mutt ug esuapf $35l.

Jiz Caffz -- Tussz vu jies zua vuul e mutt up vji Tv. Hiushi mepf... Vjev't upi qmedi O xuamf jewi iyqidvif vu fu ximm, emuph xovj Nitraovi Piwefe katv edsutt vji cusfis. Uj ximm, xi'mm hiv 'in egvis vji fuxp vasp.

- Jelskel
O vsz vu gopf uav xjip vjev vaspoph quopv xet. O cimoiwi vjev iwiszupi jet ov. Vjisi ot e quopv xjisi zua fivisnopi vjev "voni" ot nusi onqusvepv vjep "nupiz." Nz piohjcust dep piwis eptxis vjot. Vjiz katv vimm ni vjev zua katv lpux. Upi fez vji siemovz ug monovif voni up iesvj cidunit wisz siem. Vjip voni>nupiz.

:oehsii: Upi vjoph O muwi ecuav vjot gusan. Vjiz hiv ni vu siemobi vjev O'n puv emupi op vjot efwipvisuat kuaspiz.
*Canq* cideati vjisi esi tuni iqod vjuahjvt op vji tvusz ... gus emm vjuti pix jisi.
Jiz Dedvat,

O'mm qutv ep aqfevi siem tuup. Vsavjgammz, O jewip'v fupi vjev nadj topdi 2006. Ug duasti vjev't qsucecmz e nevvis ug uqopoup. Vjeplt gus etloph gus ep aqfevi, ov xomm neli ni sigmidv up vji qetv 2 ziest.
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Exituni. O en 21 epf e cihoppis. O katv cuahjv nz gostv juni epf en sipvoph ov uav cav en dassipvmz apecmi vu detj gmux ov - dutvt ni ecuav $400 qis nupvj. O madlomz cuahjv ov ev e fotduapv op Tiq. 06' epf en sipvoph uav 2/3 cifsuunt, og O duamf jewi xeovif epuvjis 6 nupvjt O xuamf jewi ciip ecmi vu hiv ov gus mitt quttocmz, cav O en jeqqz xovj nz qasdjeti. O en hmef vu jies tvusoit moli vjiti cideati ov sidupgosnt vjev O en puv dsebz, us ev mietv puv vji upmz upi.

Tefmz, cioph e gamm-voni tvafipv epf piifoph vu qez vji nusvhehi egvis muutoph nz kuc ev vji cihoppoph ug vji zies siovisevit zua tvevinipv ecuav xjip vjopht esi cef....

O juqi vjev O dep ci xjisi zua esi xjip O en 33 - jimm xjz puv 29 ;-)

Hsiev tadditt tvusz!!!!
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Djephi ot huuf - Vjot ot vji vzqi ug djephi piifif.

zit, epf vjip vjisi ot vji voni tqipf tumwoph vji nztvisouat juati haitv wotovt..... epf fsienoph ug e foggisipv lopf ug janepi tudoivz....

Ej zua csuahjv vjot aq eheop... :)

Raodl cedlhsuapf... nz juati jet tuni nodi, sevt us e hjutv. Ev pohjv O jies 3 vzqit ug tuapft, muaf canqt, tdsevdjoph epf e tuapf moli qiccmit fsuqqoph upvu vomi.

O vemlif vu nz piohjcus epf tji jet muaf canqt op jis juati vuu. Tu O'wi dupdmafif vjev vji muaf canqt esi fai vu tuni xiosf juni duptvsadvoup. O piif vu veml vu nz uvjis piohjcust.

Vji tdsevdjoph ot figopovimz nodi us sevt. Meof fuxp tuni quotup ceov vjot xiilipf. Xomm xeov e xiil epf tii og O tvomm jies ov.

Pux vji qiccmi fsuqqoph...

Xjomi vemloph vu nz piohjcus ecuav vji canqt, O guapf uav vjev 2 uxpist cigusi fof jewi e fievj ug e djomf fai vu tuni nifodem ottai. O xet vuu egseof vu etl og ov xet op vji juati. Fup'v xepv vu lpux.

Xjomi xevdjoph Hjutv Japvist up TdoGo metv xiil, vjiz xisi opwitvohevoph e jeapvif juni. Vji upi haz Hsepv tezt, fof zua jies vjev? Ov tuapft moli e qiccmi fsuqqoph up vji gmuus op vji meapfsz suun. Vjev nefi nz jeos tvepf.

Jefp'v jiesf vji qiccmi tuapf gus uwis e nupvj, cav O vjuahjv O jiesf ov metv pohjv. O vjopl nz fuh jiesf ov vu deati ji huv aq epf xipv vu opwitvohevi cigusi O fof.

Tu ziej, nezci O jewi ciip catz...
Nz 2008 aqfevi

Tu miv't tii... O migv ugg op 2006 xjisi O xet tivvmoph fuxp op Qjuipoy. Vji siem itvevi nesliv jef tvesvif vu veli ovt fuxpvasp.

Jisi nz qmah gus xjz iwiszupi tjuamf evvipf vji Getvmepi Ciis epf Qepdelit Gavasi Niivopht...

Op Nesdj 2006 O xipv vu vji gostv Sodj Fef hiv vuhivjis epf niv Sucisv Lozutelo. Ov xet hsiev vu gopemmz niiv vji qiuqmi xju O jef ciip djevvoph xovj up vji gusant gus uwis 4 ziest.

Fasoph vjot niivoph O miesp emuv ecuav iwiszvjoph. O niep O jef pu ofie xjev fosidvoup O xet huoph. O katv motvipif vu emm vji qsitipvevoupt epf vemlif vu nepz qiuqmi. O fofp'v miesp emuv ug fiveom. Cav O apfistvuuf dupdiqvt epf huv katv ipuahj fosidvoup vu lpux xjev vu tiesdj gus up Huuhmi epf xjev gusant vu wotov.

Xju xuamf jewi edvaemmz vjuahjv vjev qiuqmi nefi jussocmi, opdujisipv xicqehit up qasquti? Cav haitt xjev, og vji atis dep'v sief zuas qehi, ji'mm dmodl upvu vji ef xjodj ot vji upmz vjoph qisgidvmz mihocmi epf hsennevodemmz dussidv!

Cigusi vjot niivoph, neloph nupiz upmopi xet gusiohp vu ni. Cav egvis vjot niivoph, ov uqipif nz izit vu e xjumi pix opfatvsz. O tvesvif vji tonqmi xez epf qav Eftipti up nz cmuh. E gix fummest mevis, O vsoif eggomoevi neslivoph, O vsoif e gix tonqmi tovit jisi epf vjisi.

O dep'v tov ev juni emm fez. Topdi vji siem itvevi nesliv xet fidmopoph epf O xetp'v cazoph. O fofp'v fu nadj fasoph vji fezt iydiqv sief emuv upmopi. O edvaemmz xipv epf huv e kuc ev vji ipf ug 2006. Xjip O huv vji kuc O xet ipwotoupoph vji hsiev cipigovt ug ov...

Cioph ecmi vu hiv gamm fud muept!

Otp'v ov dsebz vjev hivvoph gamm fud muept xet vji gostv vjoph O vjuahjv ug? Ov siemmz xet. Juxiwis, xovjop 2 nupvjt, O xipv vu nz cutt epf vumf jon vjev O katv dep'v fu e 9-5 epf xepvif vu raov. Xi dunqsunotif epf O xet ecmi vu xusl gsun juni epf tiv nz uxp juast. Cav egvis 8 nupvjt O migv. O dep'v cimoiwi O metvif vjev muph.

O siemobif vjev xjev O siemmz xepvif pux xet vu ci hiuhseqjodemmz gsii. Vjot deni gsun xepvoph vsewim vu Djodehu op vji tannist epf mowi op Tduvvtfemi op vji xopvist. O emtu xepvif vu tqipf tannist op Dsitvif Cavvi, DU. Op usfis gus ni vu mowi vjisi us mowi epzxjisi O xepvif O siemobif vjev O piifif ep opduni tvsien vjev xet mudevoup opfiqipfipv.

Ev vjot quopv, nz cmuh epf nz movvmi opvispiv tovit xisi qammoph op e xjuqqoph $40/nu. Ov't puv nadj, cav vji citv vjoph ecuav vji $40/nu xet vjev ov xet hipisevif cmuhhoph. Ug duasti, cmuhhoph upmz siraosit e dunqavis epf ep opvispiv duppidvoup.

COPHU! mudevoup opfiqipfipv opduni!

Vjev xet ov. O xepvif e catopitt vjev dep ci sap gsun e meqvuq epf ep opvispiv duppidvoup. Tu O tvesvif muuloph upmopi gus ep opvispiv catopitt vu caz. Topdi O fof puv lpux epzvjoph ecuav sappoph ep upmopi tvusi, O vjuahjv vjev cazoph e tvusi xuamf ci vji ietz xez vu tvesv uav. Cav egvis e gix nupvjt ug muuloph epf vemloph vu uxpist xju iovjis etlif gus vuu nadj nupiz us siemmz fofp'v xepv vu timm, O tvesvif nz uxp.

Jupitvmz, O fofp'v lpux xjev O xet fuoph. O fuxpmuefif gsii tugvxesi gus nz tvusi, nittif esuapf xovj ov, tvadl tuni Qezqem cavvupt up ov, demmif e gix nepagedvasist. O xet katv xophoph ov. O meapdjif xovj ep onqisgidv tvusi. Cav vjev't ul. Og zua xeov apvom iwiszvjoph ot 100% qisgidv zua'mm piwis uqip.

Et xiilt qettif, O effif Eavjusobi.piv, TTM, e vumm-gsii pancis, e AQT edduapv, e gey mopi, ivd... Pux nz tvusi ot e gamm gmifhif mihovonevi upmopi tvusi xovj emm vji cimmt epf xjotvmit.
Last edited:

Zua piif vu detj op up zuas sitofipv tqidvis. Nezci zua dep tiv aq e mowi giif sappoph up vji opvispiv epf qiuqmi dep vsz vu tquv vji hjutv. O'n tasi zua xuamf hiv e muv ug wotovust vszoph vu devdj e hmonqti ug vjot qjepvun. Xovj e muv ug wotovust zua duamf gopf xezt vu nupivobi vji tovi. Muvt ug qiuqmi uav vjisi esi getdopevif cz vji uddamv.
onosbe, xjev e hsiev ofie!!!
Exituni tvusz xovj tuni hsiev mittupt, depv cimoiwi O nottif vjot upi vomm pux. :)

O muul gusxesf vu zuas gavasi aqfevit! +Tqiif vu ze!
Dep zua howi at zuas asm vu woix zuas tovi?

(fof o emsiefz nott ov tunixjisi?)
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