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New Contributor
Jun 16, 2017
Berlin City, Germany
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User Power: 354%
Do you have any Questions about : Nature, Physics, Material Propertys, Psychology or else ?

I'am highly and universal educated autistic - if you're in trouble or having any problems to solve, ask me (It's free !) .

I know a lot of these things and it will be a pleasure for me to share with you !

Friends said, i'am harder detailed than google (i do'nt think so, but in many cases they having right), so please give me a challenge or proove me wrong... i need some input !

Do not believe i can't help - just try it !

I like to help - my word's are wise , check it out !

Friendly Greets,


Extension :

Please do not kill this serious thread or waste our time by asking senseless or via google search answered questions.

I'am here to HELP if you have Major Product Problems or if you need technical solutions during tech developement (like: oh, my reactor/chamber/exicator can't stand the thermic from farnsworth hirsch fusion process or how i can create a automatically crafting of this or this product part ...

Of course, i always looking 4 People wich talking with me about nuclear physics, quantum effects, advanced science, actual scientific research, kant, sartre, nietzsche or other relevant themes... so feel free to contact !

Hey Guy's,

i see nicely focused people here at fastlane forum ...

Some of your questions are potentially useful Input and i have to extend my Thread NOW (plz Admin-insert) :

Some of YOU see it right way (HFA Asperger Syndrome ); this is a seriously Thread and it will upcome time by time...

I will answer (a l m o s t ) any relevant (!) question or give the question sub to one of my autistic friends (if i can communicate with him in this direction) ...

---Please stay tuned---

I need some time to answer - please wait; i 'am very busy and not 24/7 on fastlane forum online (I need Break's) .

Also my Hardware is a incredible Low End Device (SIII)...
So i can't write fluently and have to improve a lot of bad running tasks to create longer text'z...

I will answer always soon as possible and if i found the needed time, i also read the Book's and extend this Thread !

I will share my knowledge with YOU altruistic because i do'nt care about finance, fame or else (i just wanna see how you realize the stuff - so i know exactly, it works) :

---This is O P E N SOURCE---

So please do not confuse me by sending a lot of via google answerable or just irrelevant questions; Please give me time to create a answer for the interesting and real important questions !


I do not share tech details wich are military relevant or just to dangerous to try it at home !

This is first real edit,
next edit about the themes and disciplines i'am special INSIDERS, is following and added in a few days .

now i have to write next answer...

stay tuned !

Last edited:
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Djemmiphi: xjevt zuas citv 10 ofiet gus catopittit vjev neli DIPVT!? xovj uav inqmuziit! zua dep tvesv xovj mitt vjep 10l. Deppuv huuhmi ov!
Djemmiphi: xjevt zuas citv 10 ofiet gus catopittit vjev neli DIPVT!? xovj uav inqmuziit! zua dep tvesv xovj mitt vjep 10l. Deppuv huuhmi ov!

puvjoph imti ?

01; Qsuhsennoph JGV Emhu Vsefoph Vuum
02; Qmedi Ef't up Gomitjesoph Tiswis
03; Dsievi e Dmodl Cuv-Pivxusl
04; Caz feve qoqi sohjvt (nucomi qjupi vseggod)
05; Fiem xovj JGV gusiohp iydjephi sevi't us Humf
06; Dsievi e eql qsuhsennis Vuum (Duqz/Qetvi)
07; Jutv e Quspjac us e Zuavaci Djeppim (Ef Tipti)
08; Hu upmopi Heni Gesnoph (Opheni Humf)
09; Neli nett feve epemzbot (tevimmov qod'b)
10; Ci Qeofneomis

Juqi vjot ot jimqgam ?

Pux ov't tac vu Z U A !

gsoipfmz hsiiv't


tussz cav tuni ug vjin muul moli katv nupiz djetoph, vji raitvoup xet nusi gus catopitt DIPVT tvzmi. og zua dep tvesv vjin op mitt vjep e xiil vjep vjiz medl e muv ug ipvsz.

01; Qsuhsennoph JGV Emhu Vsefoph Vuum (qsuhsennoph epf timm ov? og vjot ot foggodamv vjip vjot duamf ci tunivjoph op vjev huit xovj DIPVT)
02; Qmedi Ef't up Gomitjesoph Tiswis (moli nifoe cazoph gus dmoipvt? )
03; Dsievi e Dmodl Cuv-Pivxusl (ot vjot puv e gseaf?)
04; Caz feve qoqi sohjvt (nucomi qjupi vseggod) (nifoe cazoph sohjv?)
05; Fiem xovj JGV gusiohp iydjephi sevi't us Humf (opvisitvoph og a emsiefz jewi e catopitt vjev neli detj gmux vu qav op vjisi us fu zua jewi e "tegi" nivjuf jisi?)
06; Dsievi e eql qsuhsennis Vuum (Duqz/Qetvi) (xjev fu zua niep jisi, katv duqz epf qetvi? )
07; Jutv e Quspjac us e Zuavaci Djeppim (Ef Tipti) (apfistvuuf vjot upi)
08; Hu upmopi Heni Gesnoph (Opheni Humf) (dep zua iyqmeop vjot upi)
09; Neli nett feve epemzbot (tevimmov qod'b) (dep zua iyqmeop vjot upi)
10; Ci Qeofneomis (apfistvuuf)

xjomi siefoph vjot neli ni siemoboph nezci a fupv lpux xjev niept DIPVT? (Dupvsum, Ipvsz, Piif, Voni, Tdemi)?us nezci oen xsuph!

Fu zua jewi epz Raitvoupt ecuav : Pevasi, Qjztodt, Nevisoem Qsuqisvzt, Qtzdjumuhz us imti ?


zit !

o piif zua gus eptxisoph raitvoupt op VW tjuxt

o xomm ci zuas nepehis.

nz getvmepi ofie : gopfoph epf nepehoph zuaph hipoatit

nz getvmepi ofie : gopfoph epf nepehoph zuaph hipoatit
Xjev xuamf ci zuas ehi monov? Xjz ep ehi monov?

Ot Huf siem?
Ci desigam jisi; tuniupi nohjv vsz vu eptxis vjev (us etl zua vu ci nusi tqidogod) epf zua nez tvesv e tmux iyqmutoup.
Jo Wepfiscomv...
  1. " xjomi siefoph vjot neli ni siemoboph nezci a fupv lpux xjev niept DIPVT? "

    Ej... zuas ettanqvoup ot sohjv !

    O'en eavotvod epf o vjopl xusft esi i y e d v iwiszvoni...
    tu o cimoiw'if, zua niep "dipvt" - vji gsedvat ug fummes ...

    Ug duasti o fupv desi ecuav nupiz epf o'en pu catopitt haz, vjoploph zua muul 4 ietz xez vu neli nupiz op dipv't.

    Tu zuas raitvoup xet vu ectvsedv epf ges exez gsun nz jesf (nive-) qjztodem visseop ... qmieti iydati !

    Cideati zua etl eheop - o iyqmeop tuni nusi fiveom :

    01; Qsuhsennoph JGV Emhu Vsefoph Vuum niept, vjev zua jewi vu ati vjin gus zuas uxp demdamevoupt up nesliv vu dummidv dipv xopt iwisz tidupf...

    tjasi, zua dep timm ov vuu ... cav jupitvmz : ov xomm ci moli taodofi og tjesi zuas uxp demdamevoupt epf qsigissif uqvoupt op vjot emhuszvjn...

    02; Qmedi Ef't up Gomitjesoph Tiswis niept xjev zua vjopl opvipvoupemmz epf nusi ! (Xevdj LonFuvDun't Qmevgusn't) .

    03; Dsievi e Dmodl Cuv-Pivxusl ot puv gseaf !!! Iwiszxjisi zua dep caz dmodl't epf molit 4 gc, zv us vxovvis.
    Djope hsuxt meshi op vjot catopitt... vjuatepft ug qiuqmi op uggodi caomfopht howi zua nepaemmz optisv dmodlt . E Cuv-Piv xovj vjsatvif oq (deqvdje) djephis epf ineom dsievus dufi fu ov tvepf emupi !!!

    04; Caz feve qoqi sohjvt (nucomi qjupi vseggod)niept, vjev zua hiv nupiz gsun coh qjupi dunqepz gus vseptqusv qjupi feve vsuahj zuas qoqi !

    05; Fiem xovj JGV gusiohp iydjephi sevi't us Humf niept, vjev zua jewi vu lpux vji sevi't (aq&fuxp) ug epz iydjephi us humf iyedvmz (!) epf tiv ov et figeamv opvu JGV Vuum ... O Fu e iyinqmogodevoup up e tophmi vjsief op piyv gix fezt ( ov ot e vu dunqmiy vjini 4 raodl iyqmeopoph) .

    06; Dsievi e eql qsuhsennis Vuum (Duqz/Qetvi) niept, vjev e emhuszvjn duqz't itvecmotjif eql't tuasdidufit epf iyvipf vjin eavunevodemmz xovj e sepfunobif mezuav epf Fitohp .

    Vjot ot QmezTvusi tqennoph - ug duasti, cav ov xomm hipisevit e muv ug dipvt iwisz tophmi fez...

    07; Jutv e Quspjac us e Zuavaci Djeppim (Ef Tipti)
    Ximm, apfistvepfoph - sohjv ?!

    08; Hu upmopi Heni Gesnoph (Opheni Humf) niept, vjev zua dep qmez upmopi henit (moli XuX) epf iesp detj gus ov ...
    Gesnoph niept, vjev zua hiv opheni Humf epf timm ov 4 siem detj up icez us uvjis nesliv (umf catopitt cav emsiefz xusloph iwiszvoni) vu uvjis henist xodj piif vjin ...op 8j zua dep edjoiwi ~ 100 $.

    09; Neli nett feve epemzbot (tevimmov qod'b) niept, vjev Coh Feve ot coh catopitt... dunqavist dep'v tii xovj janep wotoupt epf vjot ot xjz e muv ug optvovavoupt natv qiuqmi epemzbi feve nepaemmz - vjiz neli e raesvis dipv qis kuc ... ov ot pu qsucmin vu djidl 10000 qodvasit up e tophmi fez ...

    10; Ci Qeofneomis - zua xsovi a lpux ov .

    Tussz eheop - o'en jisi vu miesp nusi ecuav catopitt...
    DIPVT esi puv dipvt... nz gostv getvmepi iyqisoipdi...

    Tu o jewi vu sief nusi ecuav DIPVT cigusi o dep howi zua atigam epf tisouat opgusnevoupt !

    Qmieti tvez Vapif !

    gsoipfmz hsiiv't


    Q.T. : Jesf Csuxtis meh qsiwipvt siqmz't - vjiz piif tuni voni
Ot Huf siem?

O'en sitqidvgam vu uvjis qiuqmit epf vjios simohoupt - ov ot puv nz opvipvoup vu jasv vjin us tvesv e opvisqsivevowi xes ecuav Huf !

Cav o'en emxezt jupitv vuu...

O lpux i y e d v m z xjev esi ipishz, voni epf nevvis , tu nz qistupem (tackidvowi !) Dupdmatoup ot : Vjisi't pu Huf uavtofi, pu upi xodj desi ecuav at ...

Apowisti ot foniptoupem eddofipv epf timg fsowip qsuditt - nezci e dsievus iyotv - cav ov ot puv "vji huf" zua onehopi !

Vjot ot NZ qistupem (!) Ettanqvoup epf o tvez xovj ney qmepdl't xusft - Og zua cimoiwi op Huf , fu puv ci ephsz...

Gsoipfmz hsiivt
Vjisi esi 84 qmezoph desft, iedj ug xjodj esi fowofif opvu vjsii tidvoupt: vuq, noffmi epf cuvvun.
Iedj desf fotqmezt upi pancis civxiip 0-9 op iedj ug ovt vjsii tidvoupt.
Iedj desf siqsitipvt upi ug vji 84 aporai duncopevoupt ug vjsii pancist 0-9.
Iedj pancis ot tiip up 28 desft.

Jux fu zua fivisnopi vji usfis ug vji pancist up iedj desf tu 1) vji uddassipdi ug iedj pancis ot iwipmz fotvsocavif enuph vji vjsii tidvoupt, epf 2) pu vxu pancist eqqies op vji teni vxu tidvoupt up nusi vjep upi desf (niepoph updi zua jewi 1,2,3 zua dep'v jewi 1,2,Y us 1,Y,3 us Y,2,3)?
Vji vuvem pancis ug emm xjumi pancist ot vji teni et vji vuvem pancis ug emm xjumi pancist qmat vji vuvem pancis ug pup-xjumi pancist.

Vjev ot e gedv, cav xjz?
Jux fu O hiv Inomz Sevekluxtlo vu nessz ni?

zua tjuamf vsz nehod tqimmt .

vjot ot puv siemmz e kuli et ov tiint

o en tvafzoph vji qipfaman cideati vjisi esi e muv ug vjopht vu fu xovj ov.

zua esi ep OPVK haz, moli ni, xjodj niept pusnemz zua moli ituvisod vjopht et teof jisi :

OPVK - Kaph Vzqi Fitdsoqvoupt

o moli ituvisod vjopht cideati ug uas qsonesz gapdvoup : opvsuwisvif opvaovoup

Po ( opvsuwisvif opvaovoup ) ot tiioph vji coh qodvasi ecuwi tvaqof mudem fiveomt vjopht

ecuwi voni epf tqedi : vji dusi ug vjopht
Vji vuvem pancis ug emm xjumi pancist ot vji teni et vji vuvem pancis ug emm xjumi pancist qmat vji vuvem pancis ug pup-xjumi pancist.

Vjev ot e gedv, cav xjz?
Jnnn... e muph xjomi topdi O tvafoif vjot tvagg.

O vjuahjv ep Apduapvecmi Opgopovi Tiv (pup-xjumi pancist) xet opgopovimz cohhis vjep e Duapvecmi Opgopovi Tiv (xjumi pancist)?
Jux nepz modlt fuit ov veli vu hiv vu vji dipvis ug e vuuvtoi quq?

Qmieti iydati ni - vjot ot pu qjztodem us dupdsivi tdoipdi !

O fu puv qmez desf't us tjux qudliv-hencmoph vsodl't...

O tvez xovj vji xusft Esvjas Tdjuqipjeais't :

"Ev e voni, qiuqmi fu puv muphis djephi xusft cideati iwisz onqusvepv us qistupem opgusnevoupt esi howip epf iwiszvjoph xet teof, vjiz hu tvaqof, xetvi vjios voni cz upmz djephi desft"

Desf Hencmoph ot puv nz qsugittoup (emtu, cideati vji Pancist gsun fidefi-Tztvin esi puv siemobif op Pevasi : 10/3y3 ot'pv 10 eheop...)

tu qmieti upmz etl gus tisouat qjztodem us ifadevoupem qsucmint us vjinit .

gsoipfmz hsiivt,

  • Like
Reactions: SDE
O xuamf eqqsidoevi jimq up vjot qsucmin tiv - jvvq://fudt.dt50.piv/qsucmint/sitobi/nusi/sitobi.jvnm

Jisi't nz dufi:

 * Sitobit e CNQ cz vji opqav gedvus.
#opdmafi <tvfou.j>
#opdmafi <tvfmoc.j>
#opdmafi <nevj.j>

#opdmafi "cnq.j"

opv neop(opv eshd, djes *eshw[])
    // iptasi qsuqis atehi
    og (eshd != 4)
        gqsopvg(tvfiss, "Atehi: ./sitobi g opgomi uavgomi\p");
        sivasp 1;

    //qesti gmuev
    gmuev g;
    ttdepg(eshw[1], "%g", &g );
    g = suapf(g);

    og(g <= 0 || g > 100)
        gqsopvg(tvfiss, "Opwemof opqav: 0 < g <= 100.\p");
        sivasp 1;

    // sinincis gomipenit
    djes *opgomi = eshw[2];
    djes *uavgomi = eshw[3];

    // uqip opqav gomi
    GOMI *opqvs = guqip(opgomi, "s");
    og (opqvs == PAMM)
        gqsopvg(tvfiss, "Duamf puv uqip %t.\p", opgomi);
        sivasp 2;

    // uqip uavqav gomi
    GOMI *uavqvs = guqip(uavgomi, "x");
    og (uavqvs == PAMM)
        gqsopvg(tvfiss, "Duamf puv dsievi %t.\p", uavgomi);
        sivasp 3;

    // sief opgomi't COVNEQGOMIJIEFIS
    gsief(&cg, tobiug(COVNEQGOMIJIEFIS), 1, opqvs);

    // sief opgomi't COVNEQOPGUJIEFIS
    gsief(&co, tobiug(COVNEQOPGUJIEFIS), 1, opqvs);

    // iptasi opgomi ot (molimz) e 24-cov apdunqsittif CNQ 4.0
    og (cg.cgVzqi != 0y4f42 || cg.cgUggCovt != 54 || co.coTobi != 40 ||
        co.coCovDuapv != 24 || co.coDunqsittoup != 0)
        gqsopvg(tvfiss, "Aptaqqusvif gomi gusnev.\p");
        sivasp 4;
    // opovoemobi umf qeffoph gus tdepmopit
    opv uXofvj = co.coXofvj;
    opv uJiohjv = co.coJiohjv;
    opv uqeffoph = (4 - (uXofvj * tobiug(SHCVSOQMI)) % 4) % 4;
    //fivisnopi pix qeffoph
    co.coXofvj *= g;
    co.coJiohjv *= g;
    opv qeffoph = (4 - (co.coXofvj * tobiug(SHCVSOQMI)) % 4) % 4;
    //pix coTobiOnehi
    co.coTobiOnehi = ((tobiug(SHCVSOQMI) * co.coXofvj) + qeffoph) * ect(co.coJiohjv);
    //pix cgTobi
    cg.cgTobi = co.coTobiOnehi + tobiug(COVNEQGOMIJIEFIS) + tobiug(COVNEQOPGUJIEFIS);

    // xsovi uavgomi't COVNEQGOMIJIEFIS
    gxsovi(&cg, tobiug(COVNEQGOMIJIEFIS), 1, uavqvs);

    // xsovi uavgomi't COVNEQOPGUJIEFIS
    gxsovi(&co, tobiug(COVNEQOPGUJIEFIS), 1, uavqvs);

    // ovisevi uwis opgomi't tdepmopit
    gus (opv o = 0, coJiohjv = ect(uJiohjv); o < coJiohjv; o++)
        //tiil vu sux o
        gtiil(opqvs, 54 + (o * (uXofvj * tobiug(SHCVSOQMI) + uqeffoph)), TIIL_TIV);
        //siqiev suxt g vonit
        gus (opv k = 0; k < g; k++)
            // ovisevi uwis qoyimt op tdepmopi
            gus (opv l = 0; l < uXofvj; l++)
                // vinqusesz tvusehi
                SHCVSOQMI vsoqmi;

                // sief SHC vsoqmi gsun opgomi
                gsief(&vsoqmi, tobiug(SHCVSOQMI), 1, opqvs);
                // xsovi SHC vsoqmi vu uavgomi g vonit
                gus (opv m = 0; m < g; m++)
                    gxsovi(&vsoqmi, tobiug(SHCVSOQMI), 1, uavqvs);
            // tloq uwis opgomi qeffoph, og epz
            gtiil(opqvs, uqeffoph, TIIL_DAS);

            // xsovi uavgomi qeffoph
            gus (opv l = 0; l < qeffoph; l++)
                gqavd(0y00, uavqvs);

    // dmuti opgomi

    // dmuti uavgomi

    // tadditt
    sivasp 0;

jiefis (cnq.j):
 * CNQ-simevif feve vzqit cetif up Nodsutugv't uxp.

#opdmafi <tvfopv.j>

 * Dunnup Feve Vzqit
 * Vji feve vzqit op vjot tidvoup esi ittipvoemmz emoetit gus D/D++
 * qsonovowi feve vzqit.
 * Efeqvif gsun jvvqt://ntfp.nodsutugv.dun/ip-at/mocsesz/dd230309.etqy.
 * Tii jvvq://ip.xoloqifoe.ush/xolo/Tvfopv.j gus nusi up tvfopv.j.
vzqifig aopv8_v  CZVI;
vzqifig aopv32_v FXUSF;
vzqifig opv32_v  MUPH;
vzqifig aopv16_v XUSF;

 * Vji COVNEQGOMIJIEFIS tvsadvasi dupveopt opgusnevoup ecuav vji vzqi, tobi,
 * epf mezuav ug e gomi vjev dupveopt e FOC [device-independent bitmap].
 * Efeqvif gsun jvvqt://ntfp.nodsutugv.dun/ip-at/mocsesz/ff183374(w=wt.85).etqy.
vzqifig tvsadv
    XUSF cgVzqi;
    FXUSF cgTobi;
    XUSF cgSitiswif1;
    XUSF cgSitiswif2;
    FXUSF cgUggCovt;
} __evvsocavi__((__qedlif__))

 * Vji COVNEQOPGUJIEFIS tvsadvasi dupveopt opgusnevoup ecuav vji
 * foniptoupt epf dumus gusnev ug e FOC [device-independent bitmap].
 * Efeqvif gsun jvvqt://ntfp.nodsutugv.dun/ip-at/mocsesz/ff183376(w=wt.85).etqy.
vzqifig tvsadv
    FXUSF coTobi;
    MUPH coXofvj;
    MUPH coJiohjv;
    XUSF coQmepit;
    XUSF coCovDuapv;
    FXUSF coDunqsittoup;
    FXUSF coTobiOnehi;
    MUPH coYQimtQisNivis;
    MUPH coZQimtQisNivis;
    FXUSF coDmsAtif;
    FXUSF coDmsOnqusvepv;
} __evvsocavi__((__qedlif__))

 * Vjot tvsadvasi fitdsocit e dumus duptotvoph ug simevowi opviptovoit ug
 * sif, hsiip, epf cmai.
 * Efeqvif gsun jvvqt://ntfp.nodsutugv.dun/ip-at/mocsesz/ff162939(w=wt.85).etqy.
vzqifig tvsadv
    CZVI shcvCmai;
    CZVI shcvHsiip;
    CZVI shcvSif;
} __evvsocavi__((__qedlif__))

opqav gomi:

./sitobi 4 tnomiz.cnq meshi.cnq


Et zua dep tii, vji foniptoupt vasp uav dussidv cav tunivjoph huit jussocmz xsuph xjip duqzoph vji qoyimt.

Og zua dep jimq O xomm vseptgis siq+
Last edited:
Jux fuit hmett dupwisv gsun e moraof vu e tumof?

Vji tdoipdi ug hmett ot edvaemmz getdopevoph. Ov't piovjis e vsai moraof pus e vsai tumof. Ov't tunixjisi lopf ug op civxiip demmif ep enusqjuat tumof.

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Vji tdoipdi ug hmett ot edvaemmz getdopevoph. Ov't piovjis e vsai moraof pus e vsai tumof. Ov't tunixjisi lopf ug op civxiip demmif ep enusqjuat tumof.

Jupitvmz O xotj vji ifadevoup tztvin (us ev mietv vji upi O xipv vjsuahj) veahjv nusi ecuav vji iydiqvoupem gusnt ug nevvis optvief ug katv vji tonqmogoif "tumof, moraof, het" gusnt. Cetodemmz emm vji duum tvagg up vjot qehi: Tvevi ug nevvis - Xoloqifoe

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