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  • I feel so thrilled with my progress lately I actually dread classes monday because I wish I could have more time to work on my project! I can't believe a year ago I was "forcing" myself to work, and now not only do I have a full and busy life, I actually "want to" work even more!
    I literally quit meditating, journaling and visualizing. I just get up and work. Instead of the 1 hour spent "preparing mentally to work" I told myself why dont I just work in that time?
    cue the MOST PRODUCTIVE WEEK OF MY LIFE (working on my app)
    on top of running a student organization, and taking a midterm, and labwork.
    I'm still going to meditate and journal at night or when I have freetime for the stress relief.
    Also, the immense amount of progress I made is way more motivating than meditating would've been
    but those mental stress reduction techniques have still been helpful when faced with unexpected emotional challenges from the day.
    I can't wait until I can change my profile picture to a selfie of me in designer clothing. I'm shallow as F*ck. My motivation is shallow as F*ck. Also I'm avoiding updating my thread until I have more progress to show (yes the speed points % motivates me), so I'm posting in the status here! I do see an upward trend in the amount of hours I'm putting into my app. So look forward to that :)
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