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  • Hey Chris! I am about to graduate college soon and I was juggling some different ideas in terms of jobs. I want to build up some sales experience and I was considering applying to some car dealership salesman positions. If it's not too much trouble, could you let me know about your experiences working at a dealership and what to expect?
    Thanks a lot man!
    Well getting into the right dealership is key. Many dealerships offer training programs. Some are great others are not so great. When you start looking for a dealership to work at make sure your sales manger is more of a mentor then a boss. I would say this is the biggest key to starting at any dealership.Many dealerships are very political which is not good.
    The top earners will always be valued and treated the greatest. Also, your commissions will be much higher on used cars. So I would recommend getting into a place that deals in both new and used.
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