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  • Well, slowly going forward. It's not dying definitely :) You are doing better man! So keep it up! ;)
    Hey man.....I noticed something today......We are nosy!!!!

    Everytime I see a screen name that I don't know, I click on it.......and it's always just us two in the "Recent Visitors" lol

    I guess that's good......means we care.

    Take care bud,

    In 2-5 years I want an Audi R8 and an Ariel Atom :)

    LP640 is a BEAST
    Sup dude,

    What's your target date for you getting a lambo? and which one?

    Good luck :)
    Thanx for the links and advice. Although google patents confirmed my idea is already patented, I know what to do for the next idea. Best wishes for your new product
    Noticed you haven't updated your progress thread in a little while; just curious on how your new product is going. Keep us updated! Thanks!
    I've been busy too. Not much contribution here and on my blog.

    So what is that project you need patent for? Don't worry, I'm not interested in copying ;) Busy enough already :P
    You will have your Lambo soon. It is all about demanding things in life. And then see who will play ball.
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