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  • I'd be interested in purchasing your ticket if you can't make it FYI. I live in the area so travel fortunately wouldn't be an issue for me.
    I decided to suck it up and come after all. :-)

    I knew someone would agree with me.

    I should have been a Gerber/Huggies/Disney baby!
    Hey Jill I've been browsing through thrift stores lately trying to make a few extra bucks selling clothes on e-bay.

    Have a great day/afternoon/night!
    I've been away for a while, but I'm hoping to visit the forum more regularly from now on. I just wanted to let you know that I love this forum and I admire you for your achievements. All the best!
    Hey Jill! Thanks for the response. And yes, I'm in Dallas every once in a while! Grew up there, went to UT in Austin. Own a lot of properties in University Park, Richardson, Garland and Carrollton, so I get back there sometimes. Will have to get together for lunch or something! Would love to meet you guys!
    You and Bobo sound fantastic. He's a kick in the pants! Would love to do a Fastlane cruise, but my hubby decided that for his pre-mid life crisis, he wants to be a doctor. So he's in medical school. Takes the boards in September. We have 2 little nuggets (daughters) too; our lives revolve around them. The only cruise you might find us on would be the Nickelodeon one with water slides and green slime. Thx tho!
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