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  • Hey, I see you have contributed in a few copywriting posts. Actually, I have just finished writing my sales letter, and I was wondering if you would be willing to critic it (about 2000 words). Thanks in advance, Brian
    afternoon, would you send me that pdf compilation of gary's copywriting letters you mentioned in one of your posts? my email is Thanks
    ACTIVE solicitation is the problem, not referencing your website when necessary due to the conversation. Also signatures can be used when you are over 100 posts. Thanks.
    Got it. Deleted the blog post, but I need a MOD to edit my original post on my AMA.
    There is a text that is hyperlinked to my website [see text that says: "do it for you"].
    I can't remove that hyperlink on my own.
    Soliciting on the forum is prohibited, either by Private Message or by BLOG. The moderators have received multiple complaints about you soliciting -- if this continues, I will be forced to remove you from the forum, including your AMA. While I appreciate the time you've spend in answering questions, it does not give you a license to solicit. Thank you for understanding.
    Hey man, i Saw you share a PDF of the Gary halberts letter. Would you please share it to me :)

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