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Recent content by bmyers

  1. bmyers

    Google's NotebookLM: Another AI Breakthrough?

    This is insane!! I first heard about this from the Kevin Rose podcast and is really mind blowing. Apparently you can even have the AI read the book, then you can discuss it in a chat with them based on the principles in the book. It essentially reads and learns the book, then uses that...
  2. bmyers

    Building a Clothing Brand at 19 - B R E A T H E

    This sounds like great council. See how many people you can get to click "buy now" to test the market... and see how much it costs per customer. (I have no experience... fyi). Love your idea/vision/plan and can't wait to see how it turns out. Hopefully you kill it!! Good luck and keep us...
  3. bmyers

    Stock Market Discussion, Chat About the Latest Market Action

    HOT! CHAT 
    Awesome! Would love to learn more. Would you mind elaborating on this?
  4. bmyers

    Stock Market Discussion, Chat About the Latest Market Action

    HOT! CHAT 
    Would you be willing to share a bit about your strategy/vision/philosophy? Thanks
  5. bmyers

    Stock Market Discussion, Chat About the Latest Market Action

    HOT! CHAT 
    Love it. Go get it!!!
  6. bmyers

    Stock Market Discussion, Chat About the Latest Market Action

    HOT! CHAT 
    Thanks for the tip to check out Howard Marks! Very fascinating guy. Incredibly smart and incredibly objective! Love it. Gives me a ton to think about. I'll definitely follow this guy... His recommendation seems to be to move from equities to debt instruments going forward. His "Sea Change"...
  7. bmyers

    Stock Market Discussion, Chat About the Latest Market Action

    HOT! CHAT 
    I'm reading a great book right now called "The Prize" about the history of Oil. (Highly recommend) This crypto market today is like the period between 1915 and 1929 (Roaring 20's). The parallels between the oil booms (speculation, investment, growth, corruption/deception, utility, adoption...
  8. bmyers

    Stock Market Discussion, Chat About the Latest Market Action

    HOT! CHAT 
    Crazy!! MSTR is insane!!!! Saylor has balls. I love watching it. I also own some MSTR. I bought is as a BTC proxy in my Roth IRA.... It's looking insane today!! What price are you looking to exit at? You seem to be buying and selling.. It's currently at $317!!! Insane!!!
  9. bmyers

    Stock Market Discussion, Chat About the Latest Market Action

    HOT! CHAT 
    Literally everything is up.... it's so crazy.... RE seems to be peaking a bit?? It's just the Trump Effect?? Will it pop soon or reset soon or just keep going?? QE F*cks the poor and makes the rich richer I'm personally in vanguard S&P 500, BTC, and RE. Sold most of my RE... but still have...
  10. bmyers

    AI Help with my Assisted Living Business?

    Wow wow wow. Thanks so much for this. Very Very helpful!! These are all amazing lenses to start to look into regarding all our operations! This is insanely helpful. Really appreciate the council and reply. I will buy AI Superpowers immediately, check out the AI Explained YouTube channel and...
  11. bmyers

    AI Help with my Assisted Living Business?

    Super helpful. Much appreciated!!! I do use gemini and chatGPT already, but just for quick documents/marketing material etc.. Thanks again. Will dig into it more this way... I actually never thought of asking chatGPT these questions! (I guess that's kinda the point of it isn't it.... lol)
  12. bmyers

    AI Help with my Assisted Living Business?

    These questions are excellent! Thanks so much for helping me to drill down and think a bit more about what I'm looking for. Initially I was just looking to see what aspects of the lead generation process might best be handled by AI. I'm building it out now and just wanted a book to learn about...
  13. bmyers

    AI Help with my Assisted Living Business?

    Great point. I certainly do use it some to produce documents (job descriptions, marketing material, etc..) but not much more than that. That's why I was looking for a book or resource I can read and get a better grasp of what is involved in managing something like this once it gets rolling...
  14. bmyers

    AI Help with my Assisted Living Business?

    Hi! Thanks for your response and council. You are correct.. when I say external/outward facing systems, I'm referring to lead generation, lead conversion, marketing etc. Right now when someone has interest in learning more about our facility, they can either click the "book a tour" feature on...
  15. bmyers

    AI Help with my Assisted Living Business?

    Happy Saturday all - I own a personal care business (an assisted living business) in PA (USA) with 215 beds and 95 employees. Great business and massive potential going forward (US is underserved by over 1MM beds nationwide FYI). I purchased it in Aug of last year and have grown from 145...

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