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Recent content by Brandon Parker

  1. Brandon Parker

    Saas failed with no savings. Be a freelance designer again. See if I can grow it to 10K/month then 100K :)

    Hey man, I just quit my job that paid around 60k per year. I got so depressed and burnt out I thought I was losing my passion for programming, but it was really just the job. I started applying for more jobs in the 80-100k range and was landing interviews but the whole process made me realize...
  2. Brandon Parker

    Udemy's $10 sale is back!

    Can't really pass up good deals! I got 3 courses: -Ninja Writing: The Four Levels of Writing -The Complete Digital Marketing Course: 12 Courses Into 1 -UX & Web Design Master Course: Strategy, Design, & Development These should give me better skills so I can provide more value/charge my...
  3. Brandon Parker

    So you want to move to Scottsdale?

    Glad it helped! For freelancing, have you read https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/threads/how-to-make-1-000-a-week-with-no-degree-no-feedback-no-portfolio.58837/ ? It should get you started :) EDIT: Link was broken, should be fixed
  4. Brandon Parker

    So you want to move to Scottsdale?

    Good question. Phoenix is definitely not for everybody. I went for a month and personally loved it. Are there better places for me? Probably. PROS It's a fairly red state, conceal carry(important to me) nice weather most of the year The nice areas of Phoenix are a joy(Scottsdale, Tempe, etc) I...
  5. Brandon Parker

    Lex DeVille's: How to Make $1,000 a Week with no Degree, no Feedback, & no Portfolio.

    That is an absurd timeframe to write 120 pages of quality content, especially an entire ebook. Sounds like this client wants pump n' dump type content. I say skip out on it. For your first job, do something that you can complete in a day. Something like a short article or an about page. This...
  6. Brandon Parker

    Lex DeVille's: 15 Days to Freedom - Make Money Copywriting in 15 Days or Less

    I think you should go for article writing gigs and build up from there. This will get you more ratings and allow you to improve your writing. Grammar mistakes really will kill you, and I noticed a handful of them throughout your proposal. You can do whatever you want, but I'd highly recommend...
  7. Brandon Parker

    So you want to move to Scottsdale?

    You're not alone, haha
  8. Brandon Parker

    So you want to move to Scottsdale?

    I find this interesting because I have a 'reverse' situation. I'm not sure exactly what I want in terms of fastlane, or even life, and wanna kick myself into gear a little bit. This probably doesn't make sense, but I'm going with my gut here. This is what is killing me right now. I'm stuck in...
  9. Brandon Parker

    So you want to move to Scottsdale?

    "I've only been here since Tuesday night, but so far it's awesome! I've been scoping out different areas to determine exactly where I want to live." That's awesome! I went to Phoenix for a month in April and had a similar experience. If you get the chance, hike camelback mountain. It's...
  10. Brandon Parker

    So you want to move to Scottsdale?

    Sounds like we're in the same situation. I'm tired of being stuck here in Anchorage and have wanted to move to Arizona all year. No more 7 month winters. Also, I've never lived on my own, ever(I just turned 20). I need this, haha. I plan on purchasing the ticket for November-ish. I'll PM you...
  11. Brandon Parker

    Lex DeVille's: 15 Days to Freedom - Make Money Copywriting in 15 Days or Less

    Listen to this advice. If you just try to copy somebody else, you'll be a sub-par knock off at best. Great copywriters learn from the best people/books, but use the knowledge to create their own unique style and voice. Developing your style takes lots of time and practice. There aren't really...
  12. Brandon Parker

    Take Your Computer Security Seriously! YOU Are At Risk!

    One very very simple thing you left out is.... keep your shit updated. Especially browsers. Many exploits come from things like Firefox, Chrome plugins, Flash player, etc. Whether you are running sudo apt-get upgrade or on Windows, figure out how to keep your system up to date consistently...
  13. Brandon Parker

    Copywriting My Way To 20k/Year

    Earning 20k/yr while working 7 hours a day will yield you the job quality of a minimum-wage job. It's a good start to learn copywriting and freelance, but you need to aim higher if you don't want to be scraping the bottom of the barrel. Aim for a higher wage or a lower amount of work per week...
  14. Brandon Parker

    Lex DeVille's: How to Make $1,000 a Week with no Degree, no Feedback, & no Portfolio.

    Not sure if freelancers are still browsing this thread, but I wanted to share something for those who are starting out. Sinister's philosophy works fantastically for landing clients, but there's another thing to really knock the proposal out of the park. Provide a relavent sample. It's not...
  15. Brandon Parker

    Freelance Copywriting Skype Group

    Yes, I followed both of Lex's threads. I learned a lot from them. I plan on going full time(40+ hours/wk) with freelancing and am probably good enough to apply to simple copy/content writing gigs already. I'll check out the last resources in the mean time, thanks!

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