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Recent content by ChickenHawk

  1. ChickenHawk

    Time Sensitive Post: Health Insurance Open Enrollment – Surprise, Surprise, You May Qualify for Subsidized Insurance Even if You're High-Income

    Agreed! And I believe it's no accident that we're still being told from multiple sources that we don't qualify for a subsidy unless our family income is less than 400% of the Federal Poverty Level. For a family of three, this means our income must fall below $93K to receive any subsidies. But...
  2. ChickenHawk

    Time Sensitive Post: Health Insurance Open Enrollment – Surprise, Surprise, You May Qualify for Subsidized Insurance Even if You're High-Income

    If you're a productive person in the United States, you already know that our health insurance market is a giant suck-fest where productive people are financially bled to pay for the health care of everyone else. To avoid devolving into a political rant, I'll cut to the chase. I very recently...
  3. ChickenHawk

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    I'm trying to decide if it's a good thing, as in you're still making a decent income in spite of no publishing activity, or if it's a bad thing because your self-pub earnings have dropped too low to matter. Are you still advertising? In my very worst year (2023), I did very little advertising...
  4. ChickenHawk

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Pretty much! Or, if I wanted to be optimistic, I would say almost completely. I've found that if I advertise some books heavily, they will eventually get some algo-love from Amazon, along with some promo opportunities, but it takes quite a bit to get there. It's also become easier to actually...
  5. ChickenHawk

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Lol! Yes and no. I've released just a few since my last update, but haven't quite gotten my mojo back. There are lots of factors involved, including burnout, the high cost of advertising, and some family issues that needed tending. How about you?
  6. ChickenHawk

    Tin Foil Hat Time: Are Aliens Here?

    HOT! CHAT 
    Okay, I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I've been dying of curiosity...would you recommend it? It's rated 5.3/10 on the internet movie database. This isn't promising. But of course, some highly rated shows are garbage while some lowly rated shows are excellent. Is it worth watching?
  7. ChickenHawk

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    That's an excellent point. The sad thing is, they probably already know who's posting what. Still, this is a valid concern, especially when the scolds and jackboots come calling, and you lose your livelihood or freedom for posting an inconvenient fact. It does seem, however, that there's got to...
  8. ChickenHawk

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Speaking as a parent, here's why: When all of the other kids are using social media to chat, share news, and plan outings, your own child will be isolated if they don't. Today's parents are in a real catch-22. It's worse in affluent areas, because literally every single kid has cell phones and...
  9. ChickenHawk

    Tin Foil Hat Time: Are Aliens Here?

    HOT! CHAT 
    The longer I'm alive, the more I disbelieve the official stories we've been fed by our leaders -- and the more I realize that there's an active, official effort to make doubters look like nutters. This has probably been mentioned before, but the term "conspiracy theorist" was invented and...
  10. ChickenHawk

    Fighting CV19: Please send thoughts and well wishes to Greg B (Runum)

    Oh gosh, I just saw this thread and read through all of the updates in one sitting. My heart really goes out to you! Hang in there, @Runum, we're all praying for you!
  11. ChickenHawk

    Using BookBub for Book Promotion...

    Yup, I've done a lot of promoting with Amazon. As you say, it's quite pricey. It's soooooo easy to burn through a lot of money on those campaigns, that's for sure! I've had campaigns that were profitable and some that weren't. But it's been at least a year since I've spent serious money on it...
  12. ChickenHawk

    Using BookBub for Book Promotion...

    IMO, BookBub has gone seriously downhill in terms of promoting indie books. All in all, I've had really good luck with getting daily deals, but it's been a few years since I tried to get one. (Thinking back, I don't think that my romance pen name was ever turned down for a Daily Deal, but this...
  13. ChickenHawk

    [PROGRESS THREAD] ChickenHawk's Self-Published Fiction EBooks

    IMO, one reason Amazon doesn't clean up its categories is because those trashy erotica novels spend a ton of money on Amazon advertising. Within the last few years, Amazon has gone from making money off books to making money off the PROMOTION of books. It's a terrible conflict of interest. If...
  14. ChickenHawk

    Pre-Order: The 10th Anniversary Hardback Edition of The Millionaire Fastlane

    Oh wow, I'm obnoxiously happy to see this because I've been wanting a signed copy forever and wasn't quite sure how to go about it. In this case, procrastination pays off because now I get an updated hardcopy. Whoooo! Funny, I've never technically "read" The Millionaire Fastlane, but only...
  15. ChickenHawk

    [PROGRESS THREAD] ChickenHawk's Self-Published Fiction EBooks

    These are excellent questions. I've considered what genres I might be able to ease into under the same pen name but haven't come up with anything, partly because I've been so out of touch for months now. Who knows? Maybe poking around on Amazon will leader me to a romance-related category I...

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