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Recent content by Chris McCarron

  1. Chris McCarron

    How to dominate the local map pack

    Quick update to say that the remaining episodes of the free local SEO course are now up on YouTube. Part 5: Brightlocal Hands-on With The Best Local SEO Tool Part 6: Bing Places for Business Explained Part 7: Apple Maps Business Listing Part 8: Best Local SEO Tools Compared Three new videos...
  2. Chris McCarron

    Putting out Content daily - let's see what happens

    Three things you can do: 1) LinkedIn is packed with people who need a good copywriter (please feel free to send me some of your work to review) 2) UpWork 3) Meet people including existing companies that offer copywriting services, but need to outsource
  3. Chris McCarron

    Hello Amazing People, My Very First Post Here!

    Welcome to the forum!
  4. Chris McCarron

    How to dominate the local map pack

    Free content hosted on YouTube and embedded in a forum thread. It's not like I'm linking to content that's a part of a sales funnel or on my website. It's literally a free course that lasts over an hour teaching people everything they need to do to get to the top of the map pack. Nothing sold...
  5. Chris McCarron

    How to dominate the local map pack

    You'l l also note my long history on this forum with giving free knowledge and advice that people have used to grow their business. So I'm sure you'll understand my confusion.
  6. Chris McCarron

    How to dominate the local map pack

    I'm sorry, but I don't see what I'm selling or advertising other than "hey here's free resources and knowledge to grow your business". So unless you oppose helping people (for free) then I don't see what the problem is?
  7. Chris McCarron

    How to dominate the local map pack

    Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Watch this on YouTube: Free Local SEO Course Introduction to Local SEO Audit for a Small Business. Local SEO for Google is important for any small business that serves customers within a geographical area. But before we dive into how you can get to the...
  8. Chris McCarron

    New e-commerce business & MLM question

    There are loads of tools out there that will handle everything automatically. Viral Loops is a good option and it's cheap as well.
  9. Chris McCarron

    New e-commerce business & MLM question

    Hi, first of all, best of luck to you and your new business! One option is to use a reward system for existing customers. For example, if they get a friend to join your newsletter then they both get a discount, freebie etc. It works really well and you can actually scale the rewards based on...
  10. Chris McCarron

    $30m business and I'm just a bitch

    Don't view your job as a job. It's a means to finance your own company and provides resources for you to invest. You're also in a key position to put into place all the things that are clearly missing with the company's culture
  11. Chris McCarron

    Ensuring and communicating results with a client!

    Every business and every industry is different. Some businesses sell stuff people want. Some businesses sell something nobody wants. Regardless of confidence or a belief in a particular business, you can't ethically promise you'll get them set results.
  12. Chris McCarron

    Ensuring and communicating results with a client!

    You can be ultra-confident and have a long history of results, testimonials, etc that you can show to a potential client. Every agency does this and this is why so many of them use case studies. From an ethical standpoint, you can't promise anything other than the delivery of the agreed work...
  13. Chris McCarron

    How to find Business Coach/Mentor

    I know someone who is shit hot at helping practices. Let me know if you want me to forward you their details.
  14. Chris McCarron

    Ensuring and communicating results with a client!

    You can't assure anything. Your job isn't to validate a business, but instead you make it easier to get sales. One way around this is to say: "we did x, y and z for a similar client and we got them this result. We can't promise you similar success, but what I can say is that if there's a...
  15. Chris McCarron

    E-Mail Marketing Agency (Not Webdesign, but same Principles apply)

    Hey I own GoGoChimp and we help clients with email marketing and conversion rate optimization. Reach out anytime if you want to connect.

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