Cindy Kennedy

Cindy Kennedy is the author of “Help! My Child Has Hashimoto’s” and is the owner of Nutrition Navigator, a Nutritional Medicine Practice in Grafton, NSW. As a qualified Nutritional Medicine Practitioner and mother of two young children both of whom have Hashimoto’s, she is passionate about raising awareness in the community on the plight of families living with invisible illness and helping people overcome their autoimmune and thyroid disease.

Cindy and her family live on a property in country NSW, which gives her a unique and personal insight into the difficulties that come with rural living such as reduced access to community support, mainstream medical care, and complementary Natural Medicine. Through the use of modern technology, Cindy provides the tools via her practice and now her book to enable both city and rural families to access high quality, personalised Nutritional Medicine Services to take charge of their silent disease and live a healthy, productive and fulfilled life.
Apr 24, 1975 (Age: 49)
Kangaroo Creek, Australia
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Services: Medical
Nutritional Medicine Practitioner


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