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  1. C

    Web design price list

    I see. What should I say then?
  2. C

    Web design price list

    My advert just says "Get your website" and 3 bullet points: Reach more customers Increase credibility Own your content Is the advert at fault or is it just that most people want to fish for price since they've never bought a website before?
  3. C

    Web design price list

    This script looks viable.
  4. C

    Web design price list

    Ok that sounds reasonable.
  5. C

    Web design price list

    This looks like a good plan. Makes sense. About the minimum price. My first project was done for $100. How would I go about setting up a minimum price that's high enough to ward off cheapskates but not high enough to scare off good clients?
  6. C

    Web design price list

    How would I determine that?
  7. C

    Web design price list

    Everyone who contacts me for web design asks for a price list. I'm currently working a day job and want to do freelance as a side hustle to bring in some cash and possibly allow me to quit my job and start a business someday. What would be a reasonable price list to send to these people?
  8. C

    Need help with cold outreach

    I decided to give up on freelancing and get back to work a full time job for now. I find websites to be impossible to sell. I'll save up some cash to start another business after a couple months.
  9. C

    How to write copy when not focused on a niche?

    That's my strategy. Once I work with enough clients, I will probably find out which types suck and which ones are fun to work with.
  10. C

    How to write copy when not focused on a niche?

    Websites are really simple these days. At my job, I set up a few websites with 2million skus on my own easily. A few Wordpress plugins is all that's required. I was saying that I don't have experience running a web design business, not with web design itself. I'm used to building anything...
  11. C

    How to write copy when not focused on a niche?

    Yes but I don't understand how to come up with the ideal customer because I don't have enough experience in the domain. I haven't worked with enough people yet to be able to determine which ones will suck and which ones will be worthwhile. My strategy is to sell to everyone right now, then...
  12. C

    How to write copy when not focused on a niche?

    Ok I see. I have to write in a way that resonates with similar people.
  13. C

    How to write copy when not focused on a niche?

    Ok so I have to let go of other niches then. For example, if my ideal customer is in the construction company, I can't have copy that also targets people looking for e-commerce websites. Is this the best way to go about doing this?
  14. C

    How to write copy when not focused on a niche?

    I'm reaching a book called Copywriting Secrets. In that book, there's a chapter where you have to define a F.R.E.D, which basically means your ideal customer. But in the web design industry, I can help anyone I want. For example, I can setup online shops for retail stores, building lead gen...
  15. C

    Need help with cold outreach

    No I can't afford it right now. Yes it's true. Some people go really crazy with designs sometimes even though the visitor doesn't care about that stuff.

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