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Recent content by cwalto12

  1. cwalto12

    I quit my Job

    Good stuff man. A TON of your business will come from referrals if you are good. Impress a few customers and it could spread like wild fire. Homeowners will start saying "I have this friend that owns this business and he would love it to be pressure cleaned..." that could be your ticket into...
  2. cwalto12

    I quit my Job

    I'm curious what your pressure washing set up is. What were the startup costs and what kind of equipment are you working with? Is the $2800 profit? Is this something you can do year round?
  3. cwalto12

    My Old Kentucky Home

    I'm in Louisville too. Would love to meet up with you guys.
  4. cwalto12

    Make Money with building Websites: The ultimate Way

    How do you transfer the website domain and stuff?
  5. cwalto12

    Make Money with building Websites: The ultimate Way

    How long should it take to make a decent, basic website?
  6. cwalto12

    CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

    What is the best way to go about domain names? If someone has a website that is outdated and wants to keep the same domain, should I transfer it to whatever hosting site I use or keep it on whatever it is? Or should I make them get a hostgator account for when the site is finished? On the...
  7. cwalto12

    CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

    So...did anyone try Sean's $499 course? :clench:
  8. cwalto12

    Lex DeVille's 2019-22 Step-By-Step Upwork Tutorial for Brokeass Bootstrap Beginners Who Need Cash Now!

    Just wanted to add to Lex's ego a little bit. I followed his last thread and signed up for his emails last year when I was experimenting with Upwork. The only skill I had was growing an Instagram account for a home decor page (one of my failed first businesses). I leveraged that page to get...
  9. cwalto12

    Has Amazon become a monopoly?

    For people that are a lot smarter than me and more business savvy: Even if we are buying 90% of our stuff from Amazon, it still wouldn't be a monopoly, right? I'm not even sure what they could really get a total monopoly on since they offer a huuuuuge variety of services and products. I think...
  10. cwalto12

    Have you had your "FTE"? (Or Was it an FTM?!)

    Still have not really found my lane to quit my fulltime job yet, but intubating a patient with tuberculosis for little hourly pay is not fun.
  11. cwalto12

    Earning $11,000 vs. $60 in a Day (A tale of Fastlane/Slowlane)

    Saw this same video the other day and wondered what the board's thoughts were on it. I also looked into Ricky's background and his FB group makes it seem like it is a pretty good course. I also got the bro-marketing vibe from him at first, but his students seem pretty happy with the content and...
  12. cwalto12

    Lex DeVille's - I Deleted My Upwork Account...

    I've been on Upwork for about 2 weeks - started it because of this thread and signed up for the email tips with Lex. Over delivered on my $5 an hour Instagram marketing job and now my client is recommending me to other business owners in San Diego (without me asking). I even got the "rising...
  13. cwalto12

    The Next Instagram – Social Network For Stories

    I feel like this could result in another Facebook if it is left alone to regular everyday users. Just a place where people go to bitch all the time. I don’t think that listening to people complain (to random strangers or even friends) about their day sounds appealing. People hear stories they...
  14. cwalto12

    What is the BEST "value" you ever paid for?

    I want to add something else to this thread, but it is free. The Chrome extension called "Sexy Undo Close Tab". I think I'm like most people in that I have about 10 tabs up at the same time. When I toggle through them, I always accidentally close out of one of them. Happens everyday. This...
  15. cwalto12

    How I Generated $21K In Profit In 1 Month For a Client Using Facebook Ads

    My store looks a lot like the one you described. I have been told to build my Facebook pixel before running ads but I do not have enough sales for it to be effective. What’s your opinion on building FB pixel before launching FB ads?

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