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  1. daftypunk

    Should i learn a skill or go to university? Confused.

    My parents are hell-bent on me going to university, and i want to go to. I most likely will go to one, but i am a bit confused. I believed i could get into a Top-100 uni with a scholarship and I was completely depending on my SAT score to get me into a great university with full...
  2. daftypunk

    If you were going to college/university today what would you major in?

    University of amsterdam has a bsc in econometrics and so does erasmus university rotterdam.
  3. daftypunk

    If you were going to college/university today what would you major in?

    Wow, this completely changed my perspective of Harvard, and i agree with most of what he says. But the problem in my case is, that i live in a developing south asian country where my parents will permit me to go abroad only if i get into the top 100 universities. Safety option is the top...
  4. daftypunk

    If you were going to college/university today what would you major in?

    W What do you think of econometrics? Its a combination of data science and economics, and because data analytics is in high demand i am considering it, but tbf i am more interested in philosophy and economics.
  5. daftypunk

    If you were going to college/university today what would you major in?

    I feel you man. Was just researching universities in the US and am struck by how expensive they are. Europe seems to be a lot cheaper though. At 1/3rd the price i can go to a university ranked in the Top 100, and all i have to do is learn a language.
  6. daftypunk

    If you were going to college/university today what would you major in?

    Ngl i don't want to go to college at all. Researching universities is a big headache in itself, but since i don't have a business neither work a job and am in my last year of high school university seems to be the option for me. And my parents wont let me not to uni.
  7. daftypunk

    If you were going to college/university today what would you major in?

    18 y/o South Asian kid here. Because i have relatively good grades and a good enough SAT Score i am planning to go to college in the US if i get a scholarship or the university is affordable. The subjects i have in high school(known as college here) are economics , maths and accounts and i was...
  8. daftypunk

    How do i improve my communication skills?

    Being non interviewee and excited is how interviews should be. Last year i had a high school interview and it went amazing because the interviewer ( the principal in this case) made me feel at ease and i felt like i had some sort of bond with her. Ended up acing it and going to that same...
  9. daftypunk

    How do i improve my communication skills?

    Exactly, i think i would come off as rude if i approached a 40 year old man like that. Rather i would see them as a mentor or a teacher who i can from, while providing value to them, because i have seen that many old people/adults love to give advice to young people. Then again in this case...
  10. daftypunk

    How do i improve my communication skills?

    Wow, this is gold.In fact this whole thread is @mjdemarco Skimmed directly to the 'corona virus version' and realized that if i knew what the NGO did, it would have made a better impression. Missed so many things, but glad i asked this question here.
  11. daftypunk

    How do i improve my communication skills?

    Glad i bought it a long time back. Stayed on my shelves for very long, but i guess its time i read it. Also, pm me your ebay listing. I wanna be one of those cool biker boys too.
  12. daftypunk

    How do i improve my communication skills?

    Thanks! And yes the interview was on zoom. I am 18 years old and in my last year of highschool(2020-2021). The internship was for an NGO associated with the one of the best universities in my country. Ngl, I didnt do much to prepare for this interview. I didn't know the type of questions they...
  13. daftypunk

    How do i improve my communication skills?

    I just had an internship interview and i feel like i completely messed it up; i stuttered and had little clarity of thought when they asked me questions. In simple i feel like i ws all over the place. This is probably the 2nd or third interview i have ever given in my life, so i don't care that...
  14. daftypunk

    Can you help a 18 yo girl?

    Seems like you already know a lot. Considering the skills you have, i think you will be able to find a well paid job while learning a side skill - web design/copywriting/sales/graphic design/coding Choose any of them and stick to it. Also, if i were you i would focus on translation. If you...

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