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Recent content by Dave E RDN

  1. Dave E RDN

    Nutrition Coaching. Not a Fast Lane Idea (Yet) but It's a Start.

    Thanks for everyone’s advice and perspective. I think I’m going to spend some time learning more about the coaching/ nutrition industry to try to find gaps and ways I can stand out. In the mean time I’m going to start offering my service any way I can just to do something. If I decide...
  2. Dave E RDN

    Nutrition Coaching. Not a Fast Lane Idea (Yet) but It's a Start.

    Thanks, @Andy Black. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Dave E RDN

    Nutrition Coaching. Not a Fast Lane Idea (Yet) but It's a Start.

    Thanks for your perspective, @MJ DeMarco! It means a lot. This makes sense. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Dave E RDN

    Nutrition Coaching. Not a Fast Lane Idea (Yet) but It's a Start.

    Good advice. I don't think I have a anything unique enough to start something yet. But I would love to get it there. I also don't want to pursue an idea just because I love it. I want to do something that is going to be helpful and that people actually want.
  5. Dave E RDN

    Nutrition Coaching. Not a Fast Lane Idea (Yet) but It's a Start.

    Hey Fast Laners! I want to start a online nutrition coaching business for men. I know fitness and nutrition is a crowded space. I know coaching is not a fast lane idea because I would be trading time for time to start. But I am really passionate about nutrition and want to create something...
  6. Dave E RDN

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I read The Millionaire Fast Lane. Great book, @MJ DeMarco! Thank you. I look forward to reading Unscripted. So much good stuff in TMFL. I found it very helpful how you differentiate side walkers, slow laners, and fast laners.
  7. Dave E RDN

    What has helped your seasonal depression SAD?INDOOR TANNING???

    I was diagnosed with depression in college. I still use a high lux light in the morning to this day. It's a little beaten up but works great. These day the more modern models are even better. This will not cause your body to synthesize vitamin D so I supplement with 5000 IU a day...
  8. Dave E RDN


    Welcome to the forum
  9. Dave E RDN

    How to deal with burn out? Am I just being a b*tch?

    Maybe you just need a short break. Do something to take you mind off your work and focus on you for a day or two. No one can go hard 24/7. There has to be a balance between producing and improving or recharging your ability to produce. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Dave E RDN

    Hello guys

    Welcome! I’m pretty new here myself. Been listening to the Fastlane millionaire. It’s a cool place to interact with like minded people. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Dave E RDN

    Looking a better job?

    Great question! I’m also thinking of taking a better job because an opportunity is coming available in the near future for me. I’ve been burned in the past by taking a promotion, though. It was more money and more responsibility but it was way longer hours, a commute, and a hard...
  12. Dave E RDN

    Newbee :)

    Welcome Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Dave E RDN

    Finding motivation when you have a 9-5

    I struggle with this too. One of the things I did recently was change my 9-5 to a 11-7. This way I can get up in the morning and work on my business first thing for a couple hours before I can let my “9-5” steal all my energy. I find it helps. I also think self care is important if I’m not...
  14. Dave E RDN

    Uber of cooking, scale issue

    This is a cool idea! I've done cooking classes for people wanting to learn how to meal prep. A lot of people just want someone to do it for them. How did uber get its first few cabs? Or Airbnb get its first few places? I would totally meal prep for people to make a little extra cash.
  15. Dave E RDN

    Is it possible to gain weight / mass with just US$50 per month?

    Absolutely. If you notice, most of Rippetoe's protocols are very simple. Perhaps in some cases too simple. Like: want to gain weight? Drink a lot of milk. Want to get get strong? Do these three lifts and add weight. Got a bad back? Deadlift. Not that these are bad pieces of advice but...

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