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Recent content by davidpn

  1. D

    Exiting the cubicle farm and taking Web-Design full time

    Solid advice! Good job on taking action and getting over the cold calling fear. All it takes is 1 yes and you'll get that big first step of traction you're after. Keep it up and keep going!
  2. D

    Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months

    Hi! Cool and thank you! I'm almost ready to make a bit of a pivot with my overall strategy, but not ready to reveal it just yet. Oh sweet! How are you finding coding? Well... in my case, it consumed waaaay too much time for recording my SaaS challenge. And it's hard to answer if it's worth...
  3. D

    Figuring Out YouTube

    Yup... I'd say that line would be the most relevant to you! Though I think the other important one from that podcast was when she mentioned something around "at the end of the day social media/videos are about making people feel good". Especially true in short-form video content. Imo, I think...
  4. D

    Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months

    You bring up a lot of valid points. Thanks! You are probably right with your thoughts. Though either a YT channel, or SaaS business, are both going to be a lot of work. Plus just having a YT channel was not my end goal...but I've gotten sucked into it. Haha. I've also read that Gold thread by...
  5. D

    Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months

    True! I already unlisted 1 video to take some action on this. Haha. Regarding the other question... if executed properly, it could definitely be revenue producing in the long term. But I'll dig deeper into this while I'm re-assessing my strategy/vision. Thanks!
  6. D

    Figuring Out YouTube

    Some interesting insights in this thread and I'm going to have to read this more closely + have a listen to those Paddy podcasts you mentioned (I've watched a few of his YT video breakdowns). As someone who is also growing a YT channel, it's interesting to read/compare how you are going about...
  7. D

    Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months

    I did watch that YT video you linked earlier and I understand his reasoning for unlisting his old videos which didn't align with his customer avatars. He didn't want to confuse his audience and part of his strategy was to get viewers to binge watch his content. That's interesting insight to...
  8. D

    Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months

    End of the year review/reflection on my YT channel & SaaS challenge. Subs: 326 [goal was 1000] WT: ~890 hours [goal was 2500 hours] Approx got 1/3rd of the way there. Not great, but also not bad in the sense that my channel at least grew! However, maybe 10 days before the end of 2021 my YT...
  9. D

    Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months

    Thank you! Hahaha... I think I ventured a bit too far with one random video and it definitely hurt me for a 2 week period. After that, I haven't seen any negative impact on my channel. So I'm curious if unlisting videos that aren't related to your channel's main themes will benefit you in some...
  10. D

    Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months

    [Update @ ~4.5 month mark] How my last 1.5 months went: I had a bit of a crazy, but short, growth spurt since my last update and that really helped my channel grow. Unfortunately it didn’t last very long, but my channel is growing at a steady pace. Still very tiny though. I only uploaded 2...
  11. D

    Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months

    [Update @ ~90 day mark] How my last 2 months went: I had a pretty busy period with things going on in life + going on a vacation, so I didn’t do as much as I wanted. My average time between video uploads has been increasing. However, I did upload 3 videos (1 each from programming, random &...
  12. D

    The Value of Freedom is more valuable than all forms of currency combined.

    Holy shite Matt... do you know what paragraphs are? Haha On a more serious level ... That's a pretty interesting and (so far) impressive story there. Apart from being a bit hard to read, I'm really curious to see how your product invention will turn out. Seems like you had some mental fear...
  13. D

    Anyone from Austria, Vienna

    Sorry for reviving an old thread... I'm also based in Vienna and it would be super cooool to meet some people who are also "striving to become Fastlaners" (or Fastlaners) here. Not sure if anyone in this thread is still around? Maybe some more recent people have also joined?
  14. D

    Creating a YouTube Channel to Document my Challenge of building a SaaS business in 12 months

    [UPDATE] How my first month (well... 3.5 weeks) went: I produced 3 videos. One from each of the following areas: - Programming - SaaS business challenge - Random As far as I’m concerned… they were all duds (well I shouldn’t comment on the SaaS one yet as it’s recently released)! So far...
  15. D

    Exiting the cubicle farm and taking Web-Design full time

    Well done for all the things you've put into motion and also for starting this thread! I'm looking forward to following your journey and seeing great things out of this. You got this man!

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