
I'm Dee, an Ex-ICU Nurse that Burnt Out pre-Covid.

I realized the rat race is a ponzi scheme during rehab. It is the wealthiest few using everyone else's limited time to build their dreams while all the rest of our wants, needs and dreams die in exchange for just enough money, distractions and sedation to keep us numb.

I still love helping people but It was my life or the job.

After rehab got rid of some addictions that had built up, and helped me see reality more clearly, I had a clean slate to work with.

Now, I several years later I feel better than I have in 30 years and more free than I ever have been.

I know I never want to work inside a hospital again so I have been teaching myself numerous skills to teach people what I know.

I have built up a large amount of written content assets.

I just read Millionaire Fastlane, it lit my mind up with different problems I can solve for people.
Central Florida
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Services: Medical
Solopreneur Nurse



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