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Recent content by Djenis

  1. Djenis

    My Two Business Ideas and Why they Failed

    Hello, long time lurker. Last year I started to take the fastlane journey more seriously. TLDR: Last year I executed on two business ideas that both failed. The first one failed the commandments of Need, Scale and Time. The second one did better, but failed the commandment of Need (I think?)...
  2. Djenis

    tech startup thesis?

    So I have a similar background as you. I studied materials science and chemical engineering and graduated as a materials engineer (in Belgium). I worked two years as a process engineer (Germany) before I made the switch to data analyst, to data scientist and now work as a data engineer doing...
  3. Djenis

    Time to start reading intensely

    Reading is great! I'm a big reader myself. Just be careful: don't mistake reading for working towards your goal. If you want to make real progress go out there, start something and a fail a few times. You will learn a ton more, I promise ;-)
  4. Djenis

    Totally confused about Idea/Solution validation for SaaS. Please help out

    Hi there, full disclosure: I don't own a successful SaaS business. But like you I work in the software field, more specifically as a freelancer in data analytics and have sold several services to non-software clients. As developers we are liable to focus too much on our solution (our baby after...

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