Recent content by EthanH

  1. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Thanks, it’s been a long journey, and it was 5K in one week too which seems crazy to me still. Still in the process of sorting out the merger. Spoke to my accountant on Monday and he’s put a detailed report together covering everything I need to cover in my meeting with my business partner...
  2. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Update time. Tldr: I'm entering a partnership. Over the past few months I've been working with a guy called George who has a very similar company to my own. We've been in business for a similar amount of time and over the past year have been working together on a large amount of jobs that we...
  3. EthanH

    I've failed at this for 9 years... what now?

    This was a tough read. Honestly you just need to get outside and help someone. Start with those closest to you and just help someone solve a problem. Don't over-complicate it by thinking about what's in it for you. You just need to shift your mindset from "What's in it for me?" to "How can I...
  4. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Thats 100% what I think. I'd rather differentiate myself from the competition by presenting myself as a friendly, personable business, rather than looking like another soulless, anonymous corporation
  5. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    I'll definitely try to sort this. I really haven't made much use of the coverage I got. Only things that I've noticed is that I'll mention to someone about the sign cleaning stuff and they'll have seen it previously and remember me so it's a weird feeling.
  6. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Yes i need to find the links for the sign cleaning stuff if i can. The main coverage I had was an interview on BBC Northwest which is a pretty huge channel, but I'm not sure if there's a link i could use for that. There were a couple of smaller newspapers so i could reach out to them and ask but...
  7. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    I'd love it if anyone could have a look at my current offer to my roof cleaning customers? This is a real example of how I quote for roof cleaning jobs, following an in-person meeting with the client to discuss their needs and check for access / inspect the roof. Here's one I sent today along...
  8. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    I get what you mean. I've just been speaking to my web dev about this and the reason he was asking for a picture without me in it was so I can look like a bigger company, but I'm not sure if it's more beneficial at this point to look like I'm bigger than I am, or to lean into the advantage I...
  9. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Yes, i definitely need to get a new photo done. The designer said it'd be better to get one of just the van as the main "hero image". There are currently two different numbers as I started the business with my personal mobile number and now I've got a dedicated work phone two so it is a bit...
  10. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Thanks for taking the time to write this, just checked out the video too and it's exactly how my brain works, I always struggled with doing homework in school as I'd just put it off indefinitely up to the point where I just stopped trying altogether. It seems that habit has carried from homework...
  11. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Quick update today. Just finished my first solo roof clean for the business yesterday and I'm amazed by the results. I'm aware I haven't really shared much of what I actually do for my customers so I'll attach a couple pictures of this most recent project: Super happy with how this has...
  12. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Thanks for the response. I'm starting up with my sign cleaning stuff I did last year again and posting a lot more regularly on social media. I'm just getting FB ads up and running at the moment so I'll start investing a lot of money into that. As I'm getting more into the roof cleans the cost...
  13. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    It was my business’s 1st birthday this week, here's a very very overdue update. (Note: This post is a mess but I just need to post) Being completely transparent at the end of last year I had a pretty messy break up which left me miserable for a good while and I lost all motivation for the...
  14. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Week 7 Last week’s goals: Update phone number on website Get quotes for fixing van windscreen / brake pads Add roof cleaning section to website Pick up Hi-vis uniform Quote all outstanding jobs Start sign cleaning Tik-Tok Being 100% honest, I've had a terrible week. Lots of stuff going on in...
  15. EthanH

    Starting and Scaling an Exterior Cleaning Business at 21

    Week 6 Last week’s goals: Update phone number on website Get quotes for fixing van windscreen / brake pads Create PDF document for roof cleaning (to explain the process to customers) Add roof cleaning section to website Create spreadsheet tracking revenue / customers for the past few weeks...

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