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Flo Rian

To Attorney, to Dreampreneur, to Entrepreneur, to semi-retired at my 40 (I'm 32).

In one year (2022), I will launch my company with a 2.100 € profit.
In five years (2026), I will scale my company to a 2 million € profit.
In ten years (2031), I will sell a company at 17 millions €.

My Big Goals 1/5/10 are written on a orange note-pad with a (very) long and precise description of my lifestyle when each of these Big Goals will be achieved.

This company will respect the five commandments :

- Need : I will help people who need an Attorney to find one, even these people have no money / I will help attorney to find new clients in few clicks anytime it is necessary for them

- Control : Hard to execute (advanced programming, SEO, marketing...).

- Control : I will own and control my company.

- Scale : Thanks to the skill I'm learning and practicing, I will create a web service which can bring a solution to anyone in France (then in Europe and in the World) the need i've just described.

- Time : I will create a company system which can work for me anytime, and I will improve it anytime I have the opportuny to do it thanks the market echoes.

This company will create productocraty by improving anytime I can my service (product) for my customers, and use the right medias for its propagation.

I know my family, my friends, won't understand. But, by my incredible results and profits, they will be forced to understand that was the right way for me and the concretization of my dreams.

I'm Attorney in Contract law and Real estate law by Reason. But, I AM Entrepreneur by Heart.

I sign this description and is engaged to respect it until it's done.

I will never give up:

1) for my mother
2) in memory of my father gone too soon this summer
3) for being a writer when I will work without any contraint money (my best gift from Christmas when I was a child was a typewriter, but now I understrand that my best gift ever was simply being with my family...).

When it's done, I will send a e-mail to Mj Demarco to thank him and tell my story to help the others.

November 24
Your Expertise
Services: Attorney
Attorney - Real estate law - Contract law



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