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  1. F

    Should I quit my job before soft validation of the business idea?

    Thanks for your comment. I really like the way you see things. I'm today convinced indeed that I shouldn't quit. I'll work before and after the job. 7 years ago, I bootstrapped a lot of idea projects, and today when I see the market, all of them have been done. I don't wanna fall into the trap...
  2. F

    Should I quit my job before soft validation of the business idea?

    Thanks for sharing your personal experience. It is really valuable. In my case, I don't really think I'll be able to keep my job and start a new business. The best I could do is get a few orally accepted offers of customers I know, and develop most of the product while still having my job by...
  3. F

    Should I quit my job before soft validation of the business idea?

    Yes, that makes sense indeed. Thanks for comforting me into that position.
  4. F

    Should I quit my job before soft validation of the business idea?

    Thanks for shimming in. So my fear is that I will not be able to go fast enough if I keep a full time job. Maybe part time could be an idea instead. I'm usually a binary person. I either go all in or don't go at all. Then regarding building the company while staying at my current job, I feel...
  5. F

    Should I quit my job before soft validation of the business idea?

    Wow, thanks to all of you! I'm really impressed by the good vibes, the support and thoughtful answers here. Especially considering you guys have read the books and value your time. Thanks for those tips and links. I think I'll postpone the learning to the moment it will make sense. My first...
  6. F

    Should I quit my job before soft validation of the business idea?

    Thanks for the link, interesting read. It does help regarding what to do with the money. I'm wondering, what is a good time to start a money system? At 1k dollar? 10k? Most importantly, MJ explains a bit more about how the money system works, but is there any more concrete resource where to...
  7. F

    Should I quit my job before soft validation of the business idea?

    Hi there, It is not a surprise that after reading both TFM & Unscripted, and as having always had a entrepreneur mindset, I'm about to start the experience again. In the past I've held my own web agency for 5 years, but unfortunately, by then, I traded my time for money. And I traded a LOT of...
  8. F

    I've Read UNSCRIPTED!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Just finished the book on audible yesterday. I got to say, good book again! I read both fastlane & unscripted in 5 days. I feel like one should only really read one, and if I had to pick one it would be Fastlane because the story telling is better IMHO. However I do love how unscripted brings...
  9. F

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Listened & finished the book with audible.com in 3 days. Very inspiring.

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