
I'm a 24 year old male living in Ontario Canada who had big dreams and was getting ready to enter the corporate world as a Police Officer, I graduated from College for Policing a year ago and for my graduation present I purchased a new car for myself. It was a bit... okay actually a lot out of my price range. And I can't sell it because I owe too much in negative equity. On top of this, despite the fact that I achieved high grades in college (80's-90's all around the board), put together resumes and wasted HOURS applying to various jobs, I can't seem to get out of my dead end minimum wage Job. While at work one day I stumbled upon a course online on Youtube for dropshipping. Stressed by my financial situation and desire to be more than I was at that point in time, I wasted $700 that I had spent literally 3 months saving on it. Obviously it got me nowhere. ..The things you'll do when you're desperate ey'? Moving on to 5 months later I'm in a different job, but just as dead end and starting to loose hope a little. I spoke with a man who had parked illegally in his Porsche and asked him to move his car or I was going to have to ticket it. He said "That's okay, I'll just pay it." Dumbfounded I decided not to ticket the man, and instead asked him what he did for a living in order to afford a nice car, and be so unfazed by the ticket. He chuckled and said "I ran a business when I was younger. I sold it for a couple million and here I am today." That was enough reasoning for my to begin my investigation. I searched the internet for hours for review of the "most reliable Entrepreneurial Mindset books" The one that was highest rated.. was Millionaire Fastlane. Using my aimless hours of driving with nothing else to do, I hooked my phone up to the car and listened to the audiobook for a few days before deciding to also buy Unscripted. What an enlightening read. While it feels like my eyes have opened though, I am still in the starting faze.
Aug 30, 1995 (Age: 29)
Ontario, Canada
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Fastlane Student
Provincial Offences Officer



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