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Recent content by Gr8FUL

  1. Gr8FUL

    Senate Democrats propose canceling $10,000 in student debt for all borrowers amid coronavirus

    Definitely sounds fishy, the whole thing wreaks. Neither party ever gives up something for nothing. Traditionally they like to give you something in your right hand and take it from you in your left hand
  2. Gr8FUL

    The 2020 Fastlane Summit - Official Event Thread!

    It was nice to meet you, even for five minutes. You have great energy.
  3. Gr8FUL

    The 2020 Fastlane Summit - Official Event Thread!

    Way cool Tanmyanne
  4. Gr8FUL

    The 2020 Fastlane Summit "Social" Thread

    Red thank you for your awesomeness!! This is the first event I’ve ever attended where even though there were lots of millionaires and billionaires that I didn’t feel less than... When asked what was the best presentation of the conference you were named #1 in the top three of 17 all star ⭐️ line...
  5. Gr8FUL

    Big thank you to @MJDeMarco and my fellow forum members and insiders. I'm a Nigerian looking for entrepreneur advice.

    Welcome to the most fabulous business community EVER!
  6. Gr8FUL

    The 2020 Fastlane Summit - Official Event Thread!

    Right On!! Get to work! Zane will be so proud.
  7. Gr8FUL

    The 2020 Fastlane Summit - Official Event Thread!

    As a teacher for 20 years, I can attest to the fact that Runum is absolutely right! My best classes have always been those that allow me to customize to the students. I develop and adjust the curriculum as I go...as a result my students are successful. Homeschool is a great idea, your children...
  8. Gr8FUL

    2020 Fastlane Summit, Itinerary

    It was so cool to meet you and read your previous post. You are a mover and a shaker keep up the good work, enjoy your date this weekend & thanks for the sightseeing suggestions.
  9. Gr8FUL

    The 2020 Fastlane Summit - Official Event Thread!

    It was great to meet you in person. Thanks for the great kick-off I appreciated all you had to say about having a strong purpose to pull us through hard times & the importance of having “porous beliefs”. Thank you for the books, the event, the forum, & the photo op. I learned a ton, excited to...
  10. Gr8FUL

    The 2020 Fastlane Summit - Official Event Thread!

    Sawatdekap :smile:
  11. Gr8FUL

    The 2020 Fastlane Summit - Official Event Thread!

    Thank you for your presentation Kak I respect and appreciate learning so much from you. I especially appreciated learning new ideas around Responsibility. The fact that you didn’t allow your introverted personality to stand in the way of attaining your dreams was inspiring. I loved the new...
  12. Gr8FUL

    The 2020 Fastlane Summit "Social" Thread

    Good sense of humor
  13. Gr8FUL

    The Worldwide C0VlD-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Discussion Thread...

    The power of the media

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