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Recent content by GravyBoat

  1. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I have semi recovered from the loss in the business recently, and ended up splitting the job into two jobs. Two new people are hired and working. One is better at some things, the other is better at others. The first person has legit corporate experience with executive assistance, so it’s...
  2. GravyBoat

    Earn money at 16

    Thanks bro!
  3. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    It’s funny it doesn’t seem very incredible to myself but I know the feeling reading other threads on here and just thinking… wow. All perspective. You can do anything you set your mind to.
  4. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I’m sorry to report that my executive assistant of 2.5 years has passed away yesterday :( He was out for a week, then died in the hospital last night. I am deeply saddened by this personally, and it has and will put a large strain on the business (my time and energy). I am hiring another...
  5. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    This is entirely possible. Though I’m working on something much bigger. Will post up once it’s done. I’ve been big on the “show, don’t tell” principal recently after being burned and having friends burned from talking about what they’re “going” to do. By burned I mean the thing never...
  6. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Hit me up on IG brotha. I can help you out. I respond there ASAP.
  7. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Two more points: With your own business, you can work when you please. If you want to take a month vacation, you can at the drop of a hat. Provided you've created enough income to afford those activities. Also, when you build a business, you build an asset that can be SOLD. You cannot sell...
  8. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Thank you for the kind words. Hard for me to think that far into the future but I’m sure it will be bright. Just Godda want it bad enough.
  9. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    This is a valid point. Which is why I said in the video “a salary is JUST enough to make you sell your dreams of working for yourself” Let’s be real here, what I did in the video was hard a$$ work. It took balls. It was NOT easy even for me, and there were times during the day where I didn’t...
  10. GravyBoat

    THE FINAL POST to end all EXCUSES...

    Bro. The gutter gunk gets all over everywhere here too. That’s a non issue. Just fix it. A Beer ain’t gonna pay your rent, nor buy you a Lambo! I have an exercise for you: every time you say the word BUT, replace it with AND
  11. GravyBoat

    THE FINAL POST to end all EXCUSES...

    Just a reminder! I am GIVING AWAY $500 bucks made in the video to someone who DM's me ON INSTAGRAM, NOT HERE. The best pitch as to how they are going to use the $500 to start their business! Tell all your friends. DM my IG and I will do a feature video with whoever gets it!
  12. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Just a reminder! I am GIVING AWAY $500 bucks made in the video to someone who DM's me ON INSTAGRAM, NOT HERE. The best pitch as to how they are going to use the $500 to start their business! Tell all your friends. DM my IG and I will do a feature video with whoever gets it!
  13. GravyBoat

    THE FINAL POST to end all EXCUSES...

    There are people in your city making $500 USD/day every single day. What are they doing? How can you do the same? Here, you have to get a 4 year CSLB license, register your business with every small city, pay $12,000 in Workers Comp insurance that you'll never use, etc. Yet I still did...
  14. GravyBoat

    THE FINAL POST to end all EXCUSES...

    If you haven't seen my other thread, it's located here: https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/threads/gravys-hustle-thread-100k-mo-or-bust.93785/page-6#post-949121 The short film I made can be found here: View: https://youtu.be/7F4zzw02dX0 And no, this is not to promote my YT video...
  15. GravyBoat

    Gravy's Hustle Thread: $100k/mo or Bust!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    View: https://youtu.be/7F4zzw02dX0 The movie is here ladies and gents. Please share with whomever you feel needs to see it. Hope you all enjoy. I will respond to these comments later!!!

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