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Recent content by JasonR

  1. JasonR

    The "Astonishing Secrets" Thread

    Weirdo is a huge understatement, but even this new development is...shocking. May he rot in prison. I don't say this about many people, but he definitely deserves it.
  2. JasonR

    Executive vs Fastlane vs Retire Early

    Read the Psychology of Money. It discusses a lot of things you're talking about. Building a business that does $200k+ profit a year is no for sure thing. Your salary continuing for 10+ years isn't a sure thing either. My advice, get your money working for you asap. So when you're 45, 55, 60+...
  3. JasonR

    Would you buy a home, go travel abroad, OR do you do BOTH?!

    I would buy the house I wanted for my primary, wherever that was, and AIR BNB or long term rent it if I planned on traveling abroad for long periods of time. When I travel now, my primary sits empty (I'm at my Ski/mountain home right now, which I rent out as a vacation rental in the winter)...
  4. JasonR

    Why you should buy a home as early as possible.

    I certainly wished I bought Real Estate earlier! I lived abroad for 5 years so wasn't interested in real estate at the time...then COVID happened. The first home I bought was a vacation home, and I wouldn't have moved on it (or even known about the mountain town I was buying in) without...
  5. JasonR

    Free Kindle!

    I just bought a new Kindle and I want to give away my previous Kindle - which is still in excellent shape with a cover. Post here "I want it" and your favorite book you've read in the last year. I'll pick one of you at random (book recommendation/content doesn't matter) and I'll ship it to you...
  6. JasonR

    Where do you put your money now? Is real estate in a bubble? For you yes, for me no.

    I'm not so sure - I think you're missing a key piece in your analysis. What's currently happening in the market is very complex, so it's really hard to predict what's going to happen. We're seeing a record number of investors (private equity, etc.) buy homes. They can afford to buy all cash...
  7. JasonR

    Come be our new roommate. San Diego

    Agreed! We did this in Scottsdale and it was life changing!
  8. JasonR

    Affordable Internet Lawyer or Accountant

    For what purpose? Good counsel is not cheap. What type of attorney/CPA?
  9. JasonR

    Your 2022 Stock Market Predictions? Vote (Closed)

    What do you think now? ;)
  10. JasonR

    Fighting CV19: Please send thoughts and well wishes to Greg B (Runum)

    Man, I had heard Greg was sick, but today was the first time seeing this thread. I can’t imagine the hell you’ve been through, Greg. Your wife is incredibly strong. We’re all hoping and betting you’ll pull out of this thing a stronger man. My thoughts are with you.
  11. JasonR

    Why what car you drive matters

    Huracan EVO RWD
  12. JasonR

    Why what car you drive matters

    This is so true, and wasn’t something I realized until a few years ago. Bio doesn’t give a shit about watches, and probably doesn’t understand why I like them. But we both sure as shit pour more money into mountain bikes than what some cars cost.
  13. JasonR

    Why what car you drive matters

    You know what’s funny? This was on my mind…I just ordered a Huracan, and am renting a one bedroom apartment as the last 5 offers I made on houses (above asking) all got beat. I may sit this housing cycle out. I do own a vacation home, but am not parking it up there. I’ve got a year to find a...
  14. JasonR

    Yeti Coolers = $100MM in sales

    Where is this conventional wisdom that you speak of coming from?

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