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Recent content by JByers210

  1. JByers210

    Any Black Friday Deals for Your Business?

    I found some Black Friday deals on our internet + phone lines. $660 saved for less than an hour or two of “work”. Might be worth looking into your local providers to see what they are offering.
  2. JByers210

    Now Live: The Fastlane Forum is fully private with a paid membership.

    Love this idea!!!! This forum has always been a special place and I’m happy to see you take steps to keep it that way.
  3. JByers210

    I Make $15,000/month - 3 Hours of Work Per Day

    We refurbish couches... reupholster, clean, fix the frames... and it's always been consistent and profitable. Not a fastlane CENTS business but this and hustles like it are 10000x better than working for someone while working on new ventures.
  4. JByers210

    Business Crashed and I Worked in a Cold Warehouse for the Last Six Months... My Last Day is Today.

    Having a different perspective and/or attitude makes a huge difference in how you do things… this process has humbled me while motivating me simultaneously.. so I don’t agree with you there. Furniture refurbishing = profitable Furniture making = not profitable Stopped making furniture. Went to...
  5. JByers210

    Business Crashed and I Worked in a Cold Warehouse for the Last Six Months... My Last Day is Today.

    Didn’t have much of an advertising budget.. so I relied on having lower prices to get it going. They wouldn’t sell at higher prices.
  6. JByers210

    Business Crashed and I Worked in a Cold Warehouse for the Last Six Months... My Last Day is Today.

    Hey everyone, I shouldn't be up late but I wanted to just update where I'm at in my journey so maybe some of you can see it's ok to fail and have hiccups... and sometimes make really dumb decisions... and that it's all part of the process. There's no way to fit everything in here but I'm going...
  7. JByers210

    Had a burnout last week...

    I tend to bite off a lot more than I can chew (like most entrepreneurs) and have been going so hard since last September I forgot what it was like to have a life. Which is fine when you’re starting a new business. Last month I went to bed at 5 A.M. finishing a new product design and woke up at...
  8. JByers210

    To the people who use Wix, Shopify, or Wordpress...

    You’re either clueless and just starting out or just a troll. Nothing to see here folks.
  9. JByers210

    What Are You Excited About?

    I just got married and my work vehicle’s engine I’ve depending on for the past few years for my business every day blew out a month before our wedding. With used and new vehicle costs being high and me wanting to challenge myself… I decided to start another business still in furniture but in...
  10. JByers210

    How writing a self assessment word doc helped my business grow

    100%. I’m embracing it as well now and it’s helping me so much. True honesty with myself and being able to say “You’ve tried starting multiple other businesses and they all failed” is what I needed to go to the next level with my current one.
  11. JByers210

    How writing a self assessment word doc helped my business grow

    Hey guys... just wanted to share something with the forum that really helped me and might help a few people out. My business has been doing pretty good and has been this way the past few years... it's been steady. That's the problem though. It hasn't grown much at all and the average numbers...
  12. JByers210

    Prediction: 2021 is going to be a total shit show. Place your bets now.

    Oh you’re so full of wisdom thank you for visiting an entrepreneur forum and leaving your little carefree comment on a post that was actually very thought through and interesting to read.
  13. JByers210

    Shopify Apps

    No. I sold that business so I don’t have a use for it now but I don’t think anyone has solved that problem yet. I would’ve paid for it and still would if I was doing Shopify.
  14. JByers210

    Going for it. Ecommerce.

    I've decided this week to get back into ecommerce while running my current business. I've been trying to figure out how to invest the money I'm making and it hit me.... if I were to invest in what I understand... then it would be another ecom business that can run separate from my time. My...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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