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I am a hard working man born and raised in south Louisiana. I am a industrial construction worker and have been for around 10 years. I have a mission to build a financial wall around my family that can not be broken even by the most trying of financial problems. I want something to show for my hard work my screw this moment came when I was set up for a job and a raise and the owner of the company decided to put some of his people in place of us new guys I was jobless and my wife was pregnant some thing had to change so I went to a trade school in my first term I failed a comprehension test and started reading more to improve I started reading any thing and every thing and in a video about finacal books MJ's book was recommended so I read it and loved it after doing some googling on mj I found a nuther book unscripted and fell in love with it.I want what mj has freedom! I want to raise my kids I want to pass on the knowledge of a father something I didnt get from my dad due to him working over 84 hours a week I never want me or my son to have to work in 100+ degree Louisiana heat again I am ready fo life unscripted!
August 27
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Industrial construction worker

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