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Recent content by joshuajwittmer

  1. joshuajwittmer

    Quit my job, living in the fastlane. (How I Set Myself Up To Quit)

    Thanks so much for this valuable post @Envision! Would you give us some examples of ways you provided value to these heavy-hitters? Did you just ask them what they needed help with? Did you figure out what they needed by reading their posts and then help them by researching solutions? Any...
  2. joshuajwittmer

    Quit my job, living in the fastlane. (How I Set Myself Up To Quit)

    *Disclaimer, I’m new to the forum. Seasoned vets feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Seems to me the best answer to this question is to interact. Become a part of the dialogue and be cool. You have something to offer even starting a zero on the fast lane scale. Offer thanks, praise...
  3. joshuajwittmer

    Mahalo from Josh Wittmer on Maui

    Aloha Kākou, (Hi everybody), I am a Pittsburgh-born marine naturalist on Maui, Hawaii. I would say I’m a fish guy, but the magic of life is what gets me. I’m so stoked that we’re living on this ocean-planet that’s spinning and orbiting through space. That we share it with such a variety of...
  4. joshuajwittmer

    AMA - I built a software company worth 8 figures

    I'd love to know how people navigate this as well. I've never done something so difficult in my life. Is it a mindset issue for me? Maybe. I'm in a hard place in life right now. The business consistently challenges me, but one thing I do my best to do is to not over work myself, and over stress...
  5. joshuajwittmer

    AMA - I built a software company worth 8 figures

    Hmmm... I’ve never really pondered the question in those terms before. Answering the clarifying questions you posed, I think I want a lifestyle business, but I definitely flirt with the idea of an enterprise. I gotta do some more considerin’ Thanks for the insight.
  6. joshuajwittmer

    AMA - I built a software company worth 8 figures

    Thank you! I’ve definitely stifled myself at times by focusing too much on the long term vision, and spending too little time envisioning what the little wins in the near-term should look like.
  7. joshuajwittmer

    Business is easy and it affects forum participation from heavy hitters.

    Thank you @Ravens_Shadow for providing this valuable insight into what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. And thanks to @MJ DeMarco @Kung Fu Steve @MTF @Andy Black @PapaGang @WJK for providing a glimpse into the journey and process.
  8. joshuajwittmer

    AMA - I built a software company worth 8 figures

    Does your team still discuss programming on the same discord server, and can you recommend any other forums where programmers discuss this stuff?
  9. joshuajwittmer

    AMA - I built a software company worth 8 figures

    Aside from exercise, what other stress management strategies do you employ?
  10. joshuajwittmer

    AMA - I built a software company worth 8 figures

    What would you say are the most important keys to your success in terms of preparing yourself and doing the work that needs to be done? Thanks again. Josh
  11. joshuajwittmer

    AMA - I built a software company worth 8 figures

    @Ravens_Shadow Thanks for responding to all those rapid-fire questions. Just to clarify: Even though they’re almost useless in your opinion, you still have a patent, right? Almost useless, but not completely useless? Thanks, Josh
  12. joshuajwittmer

    AMA - I built a software company worth 8 figures

    Congratulations @Ravens_Shadow! And thanks so much for sharing your experience. When seeking to create an intellectual property, did you start with a problem that you wanted to solve, or did you first investigate software patents that had already been issued and look for opportunities to...
  13. joshuajwittmer

    AMA - I built a software company worth 8 figures

    Hey woken, thanks for your response. Ravens_Shadow said that he regretted letting some things slide. I want to know what he would do differently. The question is valuable because everyone makes mistakes. We can learn from the things ravens shadow did right, and the things he would do...

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