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Hello, my name is youba and I live in France with my growing family. I always have been attracted by entrepreneurship and I always wanted to build a real business and live a simple life free of day job obligations and free to do whatever I want whenever I wanted.

I know it is the dream of millions of people and it is very hard to achieve it but I don't believe it is something impossible.
My cultural background doesn't allow me to fail.

I am obliged to do the best I can to achieve my goals and make my parents proud of what I achieved as an individual.

I am from one of these families who push you to become someone you don't want to be. My sister is a doctor, my brother is an engineer and my other brother is a future psychiatrist.

If you wish I am the black sheep of the family who doesn't have a good job and who hasn't achieved something extraordinary yet, and I am not the youngest.

It is not as if I really have something to prove but I am definitely going to achieve my goals and be free of all work obligation. and I can do that only by creating a Fastlane business.
Mar 9, 1989 (Age: 36)
Your Expertise
E-Business: Marketing / SEO



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