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  1. JustKris

    7 quick tips to generating B2B leads with webinars

    They're all important. But #4 is what will separate you from the pack.
  2. JustKris

    7 quick tips to generating B2B leads with webinars

    Hey Fastlaners, I'm a marketing consultant for B2B technology companies (mostly SaaS). With the recent coronavirus craziness, there's been a huge uptick in requests for done-for-you webinar campaigns. If you've seen a disruption in your sales process, you should definitely consider adding...
  3. JustKris

    Fresh Start, No More @$#%# Action-Faking!

    Hired my first employee! Having an actual human to pay has been a great kick in the a$$ for making sure these processes are perfect. I'm writing out EVERYTHING---I want them to have complete clarity on their day-to-day tasks. I'm also going to build out templates and checklists (Asana maybe?)...
  4. JustKris

    Fresh Start, No More @$#%# Action-Faking!

    A lot of momentum in the last couple of months. After reading Built To Sell, which blew my mind almost as much as TMF, I realized that I not only needed to standardize my processes, but also my entire service offering. Moving to a productized service, where I can outsource 90% (eventually 100%)...
  5. JustKris

    What is the BEST "value" you ever paid for?

    The iRobot Roomba vacuum. We got one on a Cyber Monday deal a few months ago and it has been unbelievable. If you have small children who love to throw Cheerios all over the house, this vacuum will change your life. Without it, we would seriously be vacuuming for a couple of hours a week.
  6. JustKris

    Is anyone doing a pay-for-performance model?

    How do you structure your fee? Per lead, per sale? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. JustKris

    Is anyone doing a pay-for-performance model?

    Has anyone in the forum ever done pay-per-lead or pay-per-performance consulting before? (I mean, obviously besides MJ with limos.com, of course) Had a client bring this up recently and was curious what people in TFF thought about it. The TL;DR version---They sell a high-ticket platform. Right...
  8. JustKris

    Digital Marketing Agency, the new Podcasting?

    Echoing some of the earlier posts, it just feels like the flood of SEO or PPC agencies a few years back, but packaged differently. Even though there are a ton of "digital agencies", there's still a need for quality work. And there is a massive difference between some schmo who took a Google...
  9. JustKris

    Fresh Start, No More @$#%# Action-Faking!

    Been busy writing down all of my businesses processes, new as they are. So far, I've made good progress on these: Prospecting (including sales calls, proposals, and closing) Client onboarding Eventually, every piece of the business will have checklists and a knowledge base for when I hire...
  10. JustKris

    Fresh Start, No More @$#%# Action-Faking!

    Back in the swing of things. A couple of old clients are back on for Q1 2019 and just signed another person today, which is cool. I've made a big goal of having 100k per month in gross revenue in one year. Obviously, it would be impossible to deliver that much work myself, so I'll need to hire...
  11. JustKris

    Fresh Start, No More @$#%# Action-Faking!

    Quick update. October and November were really strong, sales-wise. This month has been fairly slow. One of my bigger clients wanted to "take off" for December and restart in January. Still have a couple of smaller clients for this month. And some new folks should be coming on in a week or so...
  12. JustKris

    Fresh Start, No More @$#%# Action-Faking!

    Yo, TFF! On track for the biggest month yet, almost double what I was making at my Slowlane job. Plus I got to finally fire my old employer (it was amicable). Really enjoying UnrealCreative's thread about creating a productized service. I've been on the same tack, honing in on the 3-4 highly...
  13. JustKris

    Fresh Start, No More @$#%# Action-Faking!

    Time is flying! Quick check in: Consulting is going pretty well. I signed a number of new clients in the last couple of weeks. And I had some really good sales calls in the past few days, so October is looking very promising. I see how the Scale part of the CENTS equation is missing with...
  14. JustKris

    Ready to take your business to the next level? I'll coach you.

    With all of the forum's heavy-hitters on here, I have to check this out. In. :)
  15. JustKris

    Fresh Start, No More @$#%# Action-Faking!

    After six weeks of running around like a madman, I finally have some time to hop on the forum. I missed reading all of your threads! The TL;DR version of events: My family and I moved cross-country. It's been an amazing change from the grind of LA. (Probably a lot like how MJ felt moving from...

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