Recent content by Kepler

  1. Kepler

    What are the WORST decisions you've made in your entrepreneurial journey?

    Spending years getting baked as a cake and turnt as a knob, meandering through my goals at a snails pace and thinking everything was cool because I was making progress. Through it all I was: -Neglecting my health (physically and mentally) -Being complacent with the snails pace I was crawling...
  2. Kepler

    What Are You Selling? Post Your Offer, Biz, Links to The Forum (March 2020)

    Are you looking to develop an application, and want a team that can guide you through the nuances of development if you have never built something before? Then reach out: Text: 775-720-4202
  3. Kepler

    Loss leaders and how to get new clients

    That’s more a technique for retaining existing clients and improving your delivery of goods or services
  4. Kepler

    Loss leaders and how to get new clients

    That is helpful however it doesn’t attract people in for the first time.
  5. Kepler

    Loss leaders and how to get new clients

    So this works in regards to subscription based clients, I think I’ll be giving this model a shot when I begin selling my Software to hospitals. Thank you!
  6. Kepler

    Loss leaders and how to get new clients

    That’s a pretty smart workaround honestly, never considered free digital materials.
  7. Kepler

    F*ck it, i'm learning to code

    Here’s a great course on building apps comparable on all platforms (it’s on sale at the moment too)
  8. Kepler

    Loss leaders and how to get new clients

    Hi there everyone, I had a conversation with a friend of mine today who is in the restaurant industry. He was explaining to me that they use loss leaders (a product you lose money on to attract clients to your business to try and sell your other products). For example offering a dish for less...
  9. Kepler

    Creating Value: who would buy? [ROBOT POOL SKIMMER]

    I don’t think it’s smart to sell for less, the market has determined they value these comepetitors products at the prices they are already willing to pay. If you can make your product bring more value then they will be willing to pay more.
  10. Kepler

    That are the best stocks to make profit on when the stock market crashes ?

    AEROSPACE STOCKS GUYS! Boeing, Lockheed Martin, United, Southwest, Delta, American Airlines. They are super undervalued at the moment, and when people start flying again they will spike back up. Thats my two cents on the matter.
  11. Kepler

    The Worldwide C0VlD-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Discussion Thread...

    The podcast is Gilman’s podcast on the virus, what to expect, and how to prepare, stay tuned for more info.
  12. Kepler

    The Worldwide C0VlD-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Discussion Thread...

  13. Kepler

    Jordan Belfort’s Sales Training - Is it worth It?

    Honestly just think of it as a game and remember the worst thing that can happen is they curse at you or hang up
  14. Kepler

    I'm skilled in Graphic Designing, Website Development, Digital Marketing, Amazon Listings. How do I leverage my skills to start a business?

    Look into thumbtack to find clients. Great platform for that. also learn about copywriting, Cashvertising and everything Gary Halbert has written are good starting places for that.
  15. Kepler

    This landing page is converting like crazy and here's why

    As to the video I’d put it in the place of the image you have on the top of the landing page. don’t make it auto play though as it is a distraction to sales conversions, and include calls to action in the Video. Structure the script like your sales copy and include the written testimonials you...

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