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Recent content by Koen_88

  1. Koen_88

    Figuring Out AI & Automation

    Another interesting use case to me is to use ChatGPT to spit out a Macro for Excel (or powerpoint) with the data it supplied you or in powerpoint create a slide with a timeline on it explaining the relations of a filemanagement system. I used it in an engineering setting where I used it to...
  2. Koen_88

    Figuring Out AI & Automation

    Cant find the newsletter that talked about this. But they said something in the lines of "there will be a limit how large the models can get and what advantage you get from the amount of parameters they are trained on. The next move will be to train models better, we have to learn how to AI...
  3. Koen_88

    Want ideas? Stop being boring!

    Great post! Got my mind firing in all directions, partially due to MJ's newsletter. Disclaimer: a lot of "I's" in this post. See this as someone partially self reflecting here, knowing that this is that I have to deal with myself but still hoping on that one nugget of knowledge freeing me of...
  4. Koen_88

    What improved your life so much that you wish you did it sooner?

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I did a NLP Practicioner course, this helped me communicate much better and see through my own and other communication problems. This helped me professionally as personally with problem solving by getting to the core problem faster by asking the right questions and listening to answers without...
  5. Koen_88

    Hyperinflation starting? What's happening in your area? Post your ground reports.

    I think that for a lot of things in Europe it's more of a supply chain issue. Russian oil ban = higher prices for fuel = higher transport costs for the supply chain. Russian gas ban = higher energy prices for electricity = higher operating costs / manufacturing costs for the whole chain...
  6. Koen_88

    I only read "best-selling" books which gives me a curated, narrow viewpoint.

    I've read quite the few bestsellers, recommended by friends, forum or perhaps good marketing and commercials. But i've come across non best seller books within a spicific field, in this case nutrition and fitness, where I was frustrated with all the BS you can find online. After I found a few...
  7. Koen_88

    Hyperinflation starting? What's happening in your area? Post your ground reports.

    Just a few examples from the Netherlands here: €2.50 / L ($9,85/gallon) for gas. which was €1.91/L (7,53/gallon) a year ago. I am seeing prizes in the supermarket rising on a weekly basis. Costing me €50 to €80 more a month (I cook for myself 6 of the 7 days a week) Supplements also on the...
  8. Koen_88

    Fastlane Success (8 figure exit!) - Now Back to the Starting Ground !!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    These 2 really hit me. I think this is what keeps getting me back to the same things I allways done (not working on my own future). Those covered in a sauce of imposter syndrome. Nice story to read, and congrats on your successes.
  9. Koen_88

    YouTube removes dislike button, potentially ruining the platform.

    or if someone made a crawler bot to add reactions for how many dislikes each video had lol
  10. Koen_88

    What Is the Online Equivalent of a "Boring But Stable" Offline Business?

    A bit much for now, but I'll definitely check them out in the future!
  11. Koen_88

    What Is the Online Equivalent of a "Boring But Stable" Offline Business?

    curious about hearing you about Google Ads on Fox's Platform!
  12. Koen_88

    Don’t lurk, do this instead

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Thanks Andy. Good post. Made me reconsider my activities on the forum. The feeling of posting to "The Void" is also a good one, I can resonate with that (not on the FFF persé). My reason is that I'm not doing anything business wise, I had one freelance gig in the 4 years on the forum, and it...
  13. Koen_88

    I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    It took a couple of days before the accompanying PDF was added at the audible page. Clear visuals, Nice Work! Listening on my commute and during workouts. About halfway now, really like the fictional part of it. Makes the subjects more relatable, and makes you connect on a more personal level...
  14. Koen_88

    Lex DeVille's - Advanced Freelance Udemy Courses!

    I have a long weekend off work.. bought your "Start a Freelance Business: Take Back Your Freedom Now!" course. Curious what the course entails!
  15. Koen_88

    How to Wipe Your Own a$$ When You're 70

    The part about fat gain. Is that because of a gradual decline in base metabolic rate from the age of 25? That could mean you could also eat less and/or train more gradually?

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