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Recent content by ksingking

  1. K

    Post all of your ideas and random problems you’ll never execute on...

    my first question is wouldn't then the new app become the middleman? Essentially just trying to undercut an existing middleman?
  2. K

    Don't know what to do? Build a blog

    Ok now this is good advice. Do you promote your blog on the medium one in those blogs or do you just do that on your medium profile/a quick one liner at the bottom of each blog?
  3. K

    Don't know what to do? Build a blog

    I'm thinking of blogging about angel investments. Do you blog on both your own website and medium and duplicate post?
  4. K

    Hello new user

    28, working full time as a consultant, aspiring to do something active to make money rather than the traditional convention "wisdom" where everyone ends up broke and unhappy, having not lived a life at all, penny pinching and obsessed with media and stocks. Coming here to hear good ideas, and...

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