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Recent content by LeeRoyBrown

  1. LeeRoyBrown

    Need to turn an idea into a product but unsure how

    Forgot to as... I don’t think I’ll be able to execute it as I’m pretty much broke. I might be able to design it myself though but unsure.
  2. LeeRoyBrown

    Need to turn an idea into a product but unsure how

    Thanks for that yeah dog eat dog world and all that. Business is business right.
  3. LeeRoyBrown

    Need to turn an idea into a product but unsure how

    I’ll level with you about something. So the idea came from a friend of mine after he was told it by someone working for him at his house. It’s a little bit of a grey area for me because it was passed along to me. What I do know is the person that came up with it is due to patent the idea...
  4. LeeRoyBrown

    Need to turn an idea into a product but unsure how

    Thanks for the advice. I might reach out to you since we’re both over here
  5. LeeRoyBrown

    Need to turn an idea into a product but unsure how

    Thanks a lot for your response. That’s really helpful I didn’t think about the MVP before actually and can see why it’ll be a good use to get the feedback before spending tons of money. I know how to reach the customers because there’s popular trade magazines here for tradesman whereby you can...
  6. LeeRoyBrown

    Need to turn an idea into a product but unsure how

    Hi All, I've had an idea for a while which nobody else has created yet I have checked having spent time researching this point. I want to make a bracket which will be used to hold a certain type of very popular material by traders. It would work by being placed onto a van rack or on top of it...
  7. LeeRoyBrown

    Joe Rogan goes to Spotify for $100M

    Correct. One year.
  8. LeeRoyBrown

    Joe Rogan goes to Spotify for $100M

    I believe it's one year.
  9. LeeRoyBrown

    Joe Rogan goes to Spotify for $100M

    Look at the like to dislike ratio on his announcement video, I think that says it all really. Many don't even know what Spotify is let alone have accounts. Joe is interesting to listen to be once said money didn't motivate him, many are now going in on him about that. I believe many will...
  10. LeeRoyBrown

    I'm screwed.

    Legend has it he's still posting threads on forums asking for help.
  11. LeeRoyBrown

    I'm screwed.

    Thanks for the links I have been putting off programming for a while.
  12. LeeRoyBrown

    I'm screwed.

    Don't waste your time he's looking to be spoonfed.
  13. LeeRoyBrown

    I'm screwed.

    Spoken like a true attention seeker.
  14. LeeRoyBrown

    Starting a YouTube Channel. Let's start getting creative again...

    Hope you see good success with this. I'm in Dorset mate we went to Torquay years ago, it's lovely there!

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