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Lewis Smithard

Hello there, My name is Lewis.

I was pulled out of school in year 9 (grade 8) and later went to college (as a freshmen) with no-qualifications. After three-years of hard work, I left with the equivalent of 7-GCSEs, a BTECH at D*D*D (A*A*A), and an award of outstanding achievement for hard-work, attitude and commitment.

I haven't grown up the wealthiest and my family have been living from pay-check to pay-check. So, I've now got a burning desire to not only be wealthy, but to have the capacity to provide for myself and others throughout economic turmoil.

I'm redoing my 1st year of university right now due to me changing institution and I'm practicing for a degree in Film Production. You don't need a degree for entering this industry, but the quality of teaching far surpasses what I could find anywhere else, and drastically compliments the rules found in the millionaire Fastlane, so I've decided to stay and learn as much as possible.
March 30
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Creative: Art
Film Production (Student)

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