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  1. LiveFire


    Your last post was on July 1st, it is now over a month after people poured into you to provide guidance and advice. What has changed?
  2. LiveFire


    This is what I have gathered: There were previous opportunities that did not work out You have dreams You are not sure what you want to do You are a truck driver looking to exit the business What you are saying to everyone on this forum is that your "paper" is blank. What are you expecting a...
  3. LiveFire

    Do I need to learn to code I am 16 years old

    Sharing some of my thoughts that may speak to you. First, you need to ask yourself a few of these initial questions that will direct you on what you need to learn. What is your vision? How do you intend to add value? or create measurable value? What solutions to you intend to bring to market...
  4. LiveFire

    How do you manage knowledge/information

    Thank you for the recommendation on the Ultra Learners book. I had been recently thinking about my methods of organization. I went to go look for the book through Amazon, but did not see it. Could you indicate a reference of where the book can be located. I would like to read more on the...
  5. LiveFire

    Don’t lurk, do this instead

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Andy, The points you have raised are spot on even after the original posting from 2021. You are right, engagement is highly important. Some folks constantly pour out for they do it in the right intentions. Like anyone, you want to know that it matters. Even for that one person, it can make...
  6. LiveFire

    I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I have a question to see if a few of you could help me understand this. On Page 214, MJ talks about the "value game" of comparing 2 businesses together with a table to compare showing their Reward and Odds. He indicated that "Expected Value" for Business A is -$1,078 (-21.55%) and Business B...
  7. LiveFire

    Started my first real ecommerce business, posting the process and asking for tips here.

    Referring back to a post from Lex DeVille "Testimonials are not the key to sales. People buy things that they perceive as solutions to their perceived problems. Humans are not logical. Therefore, the buying process is not logical. Therefore, testimonials are not necessary for sales."...
  8. LiveFire

    I Read 200 Books, Why Am I Not a Millionaire?

    Good post here. This is exactly why I made an adjustment most recently to my approach. Educating myself is important, but all of my time can't be spent in reading. I front loaded reading 9 books from beginning of the year - mostly in mindset/motivation every 2 weeks which gave me the shift I...
  9. LiveFire

    Your Life Story

    As I was doing my reading today, a question that might have been glanced over by some, but needs serious thought from Principle 2: "If you died today and your life was narrated in a story, how would it read?" This is a very profound and deep question. We get so busy doing the day-to-day and...
  10. LiveFire

    Am I violating the Law of Effection with a micro niche strategy?

    To understand better, when you say "project management software", is there something specific within project management you are wanting to provide? Project management can mean a lot of different things to different people. There are also multiple methodologies and frameworks to project...
  11. LiveFire

    Can you please help me at my progress in getting my life back?

    Here are a few tips or suggestions that may provide some aided benefit or solutions: Time Management 1) Your time should be purposed in the day. Write out daily objectives that need to be completed of priority. 2) Studying - Pomodoro Technique is a time management method based on 25-minute...
  12. LiveFire

    How do I get the most out of Fastlane Forums with a set amount of time?

    This posting here also gives great overall guidance and suggestions. https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/threads/getting-the-most-out-of-fastlane-required-read.74205/
  13. LiveFire

    I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Hi Everyone, I have started reading today "The Great Rat Race Escape". My approach to reading this book will be vastly different than usual previous readings. Because I am engaged already in reading other books (1 book every 2 weeks) toward my own personal development that support my short...
  14. LiveFire

    How do I get the most out of Fastlane Forums with a set amount of time?

    Thank you for mentioning this.
  15. LiveFire

    How do I get the most out of Fastlane Forums with a set amount of time?

    What if the end game is through trading business systems that can scale, but recognizing the process has to be worked?

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