My name is Lois P. Gidley and I am a professional writer. A few reasons have been proposed for the low rates of help seeking in this population including fear of personal stigma, not perceiving treatment as urgent or essential, and lack of time . The Healthy Minds study also showed that more women receive treatment than men (39 vs. 30 %) . It is concerning that even when students receive treatment it appears that often it is inadequate. We are only aware of two longitudinal surveys of college student mental health. One compares anxiety and depression symptom severity in April 2020 for 205 college students at a large public university and found significant increases in severity compared to 2 to 8 months earlier . They found that cognitive and behavioral avoidance, online social engagement and problematic internet use were predictors of these changes.
In additional analyses, we estimated models separately by those with and those without anxiety and depression symptoms at Wave I and dropped controls for Wave I symptoms. In supplemental analyses, we compare these results to continuous models of anxiety/depression symptom severity using ordinary least squares regressions. In addition to substance use and hazardous alcohol use, college students often engage in non-medical use of prescription medications, namely taking prescription medications without a prescription or taking more than prescribed. Although in the past 2 years, the rates of non-medical use of pain relievers among young adults have decreased, they continue to be high . According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately one in ten young adults reported non-medical use of pain relievers in the past year.
Last fall, there was a sense of optimism for many in returning to campus but many students soon found themselves quarantined, sometimes multiple times, and confined to their rooms. We're here to work with you and with your kids and we're not here to blame you or to condemn you. "I'm someone who thinks from a prevention perspective because I'm in public health," Lipson says.
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