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  1. Lyinx

    Now Live: The Fastlane Forum is fully private with a paid membership.

    This might get me re-engaged on the group. it's been a while since I had the time. Hope to see more of you all!
  2. Lyinx

    What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

  3. Lyinx

    What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

    https://www.amazon.com/dp/0984662286/?tag=tff-amazonparser-20 simple read. you can also download an app called lean play (google play store, free) and listen to it. This book teaches one how to think about things a bit differently, it's taken me (over two years time) into a whole new world. I...
  4. Lyinx

    Young fastlaners: SHUT DOWN ALL SOCIAL MEDIA

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Things that I did over the last year to reduce screentime: 1. Freedom (shut down online access/text/games/etc) for after 8.45 pm to 4:30 am 2. Screen time display, to show how much time I spent on screen 3. organized screen to only show the apps I use. If I barely use it, then it's not on here...
  5. Lyinx

    Achieving Fastlane Success through Lean Principles

    Incorporating Lean principles into your Fastlane journey can greatly enhance your path to financial freedom and scalable business growth. Toyota, a pioneer in Lean and the Toyota Production System, demonstrates the power of making continuous small improvements to achieve seemingly unreachable...
  6. Lyinx

    Business Ethics- Kak vs Dragon

    Respect the deal that you've made with the customer/vendor/employee (don't lie/cheat/use fine print to finagle something/etc) If I want my business to be in operation in 200 years from now, there is only one choice. You can drive a hard bargain and still respect your customer/vendor/employee...
  7. Lyinx

    Dumb People Earn More Than Smart People

    BTW: best way to start with a youtube channel? just start. do 1 video/day and by the end of the month you'll have improved 100x what you could have by just studying and not doing. Worst case scenario? at the end of 30 days, if you see you made a fundamental error in starting the youtube...
  8. Lyinx

    Dumb People Earn More Than Smart People

    HOT! - CHAT - Are IQ (Smarts) and Success Correlated? in this discussion, @Andy Black says he hasn't taken an IQ test. I have taken a test, and it sucks. 125 IQ (tad above average) but, I can't ever take another test, I just talk myself out if it: what if that one was a fluke and I managed...
  9. Lyinx

    Dumb People Earn More Than Smart People

    Looked over the other answers, here is the thing (IMO) that is missing. GIVE IT A GO! those who do give it a go, will have a shot at succeeding. Those who don't, won't. Guy standing at the edge of the basketball court, frozen, never throwing the ball, it never goes in. You can be frozen (out...
  10. Lyinx

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Local guy was in a fire, 2nd degree burns over a big part of his body. Doctors were surprised how fast his body was healing. Turns out they suggest a high protein diet for burn victims (helps keep muscle mass/energy, which helps heal skin) and this guy was already on a high protein diet so his...
  11. Lyinx

    You have 180 days to build a 6-figure business!

    simple. buy things at Walmart, sell on Ebay for half price, sell 200k worth of items in a months time for 100k. now, where's my million dollar prize for this award winning idea
  12. Lyinx

    How much should you care? (That the world is burning)

    Had some guys in the shop today, at the end of the deal he said, "you guys are a friendly bunch, I'm glad to meet you, it's refreshing to find some friendly folks." Goes to show what being a positive influence on your workforce can do for you (and the world) one person at a time.
  13. Lyinx

    100 Unsexy Business Ideas: Name as many as you can!

    septic guy, maybe this guy? https://www.youtube.com/c/JamesButlerWellAndSepticLife
  14. Lyinx

    100 Unsexy Business Ideas: Name as many as you can!

    if it's heavy enough, yeah Have a friend who makes these (or similar) I haven't seen them but he talked about it. If you need a company to make them for you, most lumber mills can potentially do them, just need to take one to them to copy. Look for the back woods guys who don't have a lot of...
  15. Lyinx

    How to find a partner for life and not be polygamous?

    Agreed 100% Not Agreed. My partner helps me out, she is somewhat submissive, but knows when to speak up and make her point. Shy? Nope. all the others, yes.

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