Recent content by m4nuel4

  1. m4nuel4

    Hello, world! - "I am what I think you think I am" no longer exists!

    And what would you do if your head tells you something different than you heart does? I absolutely agree with the aspect of living in your own head! That's me in a nutshell. BUT by rationalizing everything I went mad because my head "told" me to do the opposite of what my inner feelings "said"...
  2. m4nuel4

    Hello, world! - "I am what I think you think I am" no longer exists!

    My life is about three magical words. Three words everyone heard before. And it’s not about the well-known words “I love you”. A little bit, though. It’s a story about the question, “Who am I?”… Hi guys, I am Manuela and I am 26 years old. I am not finished with “The Millionaire Fastlane“ yet...

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