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Recent content by Maria 777

  1. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Hello, Thank you for attending our weekly meeting. @ElDiablo L: -Complete the legal registration for the business with a suitable fiscal address. -Establish the new pricing structure for the upcoming sales outlet. @FJ123 W: -Quote minimum prices: 2k for sites, 500 pm for SEO. -Meet 3 business...
  2. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Hi, There are two groups: The first group meets Saturdays at 19:30 h Berlin Time. The second group is recruiting members for Saturdays 20 h Indian Standard Time. The first group already meets regurly. The second group is waiting for more members to join in order to begin the meetings. To...
  3. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    @ZCP @Andy Black thank you for recommending the book The One Thing. I finished listening to the audiobook version. It contains great advice to put into practice.
  4. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Anyone can join the calls. Write to Subsonic because he is the one that admits people. Keep in mind that the time for the meetings is Saturdays 19:30 h Berlin time. To be in the group, you must send a small donation to a charity, and send the proof (like a photo) to Subsonic. This is only made...
  5. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Hi, Thank you for taking part in today's meeting. @ElDiablo W: -Obtain a quote from the manufacturer based on the design proposal provided by the designer. -Gain exposure for the product in two additional locations. @FJ123 W: -Book 3 meetings this week. -Be in bed by 10 PM 2 times this week...
  6. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    I recently finished reading the book 'Getting Things Done'. I feel it will help me a lot. Thank you so much for your advice about this book.
  7. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Hi there, This is the summary of our meeting: @ElDiablo L: -Complete the legal process to register my business (if the platform is finally available). -Create the first design draft for my package. @FJ123 L: -Talk to Plumber's merchant. -Talk to 3 new businesses. @Maria 777 L: -Look at the...
  8. Maria 777

    General Forum Updates... What's New?

    Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
  9. Maria 777

    General Forum Updates... What's New?

    @MJ DeMarco Hi, I see the limit of participants for a private DM group has changed. I would ask to please allow a higher number. 30 could be more than sufficient. I say this because we use this feature for our weekly accountability meetings. Please take this matter into consideration. Thank you...
  10. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Hi, We are beginning the weekly meetings for the new group this Saturday, January 11th. The schedule is: Saturdays at 8 PM IST - Indian Standard Time. This new group is open for anyone. Saturdays 8 PM Indian Standard Time is equivalent to Saturdays 6:30 AM Pacific Time or Saturdays 9:30 AM...
  11. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Hi, I talked to some people who said they can join the new group's meetings, so we could find a time schedule for the call. The proposed time is Saturdays at 9 PM IST - Indian Standard Time. This new group is open for anyone. Saturdays 9 PM Indian Standard Time is equivalent to Saturdays...
  12. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Hi there, There is possibility of opening a group for people that live in Asia because they have a different time zone. There would be a private message group were we would send the link for the meetings. People that are interested can send me a DM. I don't visit the forum that often, but I can...
  13. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Hi, Congratulations to the members that were able to join this week's meeting! This is the summary of our meeting: @ElDiablo W: 2nd part of the website @f.laengle W: contact the 8 shops, looking at richard's dm to optimize website's speed @FJ123 W: talk to five business owners @Lucy Lee W...
  14. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    Hi, It was nice that some of us could still meet today. Next week's goals: @Lucy Lee W: 1. Set the framework. 2. Read everything about SaaS in the forum @Maria 777 L: Improve and publish landing page @Richard Peck W: 1. Complete client larger buildout. 2. Reply to photographers. 3. Black...
  15. Maria 777

    Weekly Meetup Accountability Call Megathread

    @MJ DeMarco Hi, Maybe you could change the limit to a bigger number, like 40.

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