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Recent content by MarkNNelson

  1. MarkNNelson

    2020 Fastlane Summit at Talking Stick Resort... Event Info

    Previous attendee. Interested.
  2. MarkNNelson

    The one and only fasting video you need to see.

    Just curious, do you have a significant other, and have they commented on your breath? The couple of times I tried being in ketosis, I could see people literally pulling back during a conversation. Even gum didn't seem to help.
  3. MarkNNelson

    The one and only fasting video you need to see.

    Other than make we want to kill someone? ;) Yeah, lost about 12 pounds, about 10 of which stayed off. I was aiming for 7 days, and I packed it in on day 6. Not to take you off track at all, but at some point in the future, you might also want to take a look at the "Potato Hack" thing. Not sure...
  4. MarkNNelson

    The one and only fasting video you need to see.

    +1 on this. It ruined me on normal lemonade for the next year. First couple days are the hardest, so you've got this.
  5. MarkNNelson

    Quick Tip: How to copy & print from Kindle

    Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I'm sitting here this morning rereading Ca$hvertising on the Kindle, and taking notes in Evernote. Well, there's one chapter that has 22 effective headline starters that I wanted to copy verbatim into my notes. Of...
  6. MarkNNelson

    My 179th Business Idea

    Time for a quick update: My copywriter, who really grokked my product and market, went MIA on me. That's disappointing, but c'est la vie. Searching Upwork for his replacement. The Instagram following is starting to build. Using Instagress, I went from 0 followers to 150. Doesn't sound like...
  7. MarkNNelson

    Reinventing the chainsaw....

    A lot of guys lose fingers every year to the common table saw, due either to getting distracted, or ignorance (born out of the decline of the high school shop class, but don't get me started). Anyway, a company called SawStop came up with a great improvement. Their table saw is the same...
  8. MarkNNelson

    struggling to come up with a website idea

    Welcome to the forum! Have you read the book yet? If not, you'll want to get on that. You're looking for needs that you can solve...people that you can help. Have you thought about the whole "productized service" idea? Start with a service business, presumably something you already know how to...
  9. MarkNNelson

    My 179th Business Idea

    You can check out my prior progress thread here if you care to, but let me give you the quick version: I dabbled in 3 different products, and none of them worked out. But now that I'm on to something new, it deserves a fresh thread. How did I find a product/niche? My business is in personal...
  10. MarkNNelson

    Achieve Laser FOCUS + PRODUCTIVITY With The System Legendary Fastlaners Use...

    So do you keep track of the project/goal that a task is related to?
  11. MarkNNelson

    2016 Fastlane Summit, Official Event Thread

    Hey @MJ DeMarco , you still planning on granting that "Summit Attendee" badge to the 2015 attendees?
  12. MarkNNelson

    No Dabble Zone

    Seems relevant... ---- Stay on the Bus: The Proven Path to Doing Unique and Meaningful Work By James Clear In June of 2004, Arno Rafael Minkkinen stepped up to the microphone at the New England School of Photography to deliver the commencement speech. As he looked out at the graduating...
  13. MarkNNelson

    SSL Certificate

    Depending on the subject of your site (i.e. Assuming it's not financial in nature), you could probably get by with a low-end one from namecheap or sslcertificate.com. The majority of your users aren't likely to check to see who your issuer is.
  14. MarkNNelson


    +1 on this. Long-form higher production value ones for your main content, shorter ad hoc ones. You can call 'em "Limitless Quickies", or maybe "Limitless Limited" ;)
  15. MarkNNelson

    Very specific wordpress.org / Hostgator problem - Help!

    How about a plugin like Add External Media? Would that let you point to the underlying protected folder?

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