
Hello Fastlane community! I'm a 16-year-old entrepreneur that has a strong interest in digital and affiliate marketing. I am eager to build my own career in the entrepreneurial world, drawing on the solid foundation provided by my father, who is an entrepreneur as well as my mentor.

My skills in running ads, designing landing pages that convert visitors into sales funnels, and creating eCommerce websites have improved significantly, but I recognize that I still need to put in more effort to reach my goals. However, my goal is to scale my business so that even if a few brands choose to stop working with me, my income remains stable. I'm determined to make affiliate marketing work for me even though I realize it might not perfectly line with the CENTS framework's control premise.

Joining the Fastlane Insiders network excites me because it will allow me to learn more and impart my knowledge to others. After reading Wealth Exposed, Unscripted, and The Millionaire Fastlane, I'm still yet to read UNSCRIPTED: The Great Rat Race Escape. My path is still in its early stages, and I embrace the attitude of a lifelong learner who is constantly looking to grow and change.

Your first and last name
Mariam yakeen
Your Expertise
E-Business: Marketing / SEO
What Books from MJ DeMarco Have You Read
  1. The Millionaire Fastlane
  2. Unscripted
  3. Wealth Exposed
Do you Already Own a Business?
I have a "side hustle" type of business.
Affiliate Marketer



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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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