Recent content by michalm

  1. michalm

    How to reach solar panel e-commerce store owners?

    I want to help store owners by automating away 4-12 hours of their manual work each month. If you run a store, or are a distributor and sell to stores, I would very much like to talk to you to see if I could help. What do you do in solar? I've sent you a DM.
  2. michalm

    How to reach solar panel e-commerce store owners?

    I'm a bit out of my element, my previous products were helping highly technical people. Other than attending renewable energy conferences, and cold calling their stores, I don't really know where to start. Does anyone perhaps have any insights?
  3. michalm

    Entrepreneurs from Poland?

    Perhaps Warsaw? I visit it a couple of times per year.
  4. michalm

    Entrepreneurs from Poland?

    I think that as a new user on the forum I'm unable to send DMs. Can you send me one first?
  5. michalm

    Entrepreneurs from Poland?

    Hey, I'm a technical founder from Krakow. I have three SaaS products making me $10,000 MRR passive (celebrating this round number this month). The growth is 7% per month, but I couldn't figure out a way to scale it faster, so now I'm launching a fourth product with hopefuly a better growth...
  6. michalm

    Hey Norbi, tez jestem z Krakowa. Czym sie zajmujesz?

    Hey Norbi, tez jestem z Krakowa. Czym sie zajmujesz?

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