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Nevah Lucky

Ello bright beautiful world of contributors, if you thought my name was Nevah Lucky, I'm sorry to say but that's just a cover. For now at least. I'll introduce myself fully when the time comes.

Like millions of others, I've just graduated high school. Unlike them, including many of my close friends, I've been trying to wrap my head around the concepts of growing wealth. My dad gave me Rich Dad Poor Dad, The 4hr Work Week, and First To A Million as the first steps to my financial journey. At first, I consumed these books like fantastical works that made far more sense than the typical 9-5 grind. I even started thinking of how I'd purchase my first rental property for that sweet sweet passive income.

This first sniff of financial intelligence salivated my taste for more but it also undermined my ability to perceive what understanding would help me and which would keep me on the slowlane for decades to come. As I learned in what was my most resonating financial book, the 4hr work week, what I seek is excitement. I want to enjoy the pleasures of life without risking a fracture to my hip replacement or losing my dentures. And poco a poco, I found my way through 4hr, ultimate sales machine, 7 habits, and million dollar weekend to the millionaire fastlane. And I've gotta say, its subverted the various other sources nourishing me to take the premier position of book I would recommend to someone who wants to learn to live their life, not be lived by it.

I understand that money is abundant and it comes in exponential values once you've put in the process. My current goal over the next year is to create the amount of value necessary to erase the financial burden that college has placed upon my loving parents. Although they would like me to focus on going to work for hourly cuts and drafting scholarship essays, I find those activities demoralizing to my current knowledge. By the end of this coming school year, my goal is to raise my value to 1000 benjamins minimum. By letting you all know, I'm making a promise to myself in light of all 90k+ witnesses and invite you all to hold me accountable for this goal. As I'm writing this, I'm still reading through the millionaire fastlane, but soon after I'll start working on the setup to this goal. Thank you for reading about me and I'd love to hear from you.


Nevah Lucky
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Fastlane Student


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    The Millionaire Fastlane: Read It!

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