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Recent content by NMdad

  1. NMdad

    Need help finding B2B niche forums

    Ah, nice! That's what I was looking for.
  2. NMdad

    Need help finding B2B niche forums

    I need to do some problem validation for a B2B market--without doing a bunch of cold emails or cold calls. Ideally, I'd like to find & peruse forums where prospects are actively talking about their day-to-day problems. Reddit is OK for B2C, but not so much for B2B--it seems like most B2B forums...
  3. NMdad

    Building accountability to get sh*t done

    Hey, Fastlaners! I've been reviewing how I did on achieving this year's goals & goal-setting for next year, & want to create more accountability for myself. I've seen a few people post in the group about how they've done accountability groups, & there are some solid, simple ideas for doing it...
  4. NMdad

    What would you suggest for partnering with a client?

    I have a question about how to structure a partnership with someone who's a current client. Background: One of my current consulting clients (who's an attorney, & for whom I've done consulting work for 10+ years) has a business idea which is essentially building a database of leads, and...
  5. NMdad

    Ask Me Anything About SaaS ( I'm building my 7th )

    You might look at data visualization platforms like Microsoft PowerBI or Tableau.
  6. NMdad

    Hiring web developers with no coding skills

    To lower your risk, I'd try making the MVP using a no-code tool/platform. In other words, build it yourself with no-code so you can validate it. You might even be able to generate revenue with the no-code app, and use the revenue to fund the v2 app.
  7. NMdad

    Ask Me Anything About SaaS ( I'm building my 7th )

    Excellent question! I've been in the niche for a while as a consultant (dollars-for-hours), and a few clients came to me complaining about the problem (that my SAAS solves). It was sorta coincidental, because those clients all mentioned the same general problem within a couple months of each...
  8. NMdad

    Ask Me Anything About SaaS ( I'm building my 7th )

    I get what you're saying, but I wouldn't let that stop you from using no-code for the MVP & getting paying customers. I built my SAAS in Excel. It's B2B, and clients pay $800-900/month to use it. I could've built v1 as a cloud-based SAAS, but I would've had to hire developers to do it. But I...
  9. NMdad

    Ask Me Anything About SaaS ( I'm building my 7th )

    For charging the client for consulting vs. free onboarding, I agree with the free onboarding. I'm doing that now (the free onboarding) with my B2B SAAS, even though the onboarding and early support/handholding takes 10-15 hours. The main reason I do free onboarding is that it makes closing the...
  10. NMdad

    First Mini Exit and Retirement on $500k. Possible?

    If you're both similarly stuck, you might consider: Asking what someone else would do to grow a business like yours. For example, some Jay Abraham-style strategies--he's got a knack for identifying opportunities.
  11. NMdad

    Getting in touch with property management companies' decision makers

    A couple ideas: Find out what they want, and give it to them. You'll need to know more about them and their day-to-day to be able to identify what you could offer. And what you offer might not have anything to do with water damage restoration. Talk to homeowner associations. The larger ones...
  12. NMdad

    How do you find the market's/people's needs without talking to them? (let's say for example within the field of programming)

    You absolutely need to talk with people--online forums and chats will only give limited info. The gold is in the actual conversations, typically little nuggets that people drop--especially where there's strong emotion around something. Also, targeting a specific industry niche is preferable to...
  13. NMdad

    An Excel Course?

    VBA is indeed cool--I use it all the time for client projects and for building Excel-based products. As a non-programmer, it was helpful to take a course on VBA for Excel so I could get the basics. Then--like any new skill or domain--it's a matter of consistently working on new incremental...
  14. NMdad

    Newby is introducing his business idea: Indoor home gardening box and brand

    Agree. Look for analogous companies and products, then figure out how you'd create something different, and figure out how to validate whether people would pay for it.
  15. NMdad

    Is anyone a sql guru?

    I've worked with Microsoft SQL Server for ~20 years (good lord, has it been that long?...). What exactly do you need to do? SQL is fundamentally different from most other programming languages. And, there may be database-like tools that might let you do what you need--without needing to learn...

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